Santiago Gobernori

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Oct 01, 2018
In a society where people are addicted to their cell phones, a man runs out of battery.
Corsini interpreta a Blomberg y Maciel
On 9 July – Argentina’s Independence Day – Llinás sets off in Buenos Aires with his regular cameraman Agustín Mendilaharzu to re-record ‘Corsini interpreta a Blomberg y Maciel’, an album made in 1929 by lyricist Hector Pedro Blomberg and composer Enrique Maciel, as an ode to Juan Manuel de Rosas, leader of the Argentine Confederation.
La Rançon, le prix de la vérité
Buenos Aires dans les années 1980. Julio Levy revient d'un exil politique pour reprendre un poste dans la grande entreprise familiale lorsque son frère aîné, comme de nombreux Argentins, est enlevé. Chargé d'organiser le sauvetage et portant le poids de sa famille sur ses épaules, Julio découvre les forces qui opèrent encore derrière la démocratie argentine récemment retrouvée. Julio entame alors un combat déséquilibré contre le système en place.
Jarry, Ubú Patagónico
With scenes at times current and at others medieval, dramatic or overloaded with useless gestures, Jarry, Ubú Patagónico is a dialogue with “Ubú Rey”, by Alfred Jarry, and his decalogue about theatre. The work also explores Jarry's non-theatrical texts until the material is appropriated in its immateriality by a group of Patagonian Indians who take Mother Ubú prisoner.


Sep 22, 2022
Joaco's infidelity breaks up the couple with Vanesa. Trying to maintain a friendly relationship is a possibility that Vanesa accepts because she cannot think without him. The acceptance of the separation will be a painful path but one of personal growth.


Apr 01, 2011
Waiting alone for her boyfriend at a hotel, a woman starts paying attention to the mysterious behavior of some guests.
El recuento de los daños
A young man, on his way to a factory to assess its efficiency, causes a car crash. The factory owner, who ran the business with his wife and her brother, has been killed in an accident, though whether it’s the same accident is left unclear. The film explores the unforeseeable ramifications of the twin tragedies.
Clorindo Testa

Clorindo Testa

Nov 17, 2022
Is this film about Clorindo Testa or not? Is it about the life of the director, about the life of his father, about the life of his country, or is it just one of those biographical films that proliferate at film festivals in which the narrator spends his time recounting family anecdotes and pulling old photos out of a box? This small, microscopic adventure, whose subtitle, stolen from the Savoyard Xavier de Maistre, could well be Voyage autour de mon père, navigates between these threats and others even worse.
L'Amour aux points

L'Amour aux points

Dec 07, 2022
De jeunes parents traversent une crise et sont à court d'idées pour raccommoder leur relation. Ne sachant plus quoi inventer, ils décident d'utiliser une application qui donne (ou retire) des points pour chaque bonne action réalisée au bénéfice de l'autre. Si au début cette solution leur semble idéale, peu à peu, l'obsession d'engranger des points et de gagner leur indépendance s'installe… et la situation dérape !
El ramal

El ramal

Jan 01, 2013
Gaston and Mercedes travel down the road in a car. They are driving back from the party honoring Dr Ripol successful career. Gaston, Dr Ripol favorite nephew has something to confess to Mercedes: he killed the doctor.
Historias extraordinarias
X arrives in a small town and witnesses a violent act; Z takes the job of a dead manager and discovers that he had a notebook written in code and a map; H is hired to go down a river and investigate a series of mysterious monoliths built on the shore.
Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Apr 11, 2018
Martín et Laura, la trentaine, se retrouvent par hasard dans la même résidence lors d’un séjour à la mer. L’occasion de se redécouvrir à deux, et à trois avec le fils qu’ils ont eu ensemble adolescents, dix-huit ans auparavant.
La Flor

La Flor

Mar 06, 2019
Long métrage diffusé en 4 parties. « La Flor » cambriole le cinéma en six épisodes. Chaque épisode correspond à un genre cinématographique. Le premier est une série B, comme les Américains avaient l’habitude d’en faire. Le second est un mélodrame musical avec une pointe de mystère. Le troisième est un film d’espionnage. Le quatrième est une mise en abîme du cinéma. Le cinquième revisite un vieux film français. Le sixième parle de femmes captives au 19e siècle. Mon tout forme « La Flor ». Ces six épisodes, ces six genres ont un seul point commun : leurs quatre comédiennes.


Sep 12, 2019
Claudia is a workaholic event planner. When a colleague asks her to plan her wedding, she starts to notice a lot of issues with the ceremony and changes it's location on the last minute, unfolding on a series of unfortunate events.


Mar 25, 2021
It’s winter in some city. A young lonely woman walks the night with an obsession: never ceasing to chew gum. This affects her moves and relationships. When she finally accepts to give up on the world she knows, there will be no turning back.
Cadáver Exquisito

Cadáver Exquisito

Feb 27, 2021
While her girlfriend is in the hospital in a coma state after find her floating in the bathtub without vital signs, Clara stars on a path of physical and psychological transformation, with the goal of possessing her in some way.
La Flor

La Flor

Aug 01, 2019
Long métrage diffusé en 4 parties. « La Flor » cambriole le cinéma en six épisodes. Chaque épisode correspond à un genre cinématographique. Le premier est une série B, comme les Américains avaient l’habitude d’en faire. Le second est un mélodrame musical avec une pointe de mystère. Le troisième est un film d’espionnage. Le quatrième est une mise en abîme du cinéma. Le cinquième revisite un vieux film français. Le sixième parle de femmes captives au 19e siècle. Mon tout forme « La Flor ». Ces six épisodes, ces six genres ont un seul point commun : leurs quatre comédiennes.


Jul 25, 2013
Jorge Peker (Santiago Gobernori) is a frustrated lawyer who does not practice his profession and who is employed in a call center. One afternoon Jorge learned that his father had died. A few days later, at the wake of his father, his girlfriend Luciana (Charo López) leaves him and learns that his father left him as a legacy a house. The conflict appears when you realize that you can not keep this huge house alone, which forces you to rent a room and the only candidate that comes is Ludovico (Javier Drolas), a live, active and enterprising boy, his complete opposite. Ludo is paralyzed and walks in a wheelchair. This makes Jorge fight against his prejudices and learn to live, not with someone different, but simply, with living with someone, accepting others and considering them. And so he sets out on the royal road to be able to form the family he always wanted.