Burt Rutteman

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Oct 23, 2024
Enabled by a mysterious futuristic machine, Max, a young woman, dives inside the mind of her dying girlfriend, trying to find the essential memory that could save her life, all the while being hunted by a man they presumed to be dead.
Science Fiction


Jan 24, 2015
Young female police officer Nurgül Özdemir lives her life in a rural environment. When she gets asked for an undercover mission in Amsterdam, she grabs the opportunity to get out of the problems this place is giving her. She leaves her homesick father and dependent mother behind in an attempt to find out what she really wants with her life. In Amsterdam Nurgül gets to play a key role in the exposure of a drugdealer and learns what it is to be an undercover agent. During the mission, she finds out the secrets about her long lost brother and discovers the real reason why she was sent to Amsterdam
Kill Mode

Kill Mode

Mar 17, 2020
Nous sommes en 2027, huit ans après la première épidémie de la maladie, un virus hautement contagieux, adaptatif et mortel. Le monde est désormais dirigé par une société pharmaceutique appelée The Company, qui distribue un traitement contre le virus mais en fait payer le prix fort, mettant la majorité des gens dans un état de pauvreté et de dépendance.
Science Fiction
The Takeover

The Takeover

Nov 01, 2022
Ayant découvert un virus dangereux pour la vie privée des gens, une hackeuse éthique se retrouve au cœur d'une terrible histoire de corruption. Quand elle apparaît en train de commettre un meurtre dans une vidéo truquée, elle doit échapper à la police et dépister les criminels qui la font chanter.
The Palace

The Palace

Sep 28, 2010
Coaxed by a much more mature, not very sympathetic friend, Machteld discovers on her first night out to discotheque The Palace that this is no place for a fourteen-year-old girl. She wanders around a little lost, and the high-priced piña coladas do not go down well. Fortunately, she is picked up by her dad, with whom she can just be who she is: a young girl with sore feet from the borrowed shoes.
Hallo Bungalow

Hallo Bungalow

Dec 03, 2015
A comedy about three woman working at a boring holiday resort and their criminal employer.


Jan 01, 1970
Flikken Maastricht

Flikken Maastricht

Mar 07, 2025
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.
Mocro Maffia

Mocro Maffia

Nov 08, 2024
Romano, Petit Stylo et Le Pape, autrefois amis, sont désormais rivaux pour le contrôle du trafic de cocaïne à Amsterdam. Mais l'affrontement fait des victimes de chaque côté et une guerre s ́instaure entre les deux factions. Rein de Waard, écrivain et ancien journaliste criminel, et Matthjis, journaliste stagiaire au sein du journal local, s'associent pour enquêter sur ce que la presse appellera « la guerre de la Mocro Maffia »...