Gordon Stothard

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Doctor Who: The Curse of Peladon
The planet Peladon has applied to join the Galactic Federation, and The Doctor is mistaken for the chairman of the committee sent to assess its application, while Jo is taken for an Earth princess, with the mythical curse of Aggedor apparently striking chancellor Torbis dead, The Doctor must discover who is desperate to stop Peladon joining, but soon he is sentenced to death and his only Allies seem to be Jo and the Ice Warrior Delegates.
Science Fiction
Doctor Who: The Web of Fear
The TARDIS narrowly avoids becoming engulfed in a cobwebby substance in space. It arrives in the London Underground railway system, the tunnels of which are being overrun by the web and by the Great Intelligence's robot Yeti. The time travellers learn this crisis was precipitated when Professor Travers, whom they first met in the Himalayas some thirty years earlier, accidentally caused one of the Yeti to be reactivated, opening the way for the Intelligence to invade again.
Doctor Who: The Wheel in Space
The Second Doctor and Jamie arrive on what appears to be a space station called the "Wheel in Space" it's here that they meet Zoe Herriot a young parapsychology librarian, The Doctor hits his head concussing him leaving Jamie and Zoe to defend off the Cybermen from taking over "The Wheel in Space."
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.