Ray De-Haan

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The Crying Game

The Crying Game

Sep 02, 1992
Jody, soldat britannique enlevé par l'IRA, est surveillé pendant sa détention par Fergus. Malgré leur opposition, une solide amitié va s'installer entre les deux hommes. Jody est tué au cours d'une intervention de l’armée britannique tandis que Fergus parvient a s’échapper. Caché a Londres, il tente de commencer une autre vie. Mais il ne peut oublier Jody et la promesse qu'il lui a faite de retrouver sa compagne, Dil.
Psychoville Halloween Special
Psychoville returns with a spooktacular hour-long Halloween special. Four tales of terror unfold as location manager Phil Walker investigates the abandoned ruins of Ravenhill Psychiatric hospital. Does the ghost of evil governess Edwina Kenchington still walk the empty corridors? What other horrors lie within these crumbling walls?
Wanneer waan werkelijkheid wordt
Jöran has a bipolar disorder, which makes him vulnerable to depression, mania and psychosis. He can sympathize well at the moment, but that has been different in the past. Jöran delves into his dark past and talks to the people who experienced his illness up close. How do you deal with this disorder and the misunderstood behavior that comes with it? And how do you break the taboo that still exists on disease pressure?
Hotel Splendide

Hotel Splendide

Sep 21, 2000
Jöran has a bipolar disorder, which makes him vulnerable to depression, mania and psychosis. He can sympathize well at the moment, but that has been different in the past. Jöran delves into his dark past and talks to the people who experienced his illness up close. How do you deal with this disorder and the misunderstood behavior that comes with it? And how do you break the taboo that still exists on disease pressure?
Last Night in Soho

Last Night in Soho

Oct 21, 2021
Jöran has a bipolar disorder, which makes him vulnerable to depression, mania and psychosis. He can sympathize well at the moment, but that has been different in the past. Jöran delves into his dark past and talks to the people who experienced his illness up close. How do you deal with this disorder and the misunderstood behavior that comes with it? And how do you break the taboo that still exists on disease pressure?
La Plus Belle Victoire
Jöran has a bipolar disorder, which makes him vulnerable to depression, mania and psychosis. He can sympathize well at the moment, but that has been different in the past. Jöran delves into his dark past and talks to the people who experienced his illness up close. How do you deal with this disorder and the misunderstood behavior that comes with it? And how do you break the taboo that still exists on disease pressure?
Fat Slags

Fat Slags

Oct 15, 2004
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
The Broken

The Broken

Nov 15, 2008
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.


Apr 06, 2005
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Demain ne meurt jamais
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.


Mar 18, 2011
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Spy game, jeu d'espions
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Nanny McPhee & le Big Bang
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Nanny McPhee & le Big Bang
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Le Cinquième Élément
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Science Fiction
La Mort dans la peau

La Mort dans la peau

Jul 23, 2004
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Le Temps d'aimer

Le Temps d'aimer

Dec 18, 1996
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Les Fils de l'homme

Les Fils de l'homme

Sep 22, 2006
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Mission : Impossible

Mission : Impossible

May 22, 1996
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Meurs un autre jour

Meurs un autre jour

Nov 17, 2002
Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.
Gangsta Granny

Gangsta Granny

Dec 26, 2013
A young boy is bored spending time with his dull grandma until he discovers she's an international Jewel thief.
TV Movie
Si seulement...

Si seulement...

Jan 23, 2004
A young boy is bored spending time with his dull grandma until he discovers she's an international Jewel thief.
The Descent

The Descent

Jul 08, 2005
A young boy is bored spending time with his dull grandma until he discovers she's an international Jewel thief.
Meurtres en sommeil

Meurtres en sommeil

Apr 11, 2011
Peter Boyd est le chef d'une équipe de police multi-discipline de détective et scientifique, La brigade des affaires classées, qui enquête sur d'anciens meurtres non résolus en utilisant les méthodes modernes, pas encore disponibles au moment de l'enquête initiale.
Pie in the Sky

Pie in the Sky

Aug 17, 1997
Pie in the Sky is a British offbeat police comedy drama programme starring Richard Griffiths and Maggie Steed, created by Andrew Payne and first broadcast in five series on BBC1 between 13 March 1994 and 17 August 1997 as well as being syndicated on other channels in other countries, including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The series departs slightly from other police dramas in that the protagonist, Henry Crabbe, while still being an on-duty policeman, is also the head chef of the title restaurant set in the fictional town of Middleton and county of Westershire.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

May 04, 1997
Hamish Macbeth is a comedy-drama series made by BBC Scotland and first aired in 1995. It is loosely based on a series of mystery novels by M. C. Beaton. The series concerns a local police officer, Constable Hamish Macbeth in the fictitious town of Lochdubh on the west coast of Scotland. The titular character was played by Robert Carlyle. It ran for three series from 1995 to 1997, with the first two series having six episodes and the third having eight.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Aug 12, 2014
"Utopia" est une bande-dessinée légendaire sur laquelle plane le mystère. Mais quand Ian, Becky, Grant et Wilson, un petit groupe de personnes qui n'avaient jusqu'alors aucun lien, se retrouvent chacun en possession d'un exemplaire original du manuscrit, leurs vies basculent soudainement et brutalement. Immédiatement pris pour cible par une impitoyable organisation meurtrière connue sous le nom du Network, les membres du groupe, terrifiés, n'ont plus qu'une seule solution s'ils veulent survivre : courir !
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Dec 24, 2012
Dans la mythique cité de Camelot, certaines histoires se racontent comme on le fait aujourd'hui, au XXIème siècle. Entre enchantements et mystères, c'est là qu'un jeune homme nommé Merlin se lie d'amitié avec un certain Arthur...
Action & Adventure
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Nov 16, 2017
Red Dwarf est un vaisseau terrien minier de 8kms de long, qui circule en orbite autour de Saturne. A bord, officiers et miniers cohabitent tant bien que mal. Dave Lister vit à bord et possède un chat bien que cela soit strictement interdit. Découvert, il est enfermé dans un caisson cryogénique pour faute... A son réveil, le vaisseau est totalement vide. L'ordinateur de bord, prénommé Holly, lui explique que tout le monde est mort il y a trois millions d'années à cause d'une fuite radioactive. Pour lui tenir compagnie, Holly ressuscite Arnold Rimmer sous la forme d'un hologramme. Ce dernier, ex-compagnon de chambre de Dave n'est autre que son supérieur direct mais aussi son pire ennemi. Par la suite, Dave découvre Cat, un humanoïde qui est également le descendant direct de son chat. Sa race a évolué en fondant au passage une religion dont les dogmes sont issus de ce que Dave avait autrefois dit à son chat ! Dave, Cat, Arnold et Holly font alors route en direction de la Terre afin de savoir ce qu'elle est devenue pendant tout ce temps.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Jan 31, 2002
Peak Practice is a British drama series about a GP surgery in Cardale — a small fictional town in the Derbyshire Peak District — and the doctors who worked there. It ran on ITV from 10 May 1993 to 30 January 2002 and was one of their most successful series at the time. It originally starred Kevin Whately as Dr Jack Kerruish, Amanda Burton as Dr Beth Glover and Simon Shepherd as Dr Will Preston, though the roster of doctors would change many times over the course of the series. Cardale was based on the Staffordshire village of Longnor for the final series, but was previously based in the Derbyshire village of Crich, although certain scenes were filmed at other nearby Derbyshire towns and villages, most notably Matlock, Belper and Ashover.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Oct 08, 2017
Sean et Beverly Lincoln, un couple de scénaristes britanniques, sont invités à Hollywood par un producteur américain de télévision, Marc Lapidus, pour adapter leur série à succès sur une chaîne de télévision américaine. Tout semble se présenter pour le mieux, mais une fois sur place, le couple va devoir faire face à la réalité.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Aug 17, 1997
Pie in the Sky is a British offbeat police comedy drama programme starring Richard Griffiths and Maggie Steed, created by Andrew Payne and first broadcast in five series on BBC1 between 13 March 1994 and 17 August 1997 as well as being syndicated on other channels in other countries, including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The series departs slightly from other police dramas in that the protagonist, Henry Crabbe, while still being an on-duty policeman, is also the head chef of the title restaurant set in the fictional town of Middleton and county of Westershire.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Oct 03, 2017
Respectée par les gens de son village qui voient en elle une personne de confiance, Gemma Foster mène une vie satisfaisante. Quand elle commence à suspecter que son mari la trompe, elle cherche à découvrir la vérité. Cela la mènera à mettre à jour de nombreux secrets qui vont pousser sa vie, celle de sa famille et de certains de ses clients dans le chaos.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Oct 16, 2017
Gabriel Markham et son équipe recherchent un serial killer et tombent sur un indice pouvant mener à l'identité du coupable. Gabriel est alors tiraillé entre la conviction qu'ils le connaissent déjà et la preuve irréfutable qu'ils ont pourtan trouvé sur la scène de meurtre.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Dec 02, 2016
Avocate, Jane Kennedy revient dans sa ville natale afin de prendre le poste de coroner.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Oct 26, 2011
Paul est hanté par d'épouvantables cauchemars, et ni son thérapeute ni son meilleur ami, Mac, sont en mesure de l'aider. Pire, le jeune homme commence à voir les fantômes des morts partout, quand l'un des esprits - avide de vengeance - trouve une brèche dans la barrière qui sépare le monde des vivants et celui des morts. Mac et Paul réalisent qu'il leur faut intervenir pour empêcher les fantômes de semer le trouble !
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Dec 07, 2015
Danny, un jeune homme romantique et mal dans sa peau, tombe amoureux de l'énigmatique et asocial Alex. Lorsque ce dernier disparaît, Danny s'emploie à le retrouver. Les découvertes qu'il va faire sur la vie secrète de son amant, qui était en réalité un agent secret travaillant pour le compte du MI6, vont peu à peu le plonger au cœur d'une gigantesque machination qui le dépasse.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Oct 23, 2011
MI-5, aussi surnommé "Five", n'est autre que le service secret britannique fondé pour protéger la sécurité nationale des menaces intérieures. Leurs missions : combattre le crime organisé, démanteler les trafics d'armes et autres réseaux terroristes...
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Oct 23, 2011
MI-5, aussi surnommé "Five", n'est autre que le service secret britannique fondé pour protéger la sécurité nationale des menaces intérieures. Leurs missions : combattre le crime organisé, démanteler les trafics d'armes et autres réseaux terroristes...
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Aug 04, 2023
Lee is a childish northerner who lives in a fancy penthouse apartment in London who goes through a variety of jobs such as a janitor and ice cream man, as well as attempting relationships with female flatmates. His best mate, Daily Mail reading, middle-class citizen Tim is always there to stop Lee from getting in trouble, or not? Mayhem is never far away with cleaner Barbara who has never done an honest day's work in her life.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Jun 29, 2003
Murder in Mind is a British television thriller drama anthology series of self-contained stories with a murderous theme seen from the perspective of the murderer.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Oct 10, 2014
A comedy about a dysfunctional staff room, unrequited love and interactive whiteboards set in an urban secondary school. Chemistry teacher Mr. Church is hopelessly in love with the school's new French teacher, who in turn is being chased by a lothario gym teacher.
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

Jun 29, 2003
Murder in Mind is a British television thriller drama anthology series of self-contained stories with a murderous theme seen from the perspective of the murderer.