Vladimír Hrubý

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„Já už budu hodný, dědečku!“
To the intolerant and bloody-minded Prague actor Bergner (Milos Kopecký) is the lead in Moliere's Misanthrope which he is studying now as tailor-made. On top of that he is malicious and he advises to the new actress Helenka (Dagmar Havlová) in such a way that she upsets the theatre director. If Bergner accuses somebody of a mischief and he is wrong, he never apologizes. When he almost crashes an older elegant lady by his car on the zebra crossing, instead of an apology he calls her an old ballet dancer... But in Brno's TV he takes part in a discussion on manners and he gives himself as an example of good manners and grace. In the train he meets a magic old man (Ladislav Pesek) who warns him and admonishes him to change his behavior. After he arrives to Prague the old man's threat comes true.


Dec 25, 1981
Deputy of cartography enterprise Mr. Ciruvka tries to seduce the colleague's assistant to destabilize his confident in a run for the director's chair. But things can go wrong.
Pražské blues

Pražské blues

Nov 15, 1963
African student Omar would like to return home to Angola, but he is enrolled in a three-year postgraduate research fellowship at a clinic in Prague. One day while seeing off a friend at the airport, he and a girl named Mariama are brought together by chance as he offers to accompany her in an unfamiliar city toward the International Student Club, where she plays bass in a jazz orchestra.
„Já to tedy beru, šéfe...!“
Láda Pitras (Ludek Sobota) and Oto Vacák (Petr Nározný) founded in the company Pragokov a Research department of recruitment of labor. For recruitment of workers in professions sought after both recruiters worked out an effective, often almost illegal methods. They followed secretly for instance the welder Niederle and managed to record his lovesick courting to his colleague Anicka. The fear of his jealous wife made him to join Pragokov.
Les Pipes

Les Pipes

Aug 30, 1966
This three-part Austrian/Czech comedy stretches the boundaries of what is considered to be humorous. Part one finds a silent film actor upset because of a rival actor's attention to the former's wife. When he kills his rival, it is only when he is strapped to the electric chair that he realizes that this is his last live scene. The second episode has the wife of an elderly British nobleman having an affair with the young gamekeeper of their estate. Part three finds a peasant woman taking a lover when her husband goes off to fight the war.


Dec 09, 1966
Kinoautomat: Člověk a jeho dům
Kinoautomat was the world's first interactive movie, conceived by Radúz Činčera for the Czechoslovak Pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal. At nine points during the film the action stops, and a moderator appears on stage to ask the audience to choose between two scenes; following an audience vote, the chosen scene is played.
Slasti Otce vlasti

Slasti Otce vlasti

Jul 08, 1969
The young Prince Charles (Jaromír Hanzlík), the future King of his country Charles IV, is being educated at the French court in the company of his fiancée Blanche (Daniela Kolárová). One day he receives a summons from his father John of Luxembourg (Milos Kopecký) in Italy. He leaves for Italy accompanied by a deputation from Bohemia. On the way the prince's company fights a battle with armed Milanese against heavy odds. Thanks to Charles's perspicacity, the prince's almost naked soldiers win through. In Lucca in Italy Charles joins his father, and here he experiences an amorous adventure and escapes from the traps laid by the Italian rebels.
Utrpení mladého Boháčka
Tóna Bohácek (Pavel Landovský) has been a great worry to his mother, Mrs Bohácková (Stella Zázvorková). All his friends equal in age are already married and some of them even have children - only Tóna still has nothing. Mother Bohácková thus publishes an ad in the Lonely Hearts column on behalf of her son. From among the girls who responded, she picks out Janicka, a girl from the neighboring village, and then forces Tóna to go to have a look at her and bring her home. The date of the two young people, however, does not turn out well due to the embarrassment on both sides, and Tóna returns home drowning in the feeling of ridiculousness. On the way, he picks up hitchhiker Kveta (Regina Rázlová) from Prague. Only then, he realizes that the mother with her festive dinner is waiting for him and Janicka at home and thus asks Kveta to substitute for the girl from the ad.
Messieurs, J' Ai Tué Einstein
Après une explosion nucléaire, les femmes ont de la barbe et ne peuvent plus enfanter. Les Nations Unies décident de construire une machine pour voyager dans le temps, afin d'aller tuer Einstein, espérant qu'ainsi la Bombe A ne soit jamais inventée...
Science Fiction
Monsieur, vous êtes veuve !
Après qu'un soldat ait coupé le bras du cousin du roi, celui-ci décide de désactiver l'armée. Bien entendu, les généraux n'apprécient pas du tout cette décision et tentent de tuer le roi. L'assassin doit être un corps artificiel ayant la forme de l'actrice Evelina Keleti et le cerveau de la tueuse en série psychotique Fany Stubová. Ils parviennent également à tuer l'astrologue du roi, Stuart Hample, qui met en garde le roi. Par accident, le cerveau de Hample est implanté dans le corps de l'assassin, l'actrice Keleti est tuée et le chaos commence.
Science Fiction
Lupič Legenda

Lupič Legenda

Mar 09, 1973
It is 1905. The police director gets Jindrich Legenda (Eduard Cupák) shadowed as, yet Legenda had served his sentence for a burglary, the jewels have not been found. Russian revolution encouraged also Czech workers to fight for their rights. Radical anarchists are followed by Legenda's friend Karel Wohryzek (Vladimír Mensík) who was forced to collaborate with the police as he was convicted of pornography distribution.
Noc na Karlštejně

Noc na Karlštejně

Jul 12, 1974
No Woman is allowed into Karlstejn Castle! Yet the enamoured Daniele Kolářová and the equally enamoured Jana Brejchová manage to spend one night in disguise in the Castle despite the strict royal ban.
Tři veteráni

Tři veteráni

Jul 01, 1984
It is a story of three veterans released from the army. During one night spent camping in the country they one by one wake up and meet three elvish brothers. Each of the veterans is given a magic item - one gets magic harp that provides him with servants by wish, other one endless pouch of gold and the last one owns magic hat that can create all the staff excluding money and people.
Muž z Londýna

Muž z Londýna

Jun 07, 1974
A British citizen by the name of George Reiner (Jirí Sovák) arrives at Prague airport. He was once a Czech safe-breaker, and has now returned home after thirty years to steal twenty-dollar gold coins still kept in the safe at a private villa in Pilsen whose owner fled to the West.
Cirkus v cirkuse

Cirkus v cirkuse

Feb 13, 1976
To Moscow have arrived the participants of the international conference of the zoophilologists and also the international jury which is to elect for the world festival the best performance of the program of Moscow circus. Mrs Whistler (Iva Janzurová), British associate professor, makes her understood with the animals in their language but the Czech professor Ruzicka (Jirí Sovák), though he is capable of using the animals language, prefers teaching the animals the human language. Ruzicka's friend, the poodle Archibald, speaks "in Human" very well. The scientific dispute ends with a bet - if Ruzicka teaches the circus elephant to sing, Mrs Whistler will eat up her hat.
Fešák Hubert

Fešák Hubert

Jun 01, 1985
Hubert Hrabe, known as Smart Boy, is a Prague dandy who is always skirting the edge of the law. Like every likable rogue, he has a worthy adversary - Police Inspector Mourek, who has long been trying in vain to put him behind bars. However, this defender of justice, who is constantly trying to outsmart his "own" criminal, ends up becoming the victim of his own zeal while hunting forgers that are as good as any in Europe, as Hubert the Smart Boy, sets a trap for Mourek
Když má svátek Dominika
Eight-year old Dominique has a name-day. Her parents have a gift for her, but only give it to her in the evening, when everybody has come home from work. Then she darts out, where her girlfriends are already waiting for her.
Páni Edisoni

Páni Edisoni

Dec 01, 1987
Children's film about a young boy who moves from the city to the country. At first he finds it difficult to make friends, until others discovers his gift with electronics.
Adele n'a pas encore diné
En cette fin de XIXe siècle, Nick Carter, le détective privé le plus célèbre d'Amérique, est appelé à la rescousse par la Police de Prague, après une disparition qui semble inexplicable. Sur place, il est confronté à son plus mortel ennemi, un homme cruel à la main verte et aux plus noires intentions...


Jan 01, 1971
A rich man can not cheer his daughter Marcelka. He calls overseas doctors and tries to repaint his castle but nothing helps. Only young boy Petrik is able to amuse Marcelka with his artistry.
Give the Devil His Due
Dorota, une mauvaise femme a épousé le meunier, par pure cupidité le pousse à la mort. Elle a ensuite pris le moulin à son fils Peter et l'a jeté hors de la maison. Lucifer, qui est connu pour régner en enfer, envoie le diable Janek. Il est censé aller chercher Dorota car la mesure de ses péchés terrestres déborde. Mais le diable lui-même ne peut pas gérer cette femme diabolique et s'enfuit chez les militaires. C'est là qu'il rencontre Peter. En unissant leurs forces, ils réussissent finalement à transporter la méchante Dorota en enfer. Depuis lors, l'enfer est l'enfer. Mais pour Peter, qui est soudainement en possession d'un manteau magique, commence une période agréable, car étrangement, le prince montre un grand intérêt pour lui.


Mar 29, 1973
The bank officer Bedrich Hroch is sent by the bank director to the zoo, which asked an allocation of one and half kg of gold for a gold tooth for a hippo. During the check up of the hippo's teeth Bedrich is swallowed by the hippo. The man does not die in the hippo's guts and he chats quite happily with his frightened wife Dása. Journalist Pip Karen, his friend is also present to the dialogue and he has immediately an idea how to use this special situation. He tells to the new minister Borovec and his opponent professor Fibinger that there is a hippo in the zoo which can speak. He also tells them how to use this situation for a political propaganda.


Dec 31, 1968
It is 5 May 1945 and the uprising against the hated German occupiers has broken out in Prague. The Czech guards open the gate of the Pankrác prison to allow the prisoners to escape en masse. Many of them are shot dead by the German guards but young Ruda (Jaromír Hanzlík) manages to run away. He is taken care of by one of the Prague fighters, concierge Kytka. Kytka hides him in the flat of the house's owner where only the young maid Karla (Jana Brejchová) is left, ordering her to take care of Ruda.
l'Arche de M. Servadac
Au Maghreb, les colons français se préparent à entrer en guerre contre les troupes du roi déchu et ses alliés européens, ennemis de la France. Mais cette guerre sera perturbée par l'apparition d'une mystérieuse planète, dont l'attraction va attirer à elle cette partie de l'Afrique du Nord, ainsi que la Gibraltar britannique. Les deux camps belligérants vont donc se retrouver sur cette planète itinérante, peuplée de créatures préhistoriques. Dans le même temps, le lieutenant Servadac, un français, va tomber amoureux d'Angelik, belle espagnole ayant fui des trafiquants forcément mal intentionnés, et va tenter de la protéger à la fois de ses oppresseurs, de la guerre, des dangers de la planète, tout en essayant d'éviter qu'elle ne soit reprise par ses frères, partis à sa rescousse pour la ramener en Espagne.
Malí medvědáři

Malí medvědáři

Aug 25, 1957
A family movie about a group of young children responsible for the bear cubs training in the Prague Zoo.
Na Žižkově válečném voze
Widowed yeoman Tuma and his household are on their way to help the town of Kourim, which is under attack by the papist troops. His son Ondra is secretly following his father. Miksík the castellan, who is responsible for Ondra, finds himself forced to set off after the boy. They are both captured by soldiers from Kutná Hora. Miksík sacrifices himself to give Ondra a chance to flee. On the way, Ondra runs into the orphan Sulík. The two boys become friends and begin to wander together.
Dnes naposled

Dnes naposled

Dec 13, 1958
Concert master Karel Mašek is a drunk, as well as engineer Danda and other regular guests of the pub U Kroců. Mašek returns from the pub in the morning and promises the woman that he will stop drinking. But he failed again, and the orchestra players refuse to play with him. Danda returns home without a bag and goes to Krocs again in the morning, even though he has an important job at work. He has been degraded to subordinate job position, but he refused to admit it at home.
Martin a devět bláznů
Captain Martin from the police's child department and his colleague Kraus are called to Znojmo to help solve a case regarding stolen toys found in the town's subterranean passages. The members of the local police department are convinced that the thieves are the well-known "customers" from the Znojmo elementary school, pupils Exner and Mandlík. Martin, however, has doubts about these culprits. These doubts grow even stronger after the local self-service shop is robbed and the local tobacco store reports that it is missing a lot of imported cigarettes. Martin questions the children, inspects both shops and searches through the underground.
Procesí k panence

Procesí k panence

May 19, 1961
Farmers get away from their arguments by embarking on a religious pilgrimage, enjoy a picnic en route, and on their return decide to form a cooperative.


Feb 21, 1981
Arabela était une série télévisée pour enfants produite en Tchécoslovaquie qui a été diffusée de 1979 à 1981. La série compte 13 épisodes et est en langue tchèque.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Monsieur Rosée

Monsieur Rosée

Feb 04, 1979
Pan Tau always had a gentle expression and a friendly smile, he was elegantly dressed in a stroller, with an umbrella and a white carnation in the lapel. Foremost, he was famous for his magic bowler hat. By tapping on his hat, Pan Tau was able to change his appearance into a puppet, to conjure up miscellaneous objects or to do other magic. His most characteristically behavior is that he would help children who were experiencing some sort of difficulties in-between their dreams and reality, like finding a place for skiing, settling family problems on Christmas, and even give a boy a good time at a fair when he is supposed to have piano lessons. To adults, he usually remained invisible.
Lekár umierajúceho času
Series about the life of Renaissance anatomist, scholar and politic Johannes Jessenius. Already legendary series today, was produced by Czechoslovak Television Bratislava, directed by Slovak director Miroslav Luther in the first half of 80's in Barrandov Studios in Prague. The story and screenplay of the series wrote Czech writer Vladimír Körner. Five-episodes epic historical narration is a biographical story of distinguished Renaissance scholar, anatomist and politic of Slovak origin, Johannes Jessenius (Ján Jesenský, 1566–1621). It displays his life from the first studies and successes. In 1594 he became professor of surgery and anatomy on Wittenberg University, which he had attended years before. From that moment, his life went through social and personal wins and losses, to the sad end on the Prague Old Town Square gallows, among 27 noblemen, knights and burgenses, after lose Bohemian Revolt in 1621. His destiny was coupled with key events of Czech history in the break of 16th and 17th century, when Renaissance and European humanism slowly fade out.