Edouard Trebaol

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Dec 13, 1919
The circus comes to town, and the town's orphans are treated to a day at the circus. The circus troupe's 'Jinx' girl causes so many problems for the performers and performances that, to escape punishment, she has to run away. She mingles with the orphans and runs away to join an orphanage.
Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist

Oct 30, 1922
La mère d'Oliver, un paria sans le sou, est morte en lui donnant naissance. Oliver est élevé dans une maison de travail, puis apprenti chez un entrepreneur de pompes funèbres indifférent, et est finalement pris en charge par une bande de voleurs qui se lient d'amitié avec lui. Pendant tout ce temps, les secrets de l'histoire de la famille d'Oliver attendent d'être révélés.


Aug 15, 1920
À la suite d'un accident de la circulation, un enfant est amputé des deux jambes par le docteur Ferris; le jeune garçon apprend, quelques heures plus tard, que l'opération n'était pas indispensable à sa survie : il demeurera à jamais infirme à cause de la maladresse d'un jeune chirurgien inexpérimenté... Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, devenu "Blizzard", il domine et régente la pègre de la "Barbary Coast" de San Francisco et prépare dans l'ombre la révolte des démunis pour s'emparer de la ville.
Edgar, the Detective

Edgar, the Detective

Apr 01, 1921
Edgar buys a badge and a book of instructions and starts to learn the detective business. When he and his chum accompany his uncle's hired hand and his girl to town on a load of hay, and learn that a stop at the minister's means a marriage and not a murder, the two boys are sadly disappointed.
Edgar's Country Cousin
Edgar from the city goes to visit his country cousin and at once begins to impress him and his gang with the superiority of life and ways in the city. His brave effort to go barefoot "like we do in the city" causes him much pain, and everything he attempts to demonstrate the city's superiority has disastrous results. However, a black eye, a face full of bee-stings, and the general bawling-out of the gang fails to conquer him, and he declares that he is having a bully time. This silent comedy short is presumably lost.
Get Rich Quick Edgar

Get Rich Quick Edgar

Nov 01, 1920
Edgar and his chum try to amass a fortune in one day by cornering the fan market on a hot afternoon when the circus comes to the small town where they are spending their vacation. Episode 8 of the series of 2-reel comedies "The Adventures and Emotions of Edgar Pomeroy".