Francine Lembi

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Chu Chu and the Philly Flash
Flash used to be a talented baseball player, but he took to drinking and now he sells stolen watches in the streets. One day he meets Chu Chu, who, before falling into alcoholism like him, was a successful entertainer. Now she still dances, but in the streets, for no more than a cent or two. Luck seems to smile at them the day stolen government documents literally fall from the sky. They decide to return them to their legal owners, but instead of the expected reward money, all they get is a load of trouble.
Love on the Run

Love on the Run

Oct 21, 1985
A criminal lawyer goes on the run with her new lover — a convict she had as a client and whom she helped escape from prison.
Shattered Spirits

Shattered Spirits

Jan 06, 1986
When his drinking problem takes control of his life, a father tries to leave the bottle behind while putting his and his family's lives back together.
TV Movie
Her Life as a Man

Her Life as a Man

Mar 12, 1984
To land a sportswriting job on a national magazine run by a chauvinistic editor, an aspiring female reporter convincingly disguises herself as a man to get the inside story.


Apr 04, 1986
Les exploits d'un chevalier solitaire dans un monde dangereux. Le chevalier et sa monture. Un héros des temps modernes, dernier recours des innocents, des sans espoir, victimes d'un monde cruel et impitoyable. Michael Knight sillonne les routes américaines au volant de Kitt, sa voiture intelligente et indestructible, pour combattre les injustices et venir en aide aux innocents.
Action & Adventure