Анатолий Подшивалов

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Республика ШКИД
The film is based on the eponymous book, written by two former street gangsters - Grigori Belykh and Leonid Panteleyev. Film is set in the 1920s St. Petersburg, Russia. Streets of the city are full of the homeless boys. They are caught to be raised and educated at the correction school named after Dostoevsky. The boys are street smart and difficult. But the faculty stands up to the challenge. The teaches are being devoted and caring, and gradually win the respect of the most difficult kids. The school director Vicknixor is a refined intellectual, who becomes a role model for the boys.


Jan 01, 1969
The teleplay was based on V. Mayakovsky’s poems “You!”, “Listen!”, “Conversation with Comrade Lenin” and other works of the poet.
Приключения принца Флоризеля
A mostly comical tale of all-powerful and wealthy Bavarian prince adventures that started when prince was seeking to deal with the boredom. Joining the Club of Suicide society, he uncovered the mastermind criminal behind it, and vowed to get rid of him by any means necessary, following deaths of several servants when dreaded president of club makes dashing escape. During that point, story changes into nearly second movie, as prince has to uncover yet another crime.
Ivan Vassilievitch change de profession
L'ingénieur Timofeïev tente de construire une machine à voyager dans le temps. Soudain sa machine se met en marche et met en relation l'appartement de l'ingénieur avec le palais d'Ivan le Terrible, lequel découvre ainsi la vie moderne. Dans le même temps, le retraité Bounch et le voleur Georges, qui se trouvaient chez l'ingénieur, ont fait le voyage inverse...
Бриллианты для диктатуры пролетариата
In 1921, the Cheka became aware that gold and jewelry were stolen from the treasury of Gokhran, and that a special organization was involved in transporting the stolen to Estonia. Scout Maksim Isayev is sent to this country. He establishes that the cipher of the Soviet embassy Olenetskaya works for the German resident Nolmar, with whom employees of Gokhran Kozlovskaya and an appraiser Yakov Shelekhes are associated. As a result of the provocation, Isayev was arrested. In the prison cell, he finds himself together with the famous Russian writer Nikandrov, who could not find himself in post-revolutionary Russia and went abroad. Released soon by the efforts of his comrades, Isayev continues the struggle for the fate of Nikandrov — for his return to his homeland.
Sherlock Holmes et le Dr Watson- la chasse au tigre
Le docteur Watson fidèle à la promesse faite à son ami Holmes de veiller sur le jeune avocat Ronald Adair va roder autour du domicile de ce dernier, mais n'arrivera pas à empêcher le meurtre. Pire, il est suspecté par la police. Le retour de Holmes va toutefois le sortir de cette situation délicate et dans la foulée résoudre toute l'affaire.


Feb 10, 1976
In the Siberian taiga village of Wolf's Burrows, the Strogov family lives — Matvey with his wife Anna and his parents. Through the fate of this peasant family, a picture of the life of the Siberian region during major historical events — the Russo-Japanese War, the 1905 Revolution, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War is outlined.
Воспоминания о Шерлоке Холмсе
Detective television series based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Five films about Sherlock Holmes, shot by Igor Maslennikov earlier, were remounted in 2000, a connecting story about Conan Doyle's literary secretary, Mr. Wood, who is preparing an anniversary collection of stories about Holmes for the beginning of the coming XX century. Sir Arthur receives huge mail every day, addressed not to him, but to Sherlock Holmes. And then one day a letter arrives with a plea for help, and Doyle begins an investigation...
Les Aventures de Sherlock Holmes et du docteur Watson
Cette série soviétique est particulièrement fidèle aux intrigues d'origine écrites de Conan Doyle, tout en mélangeant parfois deux intrigues dans un même épisode en créant de nouveaux raccords « extra-canoniques » entre deux affaires. Livanov joue un Sherlock Holmes assez décontracté et capable d'un humour discret, correspondant aux écrits de Conan Doyle.
Action & Adventure
Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона
The second part of the series of television films based on the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes. The film consists of three episodes (The King of Blackmail, Mortal Fight and Tiger Hunt), filmed based on the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton", "The Final Problem" and "The Adventure of the Empty House", as well as small episodes from the stories "The Interpreter's Case", "Silver" and "The Retired Drunkard".
Action & Adventure