Henry Phillips

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Punching Henry

Punching Henry

Feb 24, 2017
Comedian Henry Phillips is lured to LA by a renowned TV producer who wants to bring his story of failure to the screen. But when a major network gets involved, Henry must decide whether he wants to make jokes for a living, or be the butt of them.
Sleepwalk with Me

Sleepwalk with Me

Aug 24, 2012
Un comédien de stand-up est aux prises avec le stress d'une carrière au point mort, une relation périmée et les poussées sauvages de somnambulisme sévère qu'il est désespéré d'ignorer.
Third Date

Third Date

Dec 31, 2012
Henry is hoping to meet Sharon for a third date, but he has to go through Charlie first.
Freeway to Hell

Freeway to Hell

May 13, 2020
Lost motorbike gang film. "Freeway to Hell," A shocking and wrenchingly violent morality tale in which a technological worker quits his job, joins a gang, and takes a wild ride through a seedy underworld of rowdy men, wild women, and motorbikes.
Punching Henry

Punching Henry

Feb 24, 2017
Comedian Henry Phillips is lured to LA by a renowned TV producer who wants to bring his story of failure to the screen. But when a major network gets involved, Henry must decide whether he wants to make jokes for a living, or be the butt of them.
Third Date

Third Date

Dec 31, 2012
Henry is hoping to meet Sharon for a third date, but he has to go through Charlie first.
Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley

Dec 08, 2019
Dans la Silicon Valley d'aujourd'hui, les personnes les plus qualifiées pour réussir ne sont pas forcément celles les plus qualifiées pour savoir comment le gérer... Richard travaille chez Hooli et vit également avec plusieurs amis développeurs dans un « hacker hostel » (un « incubateur ») dirigé par le millionnaire Erlich. Ce dernier a obtenu cet argent en vendant son application Aviato et permet aux autres de vivre et travailler gratuitement dans sa maison en échange de 10% de ce qu’ils réalisent. Richard a créé un site web nommé Pied Piper permettant d’y envoyer une musique afin de savoir si d’autres morceaux avec les mêmes airs existent déjà afin d’éviter le plagiat. Le site est moqué par tout le monde et Erlich menace même de virer Richard de l’incubateur s’il ne devient pas plus rentable.
Highway Man

Highway Man

Mar 24, 2021
"Highway Man" is a web series along the lines of classic TV shows like "Highway to Heaven" and "The Six Million Dollar Man". It follows the adventures of a drifter (Henry Phillips) who stops to help stranded motorists on the side of the highway. There is one big problem: he doesn't know anything about cars, or anything for that matter. In fact the Highway Man is what some would call an idiot. But he tries. Will Highway Man one day find what it is that he is looking for? Probably not. But he will meet many people along his journey.
Highway Man

Highway Man

Mar 24, 2021
"Highway Man" is a web series along the lines of classic TV shows like "Highway to Heaven" and "The Six Million Dollar Man". It follows the adventures of a drifter (Henry Phillips) who stops to help stranded motorists on the side of the highway. There is one big problem: he doesn't know anything about cars, or anything for that matter. In fact the Highway Man is what some would call an idiot. But he tries. Will Highway Man one day find what it is that he is looking for? Probably not. But he will meet many people along his journey.