Artie Pasquale

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The Gilbert Diaries: The Movie
.When a happy-go-lucky, but very naive, Gilbert embarks on his daily adventures, he comes across a variety of interesting encounters, opportunities, obstacles, and laughable moments alongside friends, family, and some adversaries
American Fango

American Fango

Dec 05, 2017
A coming-to-America love story about an Italian actor from Rome who finds himself stranded in New York City, and through a series of misadventures is romantically pursued by several beautiful women, and learns the meaning of true love.


Sep 25, 2007
A washed-up boxer escapes from a mental institution and finds himself in a drug-hazed journey to find the prostitute that has stolen his kidney and left him for dead.
The Red Corvette

The Red Corvette

Nov 11, 2011
Life turns upside down when a high school senior with no friends and plenty of teenage angst takes a spin with the popular girl in her red corvette.
Attack of the Killer Chickens: The Movie
It's the dawn of a new age...a chicken age! Humans have been the dominant species for far too long! The chickens have come to roost and they're not clucking around! An invasion of catastrophic proportions has taken place and the weak humans of earth do everything they can to survive in this crazy chicken world!
The Families Feud

The Families Feud

Sep 16, 2023
A mob boss must fend off repeated assassination attempts from a rival boss while battling backwoods Bigfoot hunting hillbillies who've captured his Capo and crew.
American Gangster

American Gangster

Nov 02, 2007
En 1968, à New York, Frank Lucas a vécu pendant vingt ans dans l’ombre du Parrain noir de Harlem, Bumpy Johnson, qui en fait son garde du corps et confident. Lorsque son patron succombe à une crise cardiaque, Lucas assure discrètement la relève et ne tarde pas à révéler son leadership, son sens aigu des affaires et son extrême prudence, en prenant pour auxiliaires ses frères et cousins et en gardant un profil bas. Inconnu de la police comme des hautes instances de la Cosa Nostra, Lucas organise avec la complicité d’officiers basés au Vietnam un véritable pont aérien et importe ainsi par avions entiers des centaines de kilos d’héroïne pure, qu’il revend à bas prix dans les rues de New York.
The Calicoon

The Calicoon

Jan 01, 1970
Two teenage girls discover the terrible secret lying within the walls of the decaying, once-magnificent vacation destination, The Hotel Calicoon -- a deadly secret that has been concealed for nearly four decades.
Made in Chinatown

Made in Chinatown

May 10, 2021
Vinny Chow fait des efforts pour rejoindre la Mafia italienne afin de gagner un peu de respect. Pourquoi ? Pour gagner l'amour d'une fille italienne et trouver son identité dans la seule ville du monde où vous pouvez être qui vous voulez.


Dec 31, 2011
A young actress living in Brooklyn discovers how profoundly her hostile environment has affected her.
The Brooklyn Banker

The Brooklyn Banker

Aug 05, 2016
The story of Santo Bastucci, a local banker with a rare gift for memorizing numbers; he is unwittingly cast into the forefront of an aging wiseguy's bid for power, Manny "The Hand" Mistera. Santo is caught between the loyalty he has for his cagey father-in-law, Benny, his childhood friend, Basta, and his streetwise uncle, Matteo, the pastor of their Brooklyn church.
5th Borough

5th Borough

Jun 03, 2020
When a cash-strapped man learns his daughter has a brain tumor, he turns to his old Staten Island buddies to get back into their “family business.”
The Wrong Path

The Wrong Path

Apr 06, 2021
A small-town electrician with anger issues gets extreme therapy from a noted psychiatrist, Dr. Eric Peselowe, but is soon framed for a robbery and then a murder. Even with the help of Dr. Peselowe's female assistant Bonnie, he soon learns to trust no one but himself and becomes entrapped in a web of deceit, greed, and corruption.
Les Soprano

Les Soprano

Jun 10, 2007
USA, New Jersey, Tony Soprano, dit « T » descend d'une lignée de caïds dans le crime organisé. Son père Johnny et son oncle Corrado Junior dit « Junior » ont développé le réseau local et les connexions avec la Mafia de New York. Il doit faire face à des problèmes de succession au sein de la mafia, des vendettas personnelles, et aux enquêtes du F.B.I.. Il souffre de crises d'angoisse et consulte, en secret, un psychiatre, le Dr Jennifer Melfi. Son rang dans la Mafia ne lui autorise aucune faiblesse. Si l'argent coule à flot, Tony doit aussi gérer sa famille, sa mère Livia, sa sœur Janice, sa femme Carmela, sa fille Meadow et son fils Anthony Jr. mais aussi ses amantes et le tout n'est pas des plus reposants...