Юрий Уткин

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House Arrest

House Arrest

Sep 23, 2021
David, a university professor, takes to social media to criticize his city’s administration. But instead of the mayor’s dodgy dealings being investigated, David is himself accused of embezzlement and placed under house arrest. Despite the overbearing surveillance, double-crossing acquaintances, and growing media interest, David remains defiant and will not apologise. With the court case drawing ever nearer, does David have any hope of winning this battle against Goliath?


Feb 27, 2018
URSS, 1971. Six jours dans la vie de l’auteur Sergei Dovlatov, qui se bat pour écrire avec intégrité malgré l’écrasante censure imposée par le régime soviétique.
Топор. 1943

Топор. 1943

May 09, 2021
1943. On the eve of the Red Army offensive, Captain Belov's group, which includes Ivan Rodin, accidentally discovers a disguised tank division near the village of Anino. The scouts understand that only they know about the ambush arranged by the Germans. The wounded Belov orders Ivan to reach the Soviet command and warn them of the danger. He reports to the headquarters about the tanks he saw and even reproduces the tactical number of the division, but the front command does not believe him. Suspecting Ivan of misinformation and working for the Germans, the military sends him under arrest. Colonel Alyoshin tries to save his friend: thanks to his perseverance, the command sends another group to Anino — Ivan becomes the guide, and Odintsovo leads the detachment.


Oct 09, 2013
Stalingrad est devenue un enfer et un paradis pour ceux qui méritaient une récompense, mais la seule qu'ils aient réussi à obtenir était l'amour. Comment ont-ils gagné, comment ont-ils vaincu, qui ils étaient et qui était de l'autre côté de la rue, quels secrets ont-ils emporté avec eux... Le film raconte cette histoire...


Mar 07, 2024
Evgeniy Onegin lives in grand style: balls, receptions, theater premieres and other frivolities the capital can offer a young man. But social life has long tired him, so he perceives the news of the illness of his uncle living in the village as an opportunity to escape. However, having reached the estate, Onegin learns about the death of a relative, which, however, does not upset Evgeniy too much. His financial affairs are very sad, and his uncle is rich and has no other heirs. Onegin locks himself in the estate, living in aimless solitude until the owner, who has returned from abroad, appears at the neighboring estate – a young, enthusiastic Vladimir Lenskiy, not yet satiated with life, who introduces Evgeniy to sisters Tatyana and Olga Larin.


Aug 09, 2017
In the not-so-distant future the computer game industry reaches its fullest flower. Virtual reality is indistinguishable from real life. The government launches Department C to control the game space. Censors secretly delve into games. Their mission is to take sex and violence beyond the forbidden level. A game that would let them do that must be banned. One of the Censors is a good guy who hates his bloody job. The other one is a creep. But even the Censors lose their ability to tell the game from the real world.
Rudolf Noureev : Le Saut vers la liberté
En mai 1961, à Leningrad, le corps de ballet du Kirov répète en vue d'une tournée européenne. Rudolf Noureev, sur la sellette, décroche de justesse son billet pour Paris. Sur place, le danseur de 23 ans déjoue la surveillance du KGB et multiplie les fugues nocturnes en compagnie du chorégraphe Pierre Lacotte et de Clara Saint. Alertées par les rapports de Vitali Strichevsky, les autorités exigent son rapatriement. Mais l'étoile Noureev brille si puissamment que le Kremlin fait provisoirement machine arrière. Quelques jours plus tard, à l'aéroport du Bourget, alors que ses camarades s'envolent pour Londres, Noureev se voit signifier son renvoi à Moscou...


Jan 28, 2021
Fall of 1941. Freshly graduated from school, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya volunteers for a partisan unit. During an assignment, her comrades are ambushed, and she is captured by the Nazis. She endures hours of grueling interrogations and horrendous torture, but defiantly refuses to divulge any information that would compromise other units’ partisan missions. She doesn’t even tell her captors her real name. Zoya’s sacrifice was not in vain; it ignited fire in the hearts of millions of people and became the symbol of selfless heroism during WWII. She is one of the most celebrated heroes of that time.
Red Ghost

Red Ghost

Aug 30, 2021
Décembre 1940 : un petit groupe de soldats soviétiques s’échappe de la ville assiégée de Vyazma. Alors qu’ils tentent de rejoindre leurs compagnons, ils se retrouvent piégés face à une unité spéciale de la Wehrmacht. Alors que le combat semble perdu d’avance, ils vont trouver une aide inespérée auprès d’un mythe: le Red Ghost. Un fantôme que personne n’a jamais vu et qui sème la mort parmi les Nazis.
Бендер: Начало
Russian Empire, 1919. By a twist of fate, young idealist Osip Zadunaisky meets an infamous con artist and self-proclaimed Turkish subject Ibrahim Bender. A man of pure thought and aristocratic upbringing, Osip would never have associated with a cunning and unscrupulous swindler, but Bender comes up with an offer Osip cannot refuse. A precious royal relic, a diamond-encrusted golden scepter is hidden somewhere in town; Bender needs a partner on his mission to find it, and offers Osip a share of the profit from selling the treasure. And so begins their joint venture, wrought with comical and dangerous twists and turns, where they have to outsmart and outmaneuver officers of the White Guard as well as the local mafia, who also have their eyes on the scepter. As their quest unfolds, Osip is compelled to learn Bender’s tricks of the trade: charming flattery, delicate deception, soft intimidation... as well as brute force.
Пророк. История Александра Пушкина
Alexander Pushkin is young, brash and adored by high society. He is the star at every ball he attends, his fans revere his poetic talent, and young women dream of winning his attention. However, not even his aristocratic patrons and loyal friends, nor his growing fame can keep him from dueling, getting exiled, and becoming destitute. Only when he meets his true love does he find meaning in life, and his genius develops to make him the legend the world knows today.


Oct 31, 2013
1938, Soviet Russia. There were two of them, both strong and courageous. But one fateful day, Igor Petrov, the commander of a Red Army unit, is compelled to exchange ID papers with a satecracker known as Ash. The incident leads both men to start their lives completely anew. For the following ten years, Petrov and Ash will live their lives in the fear of discovery. They will commit acts of bravery and insidious crimes in the name of the other so that the thiet becomes a hero, while the commander turns into a violent outlaw. The only thing they have in common is a tragic, painful love for the same woman. For ten years they will each encounter death and destruction before fate brings them together once more. There will be two of them again - strong and courageous, ready to fight for their love.. with the knowledge that retribution awaits them.
War & Politics


Feb 22, 2024
Années 40 alternatives. Pour sauver son frère, une jeune fille fragile projette un camion et un tramway avec l'aide d'une force surnaturelle qu'elle ne peut contrôler. Ils s'appellent eux-mêmes les "Autres" parce qu'ils sont nés avec un don spécial. C'est à chacun de décider de l'usage qu'il veut faire de ce pouvoir. Mais la collision de deux mondes n'est qu'une question de temps. Le mystérieux étranger Neumann se lance à la recherche d'une jeune fille inhabituelle de Leningrad, marquant le début de la plus grande guerre de l'histoire de l'humanité.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Feb 16, 2024
1989-1990. General Secretary of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachyov begins global transformations in the USSR. He passionately wants to become a star in world politics and for this he is ready to go as far as he can to meet the West. But the perestroika planned by Gorbachyov leads to fatal, irreversible consequences. Intelligence officer Alexander Nechaev finds himself at the center of an operation organized by the intelligence services of several countries. During the months spent in Berlin at the moment of the breakdown of the entire post-war world order, Nechaev changed a lot. He no longer knows who is a friend and who is a traitor, but continues to defend the honor and interests of his Motherland...
Les Chroniques de Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes suit la piste de Jack l'Éventreur, qui a tailladé plusieurs femmes à Londres et laissé un message spécial pour le détective sur chacun des lieux des meurtres, ce qui conduit Sherlock dans l'Empire russe. La réputation de Holmes en tant qu'enquêteur talentueux n'a pas encore atteint Saint-Pétersbourg, de sorte que personne ne prend au sérieux le détective londonien ou ses déductions. Holmes loue une chambre chez le docteur Kartsev, qui finit par devenir son assistant. Ensemble, ils résolvent des crimes, même lorsque la police locale agit contre eux.


Mar 05, 2025
Mysterious murders of girls from dysfunctional families take place in a small town. Investigator Demidov, who is investigating this case, vows to find the maniac, since he himself has two daughters. However, after some time, he discovers that the maniac is much closer to his family than it could have been assumed.