Dick Dinman

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They Only Come Out at Night
Jack Warden plays real-life Los Angeles detective John St. John in this pilot for the Jigsaw John television series. He and his Native American partner track a pervert serial killer of elderly women.
The Rape of Richard Beck
The tables turn for cynical police officer Richard Beck when he's viciously attacked by two homicidal crooks. Having never been empathetic toward the victims he's dealt with on a daily basis, Beck must now confront the tough system he was a part of. As he struggles to regain his status at work, he also must make sure those responsible for his attack are prosecuted.
I Married a Centerfold
Tenacious young engineer flips over the centerfold model he spots on television and embarks on a romantic adventure on a bet with his buddies.
Portrait of an Escort

Portrait of an Escort

Oct 08, 1980
Jordan West is a divorcée who moonlights at a professional dating service to make ends meet. But her secret job causes gossip among her neighbors and trouble at the real estate office where she works in the daytime, while her teenage daughter is the only one who remains oblivious to her mother's night job. When Jordan tries to quit her escort profession, she finds herself harassed by her boss/madam, Mrs. Kennedy, and then stalked by an unknown former client.
Anatomy of a Seduction
The story of a divorced woman who begins an affair with the college-age son of her best friend, and the effects it has on her relationship with her own son, who is not much younger than her lover.
Final Jeopardy

Final Jeopardy

Dec 08, 1985
A small-town couple find themselves stranded in an unfamiliar, and unfriendly, big city. Weaving in and out of the proceedings are a bunch of murderous criminals with names like DOA, Ice and Slash. The couple are in for a night that they won't forget.
Prince of Bel Air

Prince of Bel Air

Jan 20, 1986
A free-spirited, womanizing L.A. pool cleaner finds his lifestyle challenged by a new love interest.


Mar 18, 1978
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes du lieutenant Theo Kojak, élégant policier d'origine grecque au crâne rasé et grand amateur de cigares et de sucettes, dans le treizième district de New York.


Jan 30, 2003
Le lieutenant Columbo est le policier le plus célèbre de la police criminelle de Los Angeles. Dans Columbo, les assassins sont des citoyens aisés, voire fortunés. Ils ne sont pas à un assassinat près et n'ont que faire d'un petit fonctionnaire de la police locale qu'ils perçoivent sans grande estime. Un policier qui n' a rien en commun avec ces confrères, il est vêtu d'habits modestes et fatigués, d'un imperméable froissé, roulant dans une veille Peugeot 403 délabrée. Il ne porte pas d'arme, s'exprime toujours avec une grande courtoisie et prête un grand intérêt aux observations et analyses des moindres détails. Ces assassins se croient à l'abri, dégainant un alibi préparé et assurés d'avoir commis le crime parfait retournent à leur vie quotidienne. Mais Columbo n'a pas son pareil pour harceler d'une dernière question, les pousser à bout pour qu'ils commenttent une erreur. Un véritable jeu du chat et de la souris s'engage entre Columbo et les suspects.


Mar 18, 1978
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes du lieutenant Theo Kojak, élégant policier d'origine grecque au crâne rasé et grand amateur de cigares et de sucettes, dans le treizième district de New York.