Александр Воробьёв

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Un nouveau Russe

Un nouveau Russe

Jun 06, 2002
En 1988, en Russie, Platon Makowski, un brillant scientifique, et ses amis abandonnent la recherche pour se lancer dans le monde des affaires. Ils emploieront tous les moyens possibles pour s'enrichir, même les plus illégaux...


Jun 06, 2008
Alexandre Koltchak (1874 -1920) était officier de marine et océanographe, il a participé à plusieurs expéditions polaires pour l'Académie des Sciences de Russie, une île porte son nom. Après ses exploits militaires pendant la guerre russo-japonaise de 1904-1905, il participe à la rénovation de la flotte russe et est nommé vice-amiral en 1916. Après la Révolution d'octobre il devient ministre de la guerre du gouvernement anti-bolchevique créé à Omsk. En décembre 1918 (et donc après l'exécution de Nicolas II), il est nommé Commandant suprême de la Russie. En janvier 1920 il est livré aux bolcheviks et fusillé. Sa maîtresse, Anna Vassilievna Timiriova, qui avait 19 ans de moins que lui, lui a survécu 55 ans.


Nov 30, 2017
Igor doit livrer une enveloppe à une certaine adresse. Mais alors qu'il essaie d'atteindre la destination, des choses étranges et mystérieuses commencent à se produire...
После жизни

После жизни

Jan 17, 2008
They play tough, masculine games, when the passion of hunting turns into a thirst for profit, paint into blood, fidelity into betrayal, when betting is friendship, and winning is life. One of the three old institute shareholding partners "orders" the fourth - the head of the Bank of Daniel. But even the hired killer did not know about the explosives in the house. And so, after the explosion in the basement, there are three - the killer, the victim and his daughter. When there is almost no air left, and the search engines have already stopped working, Daniel’s mind starts a dangerous game: which of the worlds is fictional, and which one is the real one, the one in which you save your friends, or the one in which friends kill you ... Daniel solves the problem with three unknown ...
L'ironie du sort. La suite
Zhenya and Nadya go their separate ways. Nadya stuck with her bureaucrat boyfriend, married him and had a daughter, also called Nadya. Zhenya married and had a son, Konstantin. Both later divorced. More than 30 years later, Konstantin ends up drunk in the flat where the younger Nadya finds him. He is there as part of a convoluted ruse by his father's friends to get Zhenya back into the arms of the woman with whom he shared a magical night. The waylaid son is the bait to get Zhenya back to Leningrad, now called St. Petersburg. One romance is rekindled and another between the son and daughter is struck up.
Семеро солдатиков
Bored without friends, seven-year-old Olezhka wrote a letter to the newspaper asking them to send him tin soldiers. And then seven real soldiers appeared in the village. However, they were called quite fabulously: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


Feb 22, 2018
Mikhail, un homme d’affaire cynique, tente d’extraire le sable d’une ancienne zone de bataille du siège de Leningrad qui abrite les corps de nombreux soldats russes. Un incident se produit et Mikhail découvre un portail lui permettant de voyager dans le temps, en pleine Seconde Guerre mondiale. Coincé entre sa réalité et des sauts temporels au coeur du front sanglant de l’Est, Mikhail se retrouve dans une quête du temps qui changera à jamais sa destinée.
24 часа

24 часа

Nov 03, 2000
Feliks, professional killer, has only 24 hours to get to the distant island, where his beloved woman and the money for the custom made is waiting for him. Lyova Shalamov and his brother Garik have also 24 hours to find and to kill Feliks.
22 minutes

22 minutes

May 08, 2014
5 mai 2010, Golfe d'Aden. Le pétrolier Russe "MV Université de Moscou" est pris d'assaut par des pirates somaliens. L'équipage composé de vingt-trois marins se retranche dans la salle du gouvernail et lance un ultime message de détresse. Le navire de guerre "Maréchal Chapochnikov" présent dans le même couloir maritime reçoit le signal d'urgence et envoie son équipe de soldats pour une mission de sauvetage. Ils n'ont alors que très peu de temps pour libérer l'équipage.
Time Wars

Time Wars

Jun 15, 2023
Rescapés du crash de leur avion, Ethan et son frère Jacob, deux scientifiques de génie, se réveillent sur une île en proie à de mystérieux phénomènes le fil du temps semble perturbé, et un épais brouillard plonge l’île dans un silence de mort Alors qu’ils s’enfoncent de plus en plus dans la jungle à la recherche d’activité humaine, ils font la découverte d’une installation abandonnée qui héberge une étrange machine Croyant à un moyen d’entrer en communication avec les secours, ils la mettent en route Mais il est déjà trop tard la fenêtre qui s’est ouverte sur le futur a libéré une menace qui s’apprête à prendre possession du présent.
Science Fiction
Side Effect

Side Effect

Nov 05, 2020
Un groupe de voleurs s'introduit dans la vie mesurée et heureuse d'un architecte et de sa femme. Maintenant, le seul rêve d'Andrey est d'effacer ce cauchemar de la mémoire d'Olia avec l'aide de Mara, qui promet un médicament "spécial".
День дурака

День дурака

Nov 13, 2014
Van'ka works as a doorman at the hotel. He hates its wealthy guests, but has dreams to live a luxurious life. Forced to live in a car, he's miserable. In this already difficult situation he comes across the collector Sergey, who is determined to knock out the debt out of Vanka.
Ницше в России
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche never went to Russia – yet he was always fascinated by this mysterious country and wanted to visit it. This film gives him the possibility to do so after all. However, Nietzsche doesn’t arrive in 19th century Russia, but in a modern country which has been trying for years to create the civilization described by Nietzsche 150 years ago.


Sep 07, 2018
Réagissant à la vente frauduleuse d’une usine de province, un groupe d’ouvriers se laisse convaincre de rançonner l’oligarque local, propriétaire des lieux. Ils sont menés par Le Gris, un ancien des forces armées. Le temps d’une nuit, leur demande va tourner à la prise d’otage, puis à l’état de siège. La confrontation ne se dénouera qu’aux premières lueurs du matin.
Москвы не бывает
An unremarkable Russian town holds some terrible secrets. The simple working guy Lyokha gets acquainted with the beautiful Masha. She shows him photos that he cannot remember. Lyokha goes to see his father, but finds out that the latter died several days ago. The father left lots of mysterious notes, but a local gang and a mysterious visitor from Moscow are after them. You find out everything if you remember!
Последний день
A young girl psychologist is laid off at work. Now a neural network will work instead of her and her colleagues. Frustrated, the girl catches a taxi and drives home. She has no idea that she is being driven by a very unusual driver.
Любовь Советского Союза
The film is about a generation of brave and beautiful people who did not see the destruction of the revolution and the chaos of the civil war, who dreamed of building a new life in which there would be no place for death, but only incredible love that opens the way for them to great achievements and discoveries. About exploits and glory, betrayal and loyalty of those who were heroes in heaven and on earth. About the time of immense trials that fell on their short but bright lives. About a woman who was the dream and true love of the Soviet Union.
Вампиры средней полосы
Grandpa Slava is the oldest of the Midland vampire family. They live quietly. They live by the law. They live the unremarkable life of an ordinary Russian family and they never kill humans – ever. Although, of course, everyone knows they drink blood. And when some lifeless corpses are found in a birch grove near Smolensk... their peaceful life falls under threat.


Jul 01, 2013
"Don't give up the bag and the prison," says a well–known proverb. And indeed, no one is immune from prison, including the innocent. Neither money, nor public opinion, nor the government will help. It is then that the last hope becomes a lawyer, his competent speech and knowledge of the law. The main character of our story is Trofim Petrovich Streltsov, the state Adviser of Justice of the 3rd class, a former employee of the prosecutor's office.
At any time of the day, in the heat and in the bitter cold, they travel the roads of our country, doing difficult and sometimes very dangerous work. Truckers, for them, every flight is not only a destination, but also new meetings, unexpected difficulties, unexpected joys, risk and luck, and of course — new stories, true and incredible!
Action & Adventure