An archive documentary from 1996, directed by Laurent Bouzereau, tracing the production of the film through interviews with the filmmakers and special effects teams.
Ce long métrage documentaire, réalisé spécialement pour la sortie en DVD de Aliens (1986) en 2003, est incroyablement instructif avec toutes ses entrevues avec les acteurs et l'équipe de tournage, ainsi qu'avec les coulisses filmées pendant le tournage du film. Tous les éléments possibles et imaginables de la réalisation du film sont inclus ici et donnent aux fans une surcharge d'informations pour se remplir la tête.
Crew of an undersea mining platform falls prey to mysterious and dangerous parasite. The parasite has the ability to affect people's minds, so survivors can't be certain who is safe and who is infected.
Crew of an undersea mining platform falls prey to mysterious and dangerous parasite. The parasite has the ability to affect people's minds, so survivors can't be certain who is safe and who is infected.
Crew of an undersea mining platform falls prey to mysterious and dangerous parasite. The parasite has the ability to affect people's minds, so survivors can't be certain who is safe and who is infected.
Crew of an undersea mining platform falls prey to mysterious and dangerous parasite. The parasite has the ability to affect people's minds, so survivors can't be certain who is safe and who is infected.
n the futuristic, mythical planet called “Null,” a super-technology is beginning to over-run the planet’s surface and dominate the lives of its inhabitants. A woman tells a small child the story of a man named John. John is a rather eccentric individual—an outsider in his world. He is troubled by voices and fearful premonitions about his future.