Lucie Euler

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Mar 02, 1931
L'actrice Mary Baring est retrouvée prostrée à côté du cadavre d'Ellen Moore, actrice se produisant dans la même troupe. Elle est arrêtée et inculpée du meurtre. John Menier, acteur dramatique de renom, participe en tant que juré à la condamnation pour meurtre de la jeune actrice dont il finit cependant par douter de la culpabilité. Pris de remords et avec l’aide de deux comédiens au chômage, il entreprend alors de conduire sa propre enquête. Il s'agit de la version allemande du film "Meurtre !" de 1930, mais le film est complètement différent, et tourné en allemand.
Lügen auf Rügen

Lügen auf Rügen

Jan 08, 1932
A country girl, mistaken for the niece of an American millionaire, wins the prize in a toothpaste contest, a trip to the Baltic seashore.
Nacht der Verwandlung

Nacht der Verwandlung

May 30, 1935
Nacht der Verwandlung (A Night of Change) stars Gustav Froelich as a globe-circling aviator, a character clearly based on America's Wiley Post. While basking in his celebrity at a nighttime carnival, Froelich romances Rose Stradner, the unhappy wife of brutish Heinrich George. When George refuses to give Stradner her freedom, she takes it anyway, but her fling with Froelich is doomed to disappointment. Our hero learns the hard way that one can be in a teeming crowd, yet still be all alone. Leading lady Stradner later resettled in Hollywood, where she appeared in such films as The Last Gangster and Keys to the Kingdom.


Aug 31, 1930
Due to an intrigue spun by his grandmother and two cousins, the engagement between the officer Hans and his fiancée Traute breaks up. His fiancée is said to have been unfaithful during his 4-week absence on official business. The fabricated rumors allege an affair between Traute and Oberleutnant Grobitzsch.
Dolly macht Karriere

Dolly macht Karriere

Sep 29, 1930
Musical vehicle for up and coming Dolly Haas, as a would be actress with a would be composer boyfriend. She sings,at one point, that she has the walk of (Lilian) Harvey, the mouth of Garbo and the legs of Dietrich.