Franco Ravera

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Il terzo tempo

Il terzo tempo

Nov 21, 2013
Samuel has spent the last few years in and out a juvenile detention center for the crimes theft, assault and drug dealing. Without a real family, he is placed in a rehabilitation program and under the supervision Vincenzo, a social worker undergoing a profound existential crisis: having lost wife in a car crash, Vincenzo is convinced work is pointless and he is frustrated by the performance the down and out rugby team that he coaches after work. When Vincenzo catches the boy in a scuffle, he becomes convinced that Samuel, despite never having played rugby, is the only hope for salvaging the team.
Ogni maledetto Natale

Ogni maledetto Natale

Nov 27, 2014
Massimo Marinelli Lops and Giulia Colardo meet by chance in Rome and fall in love. Giulia asks Massimo to spend Christmas Eve with her family.
Benvenuto Presidente!

Benvenuto Presidente!

Mar 21, 2013
En Italie, un homme simple et honnête se retrouve un jour propulsé président de la République à la suite d'une erreur.
Breve storia di lunghi tradimenti
In the 21th century getting hold of natural resources of emerging countries, is no matter of war--it is a matter of complex financial actions. And the power of governments behind the events has been replaced by the power of holding companies. Nowadays you don't conquer a country. You buy it. "Short story of long betrayals" is again set in the Republic of Queimada, where in the "Salar de Queimada" (a salt lake) lies 50% of lithium in the whole world. Not surprisingly, there is an international interest in its fate and a breathless fight to seize it.
Si può fare

Si può fare

Oct 31, 2008
The film follows Nello, the recently hired director of a newly developed work cooperative of former mental patients. After the closure of state psychiatric hospitals and asylums in Italy under the Basaglia Law many former patients were left with few resources and little hope of reintegrating into society. With the intention of actually improving the lives of his pupils, rather than just sedating them, Nello encourages them to expand their individual abilities and explore the wider world around them although, regardless of intention, there is sometimes a price to pushing boundaries too quickly.


Nov 09, 2012
Le conte commence avec le voyage en train de Jonathan Harker de l'Angleterre vers le reculé château du Comte Dracula situé dans les Carpates, à la frontière de la Transylvanie...
Frères d'Italie

Frères d'Italie

Nov 12, 2010
1828. Deux jeunes aristocrates, Domenico et Angelo, et un fils de métayer, Salvatore, sujets du royaume des Deux-Siciles et originaires du Cilento, au sud de Naples et de Salerne, jurent de consacrer leur vie à la réalisation d'un noble idéal : l'indépendance et l'unification de l'Italie. Leur combat auprès des Républicains clandestins de Giuseppe Mazzini sera un chemin difficile, très souvent semé de déboires et de trahisons. Un drame historique relatant quatre épisodes du Risorgimento entre 1828 et 1862.
Bienvenue dans le sud

Bienvenue dans le sud

Oct 01, 2010
Alberto, directeur d'une agence de la Poste dans une petite commune de la province de Brianza en Lombardie, est prêt à tout, sous la pression de sa femme Silvia, pour obtenir une mutation à Milan. Même à faire semblant d'être handicapé pour passer devant tout le monde. Mais le subterfuge ne fonctionne pas, et pour le punir on le mute dans un petit village de Campanie, dans la région de Naples, ce qui pour un habitant du nord de l'Italie est un vrai cauchemar.


Oct 14, 2005
Enrico, Carlo, Davide, Cinzia, Elisa. Three Saturdays in the life of a group of friends in a quiet town in Piedmont. One night in November, one in December close to Christmas, the third in February. A look at their lives and their daily problems, more or less important, which will lead someone to make even an extreme gesture.
La Fille du lac

La Fille du lac

Sep 14, 2007
Le corps d'une jeune femme assassinée est retrouvé sur la rive d'un lac d'une petite ville du Nord de l'Italie. Le commissaire Sanzio est chargé de mener l'enquête. Confronté à toute une série de personnages qui ont connu la victime, il va devoir démêler les fils qui reliaient affectivement les uns et les autres à cette belle fille, sportive, passionnée et pourtant porteuse d'un secret tragique.
Il partigiano Johnny

Il partigiano Johnny

Nov 17, 2000
After the 8th September 1943 north of Italy is occupied by Germans. Italian army collapsed and the soldiers are escaped to the mountains trying to set up a resistance. Many civilians did the same and Johnny, an English literature student, is among them. Johnny avoids to band together the red partisans (communists) and tries to be part of the azure bands (former regular soldiers). But in both cases he is deluded by the partisan bands and discovers that the partisan war is less poetic and genuine that he thought. At one point anyway the partisans free Alba from Germans. When the city falls again in German hands Johnny escape with Ettore and Pierre. But, one after another, German army and Italian fascists captures the partisans and Johnny will pass the winter alone and isolated. He then finds the way to participate to one of the last attack to occupants, in fact the war will be over two months later.
Bentornato Presidente

Bentornato Presidente

Mar 28, 2019
Peppino, a provincial librarian who became the accidental President of Italy, is now a father and has returned to a peaceful, happy life as a woodsman. That is, until his wife Janis decides to return to politics. Peppino is forced to abandon his home in the mountains and return to Rome to win back his love and help her defeat a speculative plot intended to damage Italy. Together, they must fight against social media attacks of the opposition and get the country back on its feet.
Il prigioniero

Il prigioniero

Sep 03, 2019
Paolo and Maria are two ordinary newlyweds who live just outside their town. One morning Paolo goes out to buy some fish and doesn't come home. Down in the main square, a woman has had a valuable necklace snatched by a teenager on a lark. When the thief gets away, Paolo, whose path has crossed that of the woman and the townspeople, is accused by the victim of pulling off the heist. He tries to run away but is picked up by a cop and taken to a basement, where the policeman orders him not to move and await his return.
Land of the Sons

Land of the Sons

Jul 01, 2021
Dans le futur, un mystérieux fléau a mis fin à la civilisation. L’humanité a presque disparu. Dans ce monde abandonné devenu hostile, un père et son fils luttent pour leur survie. Lorsque le premier finit par mourir, il laisse derrière lui le journal qu'il tient secrètement depuis des années. Mais incapable de lire, le jeune homme se lance en quête d'un adulte qui pourrait lui en révéler le contenu. Un voyage vers l’inconnu, au cours duquel il va apprendre que chaque rencontre peut être la dernière.
Science Fiction
Due amici

Due amici

Mar 20, 2002
Two Sicilian friends, Nunzio and Pino, share the same apartment in Turin. Nunzio works in a factory but is laid off because of his illness. Pino, on the other hand, is a mysterious man and he is always traveling because of his work. Nunzio would very much like to know what his friend is doing for a living but Pino will not tell him. Nunzio spends his free time the best he can in his friend's absences. He ends up falling in love with Maria, a commercial employee, whereas his health condition deteriorates...
Tellement beau

Tellement beau

Oct 22, 2020
Marta est peut-être orpheline et elle est peut-être affectée par une maladie mortelle, mais elle est la personne la plus positive que l’on puisse rencontrer. Elle veut qu’un garçon tombe amoureux d'elle. Pas n’importe quel garçon - le plus beau de tous. Un jour, elle a peut-être trouvé son match.
Lavorare con lentezza

Lavorare con lentezza

Oct 01, 2004
Bologna, 1976. The paths of two aimless young friends intertwine with those of Radio Alice, a pirate radio politically aligned with the leftist student movement.
Signorina Effe

Signorina Effe

Jan 18, 2008
A white and a blue collar worker fall in love during the 1980 strike at FIAT that marked the end for labor movement in Italy.


Oct 26, 2022
L’intrigue de « Boris » se déroule dans les coulisses d’une série italienne à petit budget intitulée « Gli occhi del cuore » (« Les Yeux du cœur »).
Un sacré détective

Un sacré détective

Jun 02, 2022
Don Matteo est un curé de campagne, à Gubbio, une petite ville en Italie. Son sacerdoce ne s'arrête pas à dire la messe ou confesser ses paroissiens, mais aussi à enquêter sur les différents crimes qui ont lieu dans sa paroisse.