David C. Jones

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Acting in the Closet

Acting in the Closet

Sep 09, 2021
In front of a live studio audience, host David C. Jones interviews three different panels of film industry professionals about the trials and tribulations for proudly queer and out actors.
Teen Angst

Teen Angst

Oct 10, 2015
A comedy special featuring everyday people as they read from their embarrassing teenage journals, poems, songs, essays (and more). The wonderful intensity of of tortured poetry meets delightfully soul-baring free verse for the totally sincere musings of the teenage mind. It's comedy on growth hormones. The bold souls who take the stage to read their own youthful writings remind us that everyone has at one time gone through the trials of Teen Angst.
The Twisted Slipper

The Twisted Slipper

Feb 28, 2015
Avec l'aide de sa "Fairy Drag Mother", un jeune barista sort de la routine de sa vie de café hipster pour trouver la robe et l'homme de ses rêves.
Soggy Flakes

Soggy Flakes

Jun 05, 2017
In a low-carb, sugar-free, gluten-intolerant world, a group of out-of-work breakfast cereal mascots form a support group to lament the golden ages of yesteryear and figure out how to swallow the bitter taste of reality.
L'amour au Paradis

L'amour au Paradis

Jan 02, 2016
Une jeune femme et son père, qui tiennent un ranch-hôtel, apprennent à monter à cheval à un ancien acteur qui jouait les cow-boys.
TV Movie
À Vancouver

À Vancouver

Sep 07, 2016
À Vancouver is an experimental video essay featuring interviews with my father about our familial and individual sexual histories. Blending documentary and fiction, the video examines and expands upon parallel events in our lives, wherein we each traveled across Canada to Vancouver, and had formative (homo)sexual experiences at separate moments in time: my father as an 18-year-old traveling in the mid-60s and myself as a young teen and then adult in the mid-90s and 2000s. À Vancouver stages these narratives in the genre of the father-son road trip exploring themes of queer temporality, memory, and linguistic, cultural, and sexual inheritance.
Dark Water

Dark Water

Aug 17, 2001
The story of a young man who, through a series of surreal visions, comes to believe that he is a serial killer targeting pedophiles.
Laugh At Me

Laugh At Me

Jan 01, 2007
Vancouver, Canada’s queer village breaks into song in the incredibly coordinated and locally produced Laugh At Me.
The Bonus

The Bonus

Oct 14, 2012
Adam has been passed over again so in a passive aggressive attempt to get back at his workplace he plans an erotic adventure with his boyfriend in the office. Number one rule about revenge - don't get caught.
Coffee Club

Coffee Club

Aug 20, 2011
A dark comedy about gay-bashing...sort of. Three friends kick out a member of their coffee claque for a surprising reason.
The Outer Circle: Melbourne's Forgotten Railway
In the 1870s Victorian politicians debated the virtues of constructing a 20km-long railway through Melbourne's east, simply to circumvent a privately-owned railway from South Yarra to Flinders Street Station. By 1878 the private railway had been purchased by the Victorian Government and there was no longer a need to build the orbital railway. But greedy politicians pushed legislation through parliament, authorising the construction of the railway through their own private land holdings. This is the story of Melbourne's Outer Circle Railway.
Same Boat

Same Boat

Aug 20, 2014
The unhappy owner of an island bed and breakfast finds unexpected inspiration when a pair of musical lesbians arrives for a stay.
Toujours là pour toi

Toujours là pour toi

Apr 27, 2023
Sur trente ans, les hauts et les bas de Kate et Tully qui, depuis l'adolescence, sont meilleures amies et se soutiennent dans les bons comme les mauvais moments. Un jour, une trahison impensable est commise, leur belle amitié vole en éclats. Pourront-elles se réconcilier ?
So Help Me Todd

So Help Me Todd

May 16, 2024
L'avocate méticuleuse Margaret Wright engage son fils Todd, talentueux, mais débraillé, comme enquêteur interne de son cabinet d'avocats. Lorsque Todd fait équipe avec sa mère sur une affaire, elle est surprise de se trouver dûment impressionner sa capacité astucieuse à rechercher des informations grâce à son charme et à ses connaissances technologiques étendues. Enfin, Margaret voit un moyen de mettre son fils sur la voie appropriée pour vivre une vie d'adulte et financièrement solvable qu'elle approuve, et elle lui demande de rejoindre son entreprise.