David Yorston

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Sep 30, 1971
Best friends Michael, Steve, Cooly and Richie are seniors at a large Toronto high school. Foremost on their minds and that of many of their classmates are what they are going to do this upcoming summer and beyond. They don't want to waste away the summer much like they did this past summer. Mike is being pressured by his parents to go to university following graduation from high school, although Mike himself is unsure if that's what he wants to do. Other ideas they discuss are to tour with their band, Arctic Madness, or to start a commune on a five hundred acre parcel of wilderness property outside of Timmins that was deeded to Mike. As the end of the school year approaches and these successive ideas come and fall by the wayside, the four come to a realization of what their future together holds


Dec 14, 1978
Juste avant l’explosion de la planète Krypton, Jor‐El décide de sauver son fils en l’envoyant sur Terre. Le nourrisson est recueilli par le couple Kent qui décide de l’élever comme son propre fils. L’enfant se met à développer des pouvoirs hors du commun. Une fois adulte, Clark Kent, reporter au Daily Planet, souhaite mener une vie normale. Il ne renie pas pour autant ses capacités à sauver le monde et devient alors Superman : super‐héros volant au secours de la veuve et de l’orphelin, attisant la jalousie de Lex Luthor et l’intérêt de sa collègue Loïs Lane.
Science Fiction
Sudden Fury

Sudden Fury

Nov 07, 1975
Fred is a psychotic entrepreneur who hopes to convince his wife Janet to invest in a shady land deal. The wife refuses, and the couple continue their heated argument while driving through the Ontario backwoods. When their car crashes, Janet is seriously injured, but Fred leaves the scene, hoping that his wife won't last the night.