Robert Tossberg

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Feb 01, 1994
2073, la terre ressemble à un gigantesque champ de bataille. Maitre du terrain : les A.P.E.X., des escouades de cyborgs programmés pour éliminer les derniers survivants, les ultimes résistants au pouvoir des machines. Seul un homme, le scientifique Nicolas Sinclair, transporté accidentellement dans le passé en travaillant sur les paradoxes temporels, peut empêcher l'anéantissement de la race humaine...
Science Fiction


Dec 23, 1992
Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.
Science Fiction


Apr 03, 1998
Eighteen years ago, Susan and Michael Vincent travelled to Spain with a group of friends. She was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Martha. Newly released on parole from the Spanish jail, Susan comes back to Chicago to regain her children’s love and prove her innocence.