Louis Dezseran

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Starry Eyes

Starry Eyes

Jul 29, 2014
Sarah Walker a un petit boulot sans avenir sous le joug d'un patron qui la prend de haut, elle subit des amitiés superficielles avec des acteurs concurrents et participe à des castings qui n'aboutissent à rien. Après plusieurs auditions humiliantes face à un duo pour le moins bizarre, elle décroche le rôle principal dans leur nouveau film. Malgré le fait qu'ils lui demandent de faire des choses de plus en plus étranges, elle sera prête à tout pour réussir, aveuglée par son fantasme de célébrité.
Ugly Benny

Ugly Benny

Jun 30, 2014
Benny certainly wasn't much to look at when he first arrived as a puppy on the doorstep of the pet store. Sam and Emma found him waiting there in a little box when they arrived for work one morning, just staring up at them with those tiny, lovable little eyes, and to this day no one knows where he came from or who brought him there. He's growing up to be the smartest, cutest dog you are ever likely to meet. This is his adventure!
Ain't No Way Back

Ain't No Way Back

Jan 01, 1990
Two men on weekend outing assist country lass in trouble but find themselves in a stew. One is killed, one severely injured who recovers at the Campbell cabin. He learns the simplicity of country living and falls in love with daughter. She explains, mysteriously, that although she cares, this cannot be; the feud is coming', as it always does. Only after his own death, during the feud, does he realize that the Campbell and McDonald clans have been 50 years dead! He has, however, broken the cycle of the ongoing feud and now all, him included, may rest in peace.
I Think My Babysitter is an Alien
A world-famous astronaut returns home from his latest mission, bringing home a small asteroid that hit his space station. When strange things start to happen, his nine-year-old daughter is convinced that aliens have moved in next door and em- barks on a mission to save the world from an inter-galactic invasion!
The Coed and the Zombie Stoner
Quand une fille de sororité tombe amoureuse d'un zombie, ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant qu'une apocalypse de zombie ne se déchaîne sur le campus. La fille de sororité découvre que l’herbe est le remède; elle doit maintenant fumer toute l’école avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.
Les gardénias sauvages
Après la mort de sa mère, Jenny se retrouve seule et perd peu à peu ses repères. Un jour, elle rencontre Sam, une petite frappe. Ils volent une voiture et décident de rouler jusqu'à Los Angeles afin de retrouver le père de Jenny. Ce père qu'elle n'a pas revu depuis ses 6 ans quand ce dernier l'a lâchement abandonné elle et sa mère.
L.A. Slasher

L.A. Slasher

Jun 12, 2015
Incensed by the tabloid culture which celebrates it, the L.A. Slasher publicly abducts a series of reality TV stars, while the media and general public in turn begin to question if society is better off without them. A biting, social satire about reality TV and the glorification of people who are famous for simply being famous, "L.A. Slasher" explores why it has become acceptable and even admirable for people to become influential and wealthy based on no merit or talent - purely through notoriety achieved through shameful behavior.