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Oct 26, 2024
Tsui Chak-ming has been badly beaten and left for dead. While he is in a coma, Ming finds himself in a fantastical martial arts world. With the help of Old Turtle, Ming must master an ancient form of Burmese boxing to defeat a powerful villain. However, Ming’s fate in the dream world is actually in the hands of his mother in the real world.


Sep 02, 2010
Four young women are tempted by the money that can be earned in prostitution. They have to learn in their own way that nothing comes without a price.
The Insider

The Insider

Aug 26, 2010
Dans sa lutte contre les gangs, la police fait parfois appel à d'anciens criminels : ni flics, ni gangsters, ils ne vivent que pour leur mission. Pour racheter sa liberté, l'un d'entre eux, Ghost, accepte de prendre tous les risques...


Jul 08, 2022
When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun, once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as "The Sleuth". Now, Jun and a detective from the task force are on a race against time to beat the brutal killer at its own game.


Sep 05, 2013
A debt collector takes over the management of a group of starlets after their talent agent defaults on a loan, but soon finds he's in over his head.
As the Light Goes Out

As the Light Goes Out

Jan 02, 2014
La veille de Noël à Hong Kong, les pompiers combattent un incendie qui ravage des entrepôts et qui, hors de contrôle, menace de plonger toute la ville dans l'obscurité.
Ce démon intérieur

Ce démon intérieur

Apr 17, 2014
Par un étrange coup du sort, le policier Dave Wong sauve la vie de Hon Kong, chef d'un violent gang, en lui donnant son sang lorsqu'il avait besoin d'une transfusion urgente. Lorsque le policier s'aperçoit qu'il vient de sauver la vie du criminel, son état psychologique peu stable s'aggrave et il commence à se remémorer des évènements passés traumatisants. Après que Hon ait échappé à la surveillance de la police à l'hôpital et qu'un deuxième braquage sanglant ait été organisé, Wong s'absente du travail afin de faire payer Hon Kong.


Jun 03, 2010
Zhou Yi is about to leave on holiday with her boyfriend Woody, until an argument makes Zhou Yi to dump him at the airport. Their breakup is being witnessed by her ex-boyfriend.


Oct 11, 2014
Wong Kam-Kwei, a gang boss on the decline, overseeing bathhouses and karaoke bars, falls for a small restaurant owner, Mei. He begins to help her business, and learns that Mei is already in love with Leung, a member of his gang. He’s also like a brother to Kam-Kwei. When a rival gang hoping to steal his territory kills Leung, the only thing left for Kam-Kwei to do now is to protect Mei and avenge Leung.


Dec 30, 2023
Dans les années 1980, Hong Kong encore sous le régime colonial britannique. La montée et la chute d'une société fictive de Hong Kong appelée Jiali Group, en suivant son président Cheng Yiyan pendant quinze ans d'enquêtes sur la corruption, les meurtres, les millions perdus en frais juridiques et les milliards perdus en valeur marchande.
Kung Fu Jungle

Kung Fu Jungle

Oct 31, 2014
Un instructeur d’arts martiaux (Yen) à l’académie de police est emprisonné pour avoir tué un homme. Désirant sortir de prison, il offre ses services pour attraper un tueur en série (Wang Boaquang) dont les victimes sont toutes des pratiquants d’arts martiaux de haut niveau en échange de sa liberté…


Jan 01, 1970
The Yau Tsim Mong area, the core commercial area of Hong Kong, has recently experienced a series of robberies. Many jewelry stores in the area have been ransacked by gangsters. Police unit is given the mission to take the gangsters into a custody, but the operation is not so easy.
The Mobfathers

The Mobfathers

Mar 31, 2016
Tous les trois ans, les cinq principaux gangs élisent un représentant à l'élection pour être le parrain de la pègre. Chacun des candidats a ses forces et ses faiblesses mais il existe un total manque de confiance entre les gangs. Que va-t-il donc en résulter étant donné que chaque gang combat pour ses propres intérêts ?
New Police Story

New Police Story

Sep 23, 2004
Une bande de jeunes ados de la haute bourgeoisie aimant les sensations fortes, braquent spectaculairement une des plus prestigieuses banques de Hong Kong, et restent sur les lieux du méfait, juste pour le plaisir de pouvoir tirer sur les forces de l'ordre au fusil mitrailleur. Suite à ce jeu de massacre, l'inspecteur Wing promet publiquement de retrouver les assassins en moins de trois heures.
Keeper of Darkness

Keeper of Darkness

Nov 26, 2015
Street-smart exorcist Fatt has an unique method of dealing with vengeful spirits: He negotiates with them and persuades them to let go of their grudges. After recordings of his exorcisms go viral, Fatt attracts the attentions of a murderous spirit who’s targeting mediums, as well as a troublesome reporter who takes great interest in Fatt and his close relationship with a female spirit.
Viral Factor

Viral Factor

Jan 19, 2012
Jon, membre d’une unité d'élite de l'ONU, échoue en Jordanie à rapatrier un virologue qui tombe aux mains d’une organisation terroriste. Alors qu’il sort de l’hôpital, sa mère malade lui confie qu’il a un frère qu’elle a été obligée d’abandonner et lui demande de le retrouver. Seul problème, ce frère est suspecté d'être l'auteur de plusieurs attentats meurtriers...
Invisible Target

Invisible Target

Jul 19, 2007
Une équipe de trois policiers vont démanteler un gang de sept malfrats, qui ont leur propre plan secret.


Nov 24, 2016
Alan is a rich kid looking forward to a busy 24 hours: his birthday celebration tonight and attending court as witness in a criminal trial the next morning. Gal pal Wendy gets things rolling with plans for a night of non-stop partying. Alan's lawyer knows his client's unreliability, so he pressures Alan's dependable chum Chris to tag along. Chris's friend Sam, an entrepreneur eager to do business with Alan's crowd, also joins in for fun and profit. As they make the rounds, Alan gets increasingly plastered while searching for his latest infatuation, Ayaka. By sunrise, he's hardly in condition to testify and even the hangover-curing skills of bartender Cherry prove ineffective. As the deadline looms, another solution is sought. In the process, the guys discover their twilight craziness provided each with a new self-perspective that has intangibly changed their lives.


Apr 26, 2007
Two work colleagues decide to learn the ancient art of Lion Dancing when they enter an office talent competition in this comedy feature.
The Lady Improper

The Lady Improper

Apr 04, 2019
Siu-ma est une infirmière en gynécologie, dont le mariage s’est effondré en raison d’une vie sexuelle inexistante. Lorsque son père est hospitalisé, elle est obligée de reprendre son restaurant, mais comment Siu-man, qui s’est vu interdire l’accès à la cuisine depuis son enfance, peut-il recréer les plats emblématiques de son père ? Une aide inattendue lui vient en la personne de Chia-hao qui éveille son appétit et son désir.


Nov 13, 2003
Pu Pu is dumped by her boyfriend whom she loves. Before she moves out, she asks to listen to "their song" just one more time, that is the hidden track by Jay Chou. Then she leaves him and goes to her sister's place in Hong Kong. All the while she is there, she searches for the same song, the "hidden track", and from this it leads her onto a journey of discovering love and a new beginning. Despite the whole movie revolving around Jay Chou's song, Jay Chou plays only a cameo part.


Oct 12, 2019
In this classic whodunit, a police detective must rely on the only witness - a parrot, to catch the killer of an armed robber.
Dating Death

Dating Death

May 13, 2004
Un groupe d’amis se rend dans une villa sur une île pour y passer la nuit. Des événements étranges surviennent…
Raging Fire

Raging Fire

Jul 28, 2021
Cheung Tit-shan est un policier vertueux qui est admiré par la police pour avoir résolu de nombreux cas. Un jour, son passé revient le hanter lorsque son opération est attaquée par un mystérieux groupe de criminels dirigé par Yau Kong-ngo, son ancien protégé. Ngo était autrefois un policier talentueux qui admirait et respectait Shan. Cependant, un terrible accident l'a envoyé en prison il y a trois ans, le transformant en un homme furieux dans le but de tuer tous ceux qui lui ont fait du tort, y compris son ancien mentor.
Police Tactical Unit

Police Tactical Unit

Jun 14, 2019
Après avoir réussi à faire tomber la triade, Gao Jia Sheng porte à nouveau le badge de la police et croise le sergent He Hui Ling et le chef d’équipe Liu Jian Hui. Les trois ont leur part de crainte, mais apprennent ensemble à renforcer leur confiance et leur amitié à travers une série de missions dangereuses.


Sep 18, 2007
On the First Beat is a TVB modern action series broadcast in June 2007. The series is a direct sequel to 2005's The Academy. The main cast features Ron Ng, Sammul Chan and Chin Ka Lok from the original series and new cast including Michael Tao, Sonija Kwok, Joey Yung, Kenny Kwan and Kate Tsui. The story continues on with the two male leads in the series with their growth as young police officers with personal conflicts in their bonds as friends and romantic relationships. The drama is about the life of a group of Hong Kong police officers and cadets inside and outside of work. A direct sequel, E.U. was produced and airred in 2009 continued with Ron Ng and Sammul Chan, alongside Michael Miu, Kathy Chow, Elanne Kwong, and Michael Tse.


Aug 06, 2005
The Zone is a bizarre program of Hong Kong TVB Jade Channel , The show's themes are divided into twenty-two spooky stories, with audiences telling their own experiences of unbelievable events.


Mar 27, 2009
The Academy is a TVB modern drama series broadcast in June 2005. The series follows the lives of a group of new Hong Kong Police recruits as they proceed through training at the Hong Kong Police training school. Within these 27 weeks, each of them learned their lessons, each of them become more mature, each of them become a better person as the relationship between the trainees and the trainers grows stronger and stronger. A direct sequel, "On the First Beat" was produced and broadcast in 2007 continued with Ron Ng and Sammul Chan, alongside Joey Yung, Sonija Kwok and Michael Tao. Another sequel, "E.U." was produced and released in 2009 continued with Ron Ng and Sammul Chan, alongside Michael Miu, Kathy Chow, Elanne Kong, and Michael Tse. Michael Miu reprises a new role as a triad boss in E.U., which is unrelated to his role in The Academy.


Mar 27, 2009
The Academy is a TVB modern drama series broadcast in June 2005. The series follows the lives of a group of new Hong Kong Police recruits as they proceed through training at the Hong Kong Police training school. Within these 27 weeks, each of them learned their lessons, each of them become more mature, each of them become a better person as the relationship between the trainees and the trainers grows stronger and stronger. A direct sequel, "On the First Beat" was produced and broadcast in 2007 continued with Ron Ng and Sammul Chan, alongside Joey Yung, Sonija Kwok and Michael Tao. Another sequel, "E.U." was produced and released in 2009 continued with Ron Ng and Sammul Chan, alongside Michael Miu, Kathy Chow, Elanne Kong, and Michael Tse. Michael Miu reprises a new role as a triad boss in E.U., which is unrelated to his role in The Academy.