Kitana Baker

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Mar 01, 2008
The lives of a nightclub owner, a crime boss, a stripper, a bartender, two hitmen, a prostitute and a psychic take a turn for the worse when they are trapped in an escaped mental patient's sinister path of madness and destruction.
White on Rice

White on Rice

May 31, 2009
40-year-old Jimmy is growing up, or at least he's getting older. While mooching the upper bunk of his ten-year-old nephew's bed, he enjoys the never-ending generosity of his sister Aiko, and dodges the wrath of his impatient brother-in-law Tak. He thinks that if only he could get married all his problems would be solved. But when he falls head over heels for Tak's niece things only go from bad to worse.
Incident au Loch Ness

Incident au Loch Ness

Dec 17, 2004
Werner Herzog part en expédition en Ecosse afin de faire toute la vérité sur le monstre qui se cache dans le Loch Ness pour les besoins d'un film intitulé Enigma of Loch Ness. A la même époque, John Bailey réalise un documentaire sur Werner Herzog, baptisé Herzog au pays des merveilles, et suit le cinéaste lors de la préparation du film et sur le tournage. Ce que tous deux ne pouvaient prévoir, c'est que le film d'Herzog ne se ferait jamais. Le chaos qui fut le lot d'Herzog sur nombre de ses longs métrages l'a poursuivi jusqu'en Ecosse, un tragique accident après seulement quelques jours de tournage ayant définitivement interrompu la production... A l'automne 2003, les rushs des deux films ont été combinés pour donner naissance à ce making-of.
Playboy: Sizzling Sex Stars
The hottest sex stars are gathered together for a wild and spectacular Playboy celebrity photo session. We've got behind the scenes footage, intimate interviews and a look at their lives in their homes, off the set, and more
Power Couple Confessions
Entrepreneur and night club owner John Liam just met Chloe, the woman of his dreams. The only problem is, his girlfriend Heather is the jealous type. Since she also happens to be a high-powered lawyer, things get sticky quick for Liam as he begins dipping his pen in the company ink. Liam tries to behave, but as a top executive, the temptations are just too overwhelming.
My Best Friend's Wife

My Best Friend's Wife

Nov 15, 2005
College buddies Dirk and Carl share more than just memories in this sexy tale of erotic desire! When Dirk returns from Las Vegas with a new wife that he's only known for twelve hours, Carl is amazed at his friend's stupidity - and turned on by his hot choice, Sammy. Determined to help his friend out of a sticky situation Carl pushes the two to annul the marriage and at the same time lays the groundwork for Sammy to go with the one real man for her...
Hip-Hop Honeys: Tasty Flavors
Screens sizzle and speakers blast as the most beautiful women of the hip-hop generation party--uncovered and uncensored. Exotic models of all shades groove to blazing beats from the best producers in hip-hop. Join rap superstars Nelly, Snoop Dogg, Nore, Fat Joe, Juvenile, Trick Daddy, Master P and more as they celebrate funky beats and sexy thrills with 16 of the most gorgeous Game Girls in the universe!


Aug 09, 2004
Hilarity ensues when friends Jeff and Derek try to enter the world of back bar wrestling; where the most beautiful girls could beat the tar out of both of them without a second thought. Even with a little help from the notorious Buckle Girls, can Jeff survive a fight against Switchblade Rick for not only the title, but the heart of the girl he loves?
Intolérable cruauté

Intolérable cruauté

Sep 02, 2003
Une belle profiteuse rivalise d'esprit avec un avocat spécialiste des divorces de Beverly Hills, qui est de plus en plus attiré par elle.
The Model Solution

The Model Solution

Apr 30, 2002
Jack's modeling agency has been losing its ground lately. His ex is running a competitive business and they both want the hot Rebecca to sign with them. He must also deal with his demanding tycoon dad and a secretary who wants him.
Private Places

Private Places

Jan 01, 2019
With neighbors like these, who needs the internet? Neighbors get naughty at this apartment complex that’s packed with Peeping Toms. And in this veritable Valhalla of voyeurs, they’re getting it all on video. Jeanie (Mia Zattoli) is an amateur videographer who prefers to capture her subjects in their raw and natural state, but will her curiosity get the better of her and land her hot new friend (Regina Russell) in the hot seat? Meanwhile, all around them, the tempting tenants of the tawdry tower exercise their exhibitionist endeavors while exorcising their erotic energies, immediately exporting their intimate images to the internet. But, will fame and fortune find these fornicating filmmakers before it’s too late?
Le Roi Scorpion

Le Roi Scorpion

Apr 18, 2002
5 000 ans avant Jésus-Christ, la légendaire cité de Gomorrhe est sous la coupe de l'avide Memnon, un tyran maléfique déterminé à éliminer les peuplades nomades du désert. Menacées d'extinction, celles-ci en oublient leurs querelles séculaires et préparent ensemble une riposte. Sachant que leur adversaire s'inspire des visions et des prophéties d'un sorcier, elles engagent un assassin, Maythayus, pour tuer ce dernier. Après s'être introduit dans le camp ennemi, Maythayus découvre que le sorcier est en fait une magnifique jeune femme se nommant Cassandra. Incapable de la tuer, le guerrier s'enfuit avec elle dans le désert.
Auto Focus

Auto Focus

Oct 18, 2002
Dans les années soixante, Bob Crane est l'animateur vedette d'une émission de radio à succès. C'est aussi un père de famille comblé. Lorsqu'il se voit proposer le rôle principal d'une série humoristique, c'est le début d'une gloire aussi grande que destructrice. Sa célébrité et la rencontre de John Carpenter, un technicien vidéo qui le pousse à développer son obsession de l'image et des femmes. Au cours de sa quête effrénée de plaisir et de sexe, Bob Crane va peu à peu perdre sa famille, ruiner sa carrière et se perdre lui-même...
Windy City Heat

Windy City Heat

Oct 12, 2003
A man caught up in the glamor of being a Hollywood celebrity has no idea that the production he's in is a fake.
Playboy: Roommates

Playboy: Roommates

Feb 04, 2002
Find out what really happens when gal pals take passionate play to a new level of enticing fun. Stunning and seductive, tempting and wild, you've never seen roommates like these. There's so much action the camera overheats. Nothing is too daring for these naughty nymphs as they bring your hottest fantasies to life.
La Vue

La Vue

Nov 08, 2024
Cinq femmes avec des perspectives très différentes sur la politique, Hollywood et ses stars, et l'actualité discutent de ces sujets et d'autres sujets de division du jour.
Boston Justice

Boston Justice

Dec 08, 2008
Alan Shore et Denny Crane dirigent une équipe de plaideurs au civil dans un cabinet d'avocats huppé de Boston, dans cette série centrée sur la vie professionnelle et privée d'un groupe d'avocats brillants, mais ayant souvent de la difficulté à gérer leurs émotions.


May 11, 2006


Aperçu des relations hommes/femmes à travers les aventures de la charmante Shelly et de ses amis.