Rebecca Broussard

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Spanish Fly

Spanish Fly

Sep 10, 1998
A woman journalist, Zoe, knows better than to go into a story with her mind already made up. But that's exactly what she does when she heads off to Spain to write about its men and their macho take (as she sees it) on relationships. As she tries to prove her thesis, she soon realizes that she doesn't know as much about the male sex as she thought. She also finds herself involved in relationships with the wrong men.
French Exit

French Exit

Sep 26, 1995
Davis meets Zina in a car wreck. Their immediate attraction for one another is put into jeopardy when they learn each is competing for the same writing job.
Mars Attacks!

Mars Attacks!

Dec 13, 1996
Ils arrivent ! D’immondes Martiens, aux yeux globuleux et au crâne énorme, débarquent subitement sur la planète Terre. On ne connaît absolument rien de leurs intentions, mais le président des États‐Unis et ses conseillers se réjouissent unanimement de cette apparition incongrue. Tout comme Art Land, un ambitieux promoteur de Las Vegas, qui voit là la possibilité d’un fructueux coup de publicité, et sa femme, une ancienne alcoolique, fervente adepte du New Age, qui prépare dans la plus pure tradition ésotérique l’union cosmique entre les peuples de toutes les galaxies. Tout un programme ! Mais les affreux jojos venus d’ailleurs sont‐ils aussi cordiaux et désintéressés que tout ce petit monde veut bien le prétendre ?


Jul 07, 2000
Story of a video camera that goes on an adventure around the world. It's stolen, pawned, bought and generally goes in and out of bedrooms, shoots commercials, follows the life of an average ordinary video camera that goes around the planet until it winds up in the hands of filmmaker Richard Martini. This film has been designated at Dogma #15 by the Danish film group Dogme95.
Cannes Man

Cannes Man

Jun 03, 1997
Film producer Sy Lerner makes a bet with a fellow film executive that he can turn any nobody into a star at the Cannes Film Festival. A New York cab driver who is visiting the festival is chosen as the test subject to settle the bet and Sy uses his skills of hype and manipulation to try and turn the cab driver named Frank into the talk of the town. Many celebrities make cameos throughout the film.
Piège de cristal

Piège de cristal

Jul 15, 1988
John McClane, un policier de New York, tente de sauver sa femme Holly Gennaro et un groupe d'autres personnes prises en otage par le terroriste allemand Hans Gruber lors d'une fête de Noël au Nakatomi Plaza de Los Angeles.
The Two Jakes

The Two Jakes

Aug 10, 1990
A Los Angeles, en 1948, le promoteur immobilier Jake Berman s'attache les services du détective privé Jake Gittes pour déterminer la fidélité de sa femme Kitty.


Nov 25, 1998
Jerry Springer stars as more or less himself, the host of a raunchy, controversial and popular Los Angeles talk show which features everyday people with problems and who frequently vent their problems on the air.
Man Trouble

Man Trouble

Jul 17, 1992
Effrayée par le saccage de son appartement, une chanteuse lyrique décide d'adopter un chien de garde. Elle fait appel à un dresseur professionnel qui n'est pas insensible au charme et à la fortune de sa cliente.