Dimitrij Schaad

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Sophia, der Tod und ich
After a restless night, Reiner's doorbell rings. In front of it stands Morten de Sarg, which is actually his death. To his amazement, he is unable to let Reiner die; instead, the doorbell rings again. Sophia has a date with her ex-boyfriend for his mother Lore's birthday. Together they set out on a journey that ultimately leads them to Reiner's seven-year-old son Johnny, whom he hasn't seen for ages - all under the strict supervision of God and Archangel Michaela.


Sep 27, 2023


Trois jeunes gens essaient de survivre dans la ville d’Anvers, occupée par les Allemands pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Wilfried Wils est agent de police auxiliaire à Anvers au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La ville est en proie à la violence et à la méfiance. Wilfried fait ce qu’il peut pour lui-même, évitant les chemins trop glissants. Il reçoit l’attention et le soutien d’un homme qui s’est rangé du côté de l’occupation allemande, Meanbeard, mais il bénéficie également de la confiance de son collègue Lode un antinazi. Wilfried lutte pour survivre alors que la persécution des Juifs se poursuit sans relâche.
Die Känguru-Verschwörung
The cabaret artist Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo are faced with a problem: Lisbeth, the mother of Maria has taken a wrong turn somewhere and is now denying the climate crisis on the Internet. How can she be brought to her senses? The two make a bet with each other: If they don't manage to bring Maria's mother to her senses, they will lose their apartment. So Marc-Uwe and the marsupial embark on a trip to the Conspiracy Convention in Bielefeld and shortly thereafter become part of a tangible conspiracy led by conspiracy guru Adam Krieger and his followers. As the two flatmates talk their heads off, it's no longer just about their apartment for Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo, it's more than that: it's a matter of life and death!
Skin Deep

Skin Deep

Feb 02, 2023
Leyla et Tristan accostent sur le ponton d’une île isolée et constatent d’emblée qu’ils ont atterri dans un endroit mystérieux. Le couple vient y passer quelques jours en comité restreint sur l’invitation d’une connaissance. Sans savoir vraiment ce qui les attend, Leyla et Tristan participent à des rites qui leur permettent de plonger dans le corps d’une autre personne. Commence alors un jeu des identités qui va tout changer: leurs perceptions, leur sexualité, leur véritable «moi».
Invention of Trust

Invention of Trust

Jan 29, 2016
Michael Gewa mène une vie ordinaire. Il vit seul, travaille la journée comme professeur, skype avec sa petite-amie Larissa, commande son dîner sur Internet et regarde des films pornos. Son quotidien paisible se retrouve bouleversé lorsqu’une mystérieuse entreprise, "b.good", lui envoie un e-mail afin de le faire chanter. Ses données informatiques privées ont été récoltées pour réaliser un profil de sa personne – estimations de ses capacités professionnelles, informations sur sa personnalité, ses proches, sa créativité… Ces informations seront publiées au grand jour à moins qu’il ne s’acquitte chaque mois d’une rançon. Lorsque Michael refuse, les conséquences sur sa vie réelle et ses relations sont immédiates.


Feb 25, 2017
50 years ago, 600,000 people worked in coal mines of Germany. The last active pit Prosper Haniel will close in 2018. Armin Kobzcik has been a produd miner all his life. But now he is forced to quit his beloved job as the last cole mine in Germany closes. Armin is not just losing his job, but his identity. A working-class hero only defining himself over his ability to work wants his life to be of value one last time.
The Love Europe Project
En ces temps troublés pour l’Europe, dix jeunes réalisatrices et réalisateurs européens ont réuni leurs talents pour déclarer leur amour au continent qui les a vus grandir à travers une série de courts métrages originaux. Des histoires de rencontres entre des personnages aussi divers que le continent lui-même, avec leur complexité, leurs contradictions et leurs paradoxes.


Aug 30, 2018
Small-time crook Atris is tired of working for Berlin crime lord El Keitar. Yet in order to build his own syndicate, he needs money. When his friend Frank offers him a lucrative deal, Atris thinks his chance has finally come, not knowing that he is about to set in motion a fateful chain of events.
JGA: Jasmin. Gina. Anna.
Two bachelorette parties meet under the Ibizan sun. This could simply be a fun getaway for the single girls - if the future groom wouldn't be Jasmin's ex-boyfriend and her own wedding not just a fake one.


Sep 27, 2021
The year is 2040. Large parts of the Netherlands have been flooded and millions of people have sought refuge in Limburg; the last refuge where everyone hopes for a new life as they knew it. But nothing is left to chance in this sanctuary. Doctor Frank (Bruno Vanden Broecke), the gene doctor, helps you find the ideal child with the best genes and brains. And Alecto (Angela Schijf), an all-controlling, self-learning artificial intelligence, is always helpful in all decisions. From lunch to love, it's best to leave your affairs to Alecto. This new world offers the perfect relationship with a partner exactly as we dream of him or her, and even the sex is better in virtual rooms. But how do you find your own way when everything is based on data, coincidence no longer exists and the role of humans seems to be becoming less and less important?
Skin Deep

Skin Deep

Feb 02, 2023
The year is 2040. Large parts of the Netherlands have been flooded and millions of people have sought refuge in Limburg; the last refuge where everyone hopes for a new life as they knew it. But nothing is left to chance in this sanctuary. Doctor Frank (Bruno Vanden Broecke), the gene doctor, helps you find the ideal child with the best genes and brains. And Alecto (Angela Schijf), an all-controlling, self-learning artificial intelligence, is always helpful in all decisions. From lunch to love, it's best to leave your affairs to Alecto. This new world offers the perfect relationship with a partner exactly as we dream of him or her, and even the sex is better in virtual rooms. But how do you find your own way when everything is based on data, coincidence no longer exists and the role of humans seems to be becoming less and less important?
Skin Deep

Skin Deep

Feb 02, 2023
The year is 2040. Large parts of the Netherlands have been flooded and millions of people have sought refuge in Limburg; the last refuge where everyone hopes for a new life as they knew it. But nothing is left to chance in this sanctuary. Doctor Frank (Bruno Vanden Broecke), the gene doctor, helps you find the ideal child with the best genes and brains. And Alecto (Angela Schijf), an all-controlling, self-learning artificial intelligence, is always helpful in all decisions. From lunch to love, it's best to leave your affairs to Alecto. This new world offers the perfect relationship with a partner exactly as we dream of him or her, and even the sex is better in virtual rooms. But how do you find your own way when everything is based on data, coincidence no longer exists and the role of humans seems to be becoming less and less important?


Feb 25, 2017
50 years ago, 600,000 people worked in coal mines of Germany. The last active pit Prosper Haniel will close in 2018. Armin Kobzcik has been a produd miner all his life. But now he is forced to quit his beloved job as the last cole mine in Germany closes. Armin is not just losing his job, but his identity. A working-class hero only defining himself over his ability to work wants his life to be of value one last time.
The Love Europe Project
50 years ago, 600,000 people worked in coal mines of Germany. The last active pit Prosper Haniel will close in 2018. Armin Kobzcik has been a produd miner all his life. But now he is forced to quit his beloved job as the last cole mine in Germany closes. Armin is not just losing his job, but his identity. A working-class hero only defining himself over his ability to work wants his life to be of value one last time.
Das Boot

Das Boot

Oct 07, 2023
En 1942 dans la France occupée, le sous-marin U-612 arrive dans le port atlantique français de La Rochelle après un voyage difficile. Pendant ce temps, au port de La Rochelle, le monde de Simone Strasser devient incontrôlable alors qu’elle est plongée dans une liaison dangereuse et un amour interdit.
War & Politics
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.
Killing Eve

Killing Eve

Apr 10, 2022
Cantonnée à un travail de bureau bien peu passionnant, l'agent du MI5 Eve Polastri est frustrée par une existence bien monotone. Jusqu'au jour où elle se retrouve à traquer une tueuse psychopathe surnommée Villanelle...
Polizeiruf 110

Polizeiruf 110

Dec 29, 2024
Alexander Bukow est un flic qui n'hésite pas à travailler au bord de la loi pour obtenir des résultats. Sa partenaire, Katrin Koenig, est une maniaque du contrôle dont la vie est le métier. Ensemble, ils forment une excellente équipe de lutte contre le crime - quand ils ne se battent pas entre eux.


Jul 25, 2024
1987, l'espionne est-allemande Kleo tue un homme d'affaires à Berlin-Ouest alors qu'elle était en mission avec un commando secret de la Stasi. Peu de temps après, elle est arrêtée par l'organisation sous des prétextes fallacieux, et dénoncée et vilipendée par tous ceux qu'elle connaît - même son propre grand-père. Lorsque le mur de Berlin tombe, après deux ans de prison, Kleo est soudainement libre et avide de vengeance...
Action & Adventure


May 22, 2024
Pauline tombe enceinte après une aventure d'un soir avec Lukas. Cette grossesse déclenche des évènements très étranges. Lorsque Luc révèle qu'il est le fils du diable incarné et l'héritier de l'enfer, rien n'est plus comme avant. Entre le combat entre les démons et les anges, la grossesse de Pauline lui confère également des capacités surnaturelles. Elle devient la force décisive dans la bataille épique entre le bien et le mal.
Kacken an der Havel

Kacken an der Havel

Jan 01, 1970
Ever since he can remember, Toni has wanted nothing more than to leave his hometown of Kacken and become a famous rapper. But even after 18 years in Berlin, his career still hasn't taken off and Toni makes a living as a pizza baker. Until his life is turned upside down when his mother dies while rescuing a duck and Toni has to return to Kacken. Unexpectedly, he's offered the career opportunity of a lifetime - yet at the same time, he must deal with his younger stepfather Johnny Carrera, the talking baby duck Tupac, and the other quirky villagers. And as if that weren't enough, his 13-year-old son Charly, whom he never knew about, suddenly shows up in his life...
Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben
Joko and Klaas are teaming up against ProSieben. In this game show, the duo must duel against various team-ProSieben celebrities to gain an advantage in the final round. If Joko & Klaas emerge victorious, they can do whatever they want the following day for 15 minutes at 8:15pm, during prime time. If they lose the finale, their channel can decide on an adequate punishment - funny, embarrassing, or annoying.
Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben
Ever since he can remember, Toni has wanted nothing more than to leave his hometown of Kacken and become a famous rapper. But even after 18 years in Berlin, his career still hasn't taken off and Toni makes a living as a pizza baker. Until his life is turned upside down when his mother dies while rescuing a duck and Toni has to return to Kacken. Unexpectedly, he's offered the career opportunity of a lifetime - yet at the same time, he must deal with his younger stepfather Johnny Carrera, the talking baby duck Tupac, and the other quirky villagers. And as if that weren't enough, his 13-year-old son Charly, whom he never knew about, suddenly shows up in his life...