Francine Locke

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My Dream Beside Me

My Dream Beside Me

Dec 12, 2014
Paul Rich and Mary Kay Slesinger Rich. At 84 years young Paul lost his wife of 66 years - Mary Kay was married for 34 years and she was left a widow when she was in her mid 60s. After a few years Paul and Mary Kay met and fell in love. This union of marriage is a testimony that people can be strong, vital and full of life at any age. Paul and Mary Kay prove that love can last a lifetime.
Stand Your Ground

Stand Your Ground

Oct 17, 2013
When Jackie Carpenter’s son, Jason, is accused of murder she fights against the odds to free him but when the prosecution seeks a life sentence, both Jackie's and Jason’s world spins into turmoil sending them on parallel journeys of wavering faith and tentative hope. STAND YOUR GROUND is the true story of a cry for justice and of tragedy, trust and triumph.
The Order of Rights

The Order of Rights

Nov 12, 2021
The Order of Rights is a pro-life film. The story centers around Emma Stein, a pregnant single girl who has been advised by her mother to have an abortion. Despite the objection of the child's father, Ethan Carpenter, and his promise to help her, she decides to go ahead with the procedure. When Ethan and his family file a lawsuit on behalf of the child's right to life, the drama escalates as Emma's mother, Kerri, contacts a friend in the Associated Press. Before long, the case is mired in media frenzy. The court has to decide whether the child in Emma's womb is a person or not, and if so, if it is endowed with the unalienable rights as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. The title, "Order of Rights" refers to the order in which the categories of rights are deliberately listed in the document: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
Risky Business

Risky Business

Aug 05, 1983
Joel Goodson, 17 ans, étudiant en Terminale de Glencoe, banlieue cossue de de Chicago (Illinois) doit réussir son concours d'entrée à Princeton. Il veut être entrepreneur et gagner beaucoup d'argent. Lorsque ses parents quittent la ville pour la semaine son ami Miles le convainc d'appeler une call-girl pour sortir de sa coquille. De fil en aiguille, il fera la rencontre d'une autre call-girl, Lana qui va l'inviter à découvrir un autre business lucratif : le bonheur des hommes...
Christmas Ranch

Christmas Ranch

Dec 20, 2016
A rebellious girl is sent to stay on her grandmother's horse ranch for Christmas. She falls into friendship with her grandmother's pony and becomes determined to help save the ranch from foreclosure.
Mine 9

Mine 9

Apr 12, 2019
Two miles into the earth, nine Appalachian miners struggle to survive after a methane explosion leaves them with one hour of oxygen.


Jan 01, 2018
An assassin is sent by his psychotic employer, to kill his ex-wife. In his quest to accomplish his task, he becomes familiar with his target, making his mission difficult. Now, he must face the consequences of his actions.
Grace and Gravity

Grace and Gravity

Jan 01, 2018
An American Christian on a work assignment in the UK must come to terms with his own faith when he encounters a suicidal minister who has lost his faith and is about to leap from a bridge.
Modern Prodigal

Modern Prodigal

Sep 12, 2019
Un bon conseil sur la drogue mortelle Fentanyl qui brûle dans les rues d'Atlanta, catapultant le journaliste brûlé Brian Sanderson dans le ventre sombre et humide d'Atlanta. Éloigné de sa famille et au milieu de son enquête, Brian apprend le meurtre de son fils. Alors qu'il cherche des réponses et le fils qu'il n'a jamais connu, les questions déchirent le tissu de sa vie, révélant une histoire aux proportions bouleversantes. Des personnalités élitistes du pouvoir aux gens de la rue oubliés, Brian est conduit de plus en plus profondément dans une histoire qui secouera la ville en son cœur. Finalement, Brian prend une décision aux conséquences éternelles alors qu'il se retrouve face à face avec deux hommes qu'il n'a jamais connus: lui-même et l'homme qui était son enfant.
In Gramps' Shoes

In Gramps' Shoes

Dec 17, 2013
After 20 years of praying for his daughter to let him back into her life, a 65-year-old Ty gets his wish when the prodigal requests his help in dealing with a financial bind and her rebellious teenage son. Ty's first encounter with his grandson, whom the grandfather has never met, leads to a challenge for a two mile race that alters the course of life of the young man as well as the grandfather.
Keys to the City

Keys to the City

Sep 14, 2019
A widower from Bankhead, Russell Savage, is diligently running to become the youngest Mayor in the history of Atlanta. His opponent is August King, the man who has raised Russell and his brother as his own since they were kids. But when the beautiful Avery Long joins the campaign, Russell finds himself fighting to sustain everything he's worked for including his campaign for Mayor, and his life.
Trew Calling

Trew Calling

Feb 02, 2017
Mon nom est Trew; c'est l'histoire de la façon dont j'ai reçu la visite du tout-puissant et il me demande d'écrire tout ce qu'il dit. C'est simple Il a parlé, j'ai paniqué, l'incroyable s'est produit.
Calm Before

Calm Before

Jan 04, 2021
A husband and wife on the brink of divorce are trapped at a Lake House on their anniversary and are forced to confront their demons, both real and imaginary.
The Originals

The Originals

Aug 01, 2018
Le vampire originel Klaus fait son retour au Vieux Carré, un quartier français de la Nouvelle Orléans. Dans cette ville qu’il a aidé à construire quelques siècles plus tôt, il y retrouve son ancien protégé, le diabolique et charismatique Marcel. Dans l’espoir d’aider son jeune frère à trouver la rédemption, Elijah est contraint de s’allier avec des ennemis de Marcel...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Crime Story

Crime Story

May 10, 1988
The hard-boiled saga of hair-trigger cop Lieutenant Mike Torello and his obsessive pursuit of ruthless gangster Ray Luca.
Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire

Oct 14, 2017
Au cœur des années 80, au Texas, un visionnaire, un ingénieur et un prodige, spécialisés dans la micro-informatique, confrontent leurs inventions et innovations aux géants de l'époque. Leurs relations sont alors mises à rude épreuve, entre convoitises, jalousies et crises d'égo...