Tereza Ramba

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Mar 27, 2008
This unofficial Czech remake of Alexander Payne's blockbuster seriocomedy Sideways (2004) concerns Jirka and Honza, two friends who check in as complete opposites on every level; Honza is a polished urbanite, Jirka a nickel-and-dime crook with a flair for wooing women. The men's friendship is characterized by an unending series of wild schemes and escapades. When Honza learns of his grandfather's impending death, it brings him face-to-face with his own mortality and encourages him to fulfill his long-held dream, while he still has the opportunity: to embark on a dream vacation to the vineyards of Morovia, with buddy Jirka in tow.


Oct 21, 2009
The film follows Marie, Jirka and their wealthy parents, as well as murderer Jiří Tichý. The film takes place mostly in southern Moravia.
Peklo s princeznou

Peklo s princeznou

Jan 29, 2009
To help his daughter avoid marriage to an inept prince, King Leopold claims that Lucifer himself is wooing the princess. Satanic panic ensues.
Les rafteurs

Les rafteurs

Mar 09, 2006
Filip est persuadé d'être le dernier adolescent puceau de tout le pays. Son copain Dany lui organise une soirée afin de mettre un terme à ce triste record. Mais ce qui devait être la nuit la plus torride de sa vie tourne à la catastrophe et Filip, puni, est envoyé à la campagne. Dany, jamais à court de bonnes idées, a repéré un groupe de jeunes filles venues s'initier au rafting sur la rivière toute proche. Officiellement, elles n'ont qu'un objectif : s'initier aux joies du sport, découvrir les règles de la vie en groupe, profiter des trésors de la nature. En réalité, tout ce petit monde a bien d'autres choses en tête...
Ctrl Emotion

Ctrl Emotion

Dec 09, 2009
Ctrl Emotion is a Czech comedy film. It was released in 2009.
Alois Nebel

Alois Nebel

Sep 04, 2011
En 1989 : Alois Nebel est chef de gare dans une petite station tchèque, non loin de la frontière polonaise. Il vit seul, mais quand le brouillard se lève, il croit voir les fantômes de son passé. L’irruption d’un étranger l’obligera à affronter ses cauchemars. L'irruption d'un étranger bouleverse sa vie. Réfugié dans la gare centrale de Prague, il croise celle qui lui donnera l'amour dont il a besoin pour sortir du brouillard de ses souvenirs.
Zemský ráj to napohled
Adolescence is always a difficult time; it is doubly so for Gábina. For one thing, she is growing up in the normalization years of the 1970s, and then she also has to face the reality that her father is a well-known actor disavowed by the regime. Although he abandoned the family years before, his existence casts an ominous shadow over the lives of not only Gábina, but also her older sister and mother, who are trying to find a civilized way through the social mire of the times.


Mar 23, 2008
Private psychologist Jakub tries to help others, but he has his own problems. Then he gets to take care of his old father which starts a lot of funny situations due to fathers starting dementia. Then this new medication appears...
Zápisník alkoholičky
The feature film Diary of an Alcoholic tells the dramatic story of a young woman struggling with alcohol addiction. The main heroine (although she often does not act like a heroine) is a young mother who decided not to give up, to start treatment and to fight her demon and her family. How hard is it to admit a drinking problem? Why is not even a small child an obstacle to addiction? Where to get the strength to heal and what comes next? These and many other questions are answered by an authentic and honest cinematic confession of an abstinent alcoholic.
Život je život

Život je život

May 21, 2015
Pedantic policeman Frantisek (Ondrej Vetchý) wants to bring up his three daughters with a firm hand. He would like to see the girls coupled with capable and successful men, but instead they have the talent to find the opposite. Moreover, one of them is constantly trying to get pregnant, second one is only dating exotic fools and the third one is expecting a baby without knowing who is the father. Frantisek and his wife (Simona Stasová) always spend their vacation at the local lake, although the wife is dreaming of the seaside. One day she meets a bohemian writer with slightly suicidal tendencies (Miroslav Táborský) and an attractive colleague with Spanish roots (Kristína Peláková) walks into Frantisek's office and things get moving...


Dec 24, 2015
What happens in the mountains, stay in the mountains. Giant Mountains are truly the spice of local highlanders who live here, whether any season. Skier with one leg, the legendary womanizer adorned with infertility, the bartender with a penchant for divination... And Pavka, the oldest living member of a traditional cross-country Bulán family.
Po strništi bos

Po strništi bos

Aug 17, 2017
L'histoire d'un petit garçon forcé de quitter Prague pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale pour aller dans un petit village de Slavonice où il rencontre le reste de sa famille. Il a besoin de se faire de nouveaux amis et de s’habituer à une nouvelle vie qui est extrêmement différente de celle à laquelle ce citadin était habitué.
Chata na prodej

Chata na prodej

Jul 26, 2018
When nostalgia makes her rethink the sale of her family cottage, a woman cajoles her husband and loved ones into one last getaway.


Dec 05, 2013
The film's main theme is obsession. An obsession with love, with art, originality, copying, with success, money and... with oneself. Sooner or later, if we lose our rational upper hand over it and let ourselves be dragged down by it, every obsession leads to destruction. But it is only when being dragged down, in spite of all the cuts and bruises, that we find a unique DELIGHT, if only for a few short moments - and what else is life really about? It is like a drug. What at first seems to be weak and trivial is capable of expanding and growing into a serious problem that can appear to be absolutely incomprehensible and absurd to those who have never experienced anything like it.


Nov 21, 2019
Mrs. Zahrádková has a plan to convince the other co-owners of the flats to finally save the house in which they live together and which is in emergency condition.
Pojedeme k moři

Pojedeme k moři

Apr 10, 2014
As preteen, aspiring filmmaker Tomas trains his new camera’s lens on his own world, shocking family secrets around him come into sharp focus.


Apr 28, 2022
Under Czech law, most murders can be statute-barred in as little as 20 years. Radio presenter Eva gets involved in one case that is time-barred almost irretrievably. On her nightly show, she gives space to the mysterious Radek, who has returned to Prague after exactly twenty years.
Deníček moderního fotra
When Natasha and Dominic unexpectedly became parents, the decision was clear. As a successful toys designer, Natasha is able to better secure the family financially, so Dominik will stay home and take care of their newborn baby. He approaches the task with a bit of a naive idea, and will use all his ingenuity to take care of little Cenek during the first year. Care sometimes reminds of the fight for survival. However, thanks to little Cenek, he discovers, how many forms can love have...
Betlémské světlo

Betlémské světlo

Mar 10, 2022
Le quotidien de l'écrivain Sejnoha est égayé par les personnages persistants de ses histoires qui lui rappellent quelques questions majeures. Comment répondre à nos propres attentes d’une existence meilleure sans détruire tout ce que nous avons ?
Country Teacher

Country Teacher

Mar 20, 2008
Professeur de biologie dans un lycée de Prague, Petr nquitte un jour la capitale pour devenir instituteur dans un village de campagne. Les habitants s’interrogent sur les raisons qui ont pu le pousser à cet « exil »…


May 17, 2012
Jusqu'où iriez-vous pour sauver la personne que vous aimez le plus au monde ? Becca Winstone est confrontée à cette question quand son fils Michael, âgé de 18 ans, est enlevé lors d'un stage d'été en Europe. Cette ex-agente de la CIA a déjà perdu son mari, espion lui aussi, aux mains d'un meurtrier dix ans auparavant. Déterminée à ne pas voir son fils subir le même sort, elle se rend sur le Vieux Continent, où elle doit réveiller ses instincts d'agente secrète pour traquer les ravisseurs. Elle est prête à tout pour sauver Michael, même s'il faut rouvrir d'anciennes blessures, voire même impliquer de vieux amis et ennemis.
Modré stíny

Modré stíny

Mar 20, 2016
This time the detectives deal with the case of a murdered professor. One day a cleaning woman finds him shot to death in his own study. The detectives will thus investigate whether the murder is connected with the victim's persistent effort for the removal of the University's quaestor because of the latter's strange machinations during the reconstruction of the University building. And they'll also want to know why the murderer took the great risk involved in killing the victim on the university soil. The search for the answer to the question who could wish the death of the peculiar but honest professor will take them farther than they have expected.