H. Mark Vuille

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Sep 27, 1989
Sous la ville, il y a un véritable empire souterrain... où vous ne pouvez pas imaginer ce qui s'y passe !!! Il y a bien des années, le réseau de galeries soutarraines de la ville était un repère de trafiquants, un endroit où les hommes étaient embarqués de force sur des navires... aujourd'hui, tout est à l'abandon. Du moins semble-t'il... Tout a commencé par une découverte macabre dans les tunnels situés sous l'immeuble d'un journal. Il n'en fallait pas plus pour exiter la curiosité de la reporter Pam Weiss et de la photographe Sharon Fields. Elles s'aventurent dans les entrailles de la cité. ce qu'elles vont découvrir relève de l'inimaginable.
Deadly Whispers

Deadly Whispers

May 10, 1995
Tom Acton: a strict but loving father whose only wish is for a safe, kind world for his family. His main worry: his l9·year old daughter, Kathy, a pretty and flirtatious girl who thinks nothing of having an affair with a married man. Even worse, she suspects that an old boyfriend is stalking her. Then one day, Kathy goes missing. Tom and his wife, Carol, are convinced that Kathy has been abducted and are devastated when the police find a body, shot to death and horribly mutilated. The Actons refuse to believe it could be Kathy, but as the police detective assigned to the case begins to dig deeper, he confronts Carol with a terrible possibility, that the truth behind the killing could lie very close to home.
Une vie volée

Une vie volée

Dec 21, 1999
Tom Acton: a strict but loving father whose only wish is for a safe, kind world for his family. His main worry: his l9·year old daughter, Kathy, a pretty and flirtatious girl who thinks nothing of having an affair with a married man. Even worse, she suspects that an old boyfriend is stalking her. Then one day, Kathy goes missing. Tom and his wife, Carol, are convinced that Kathy has been abducted and are devastated when the police find a body, shot to death and horribly mutilated. The Actons refuse to believe it could be Kathy, but as the police detective assigned to the case begins to dig deeper, he confronts Carol with a terrible possibility, that the truth behind the killing could lie very close to home.

Aug 03, 2018

De jeunes recrues du FBI se battent de toutes leurs forces sur le camp d'entraînement de Quantico en Virginie, entre tests d'endurance physique, cours de tir et maîtrise de l'art de l'enquête et de l'interrogatoire. Ils ont 50% de chances d'échouer, la compétition fait rage. 9 mois plus tard, l'un d'entre eux est suspecté d'avoir commis la pus grosse attaque terroriste sur le sol Américain depuis le 11 Septembre 2001...