Maximilian Gehrlinger

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Le brigand Briquambroque
Gaspard et son ami Petit Pierre jouent dans le garage lorsqu'ils s'aperçoivent que le brigand Briquambroque a volé le précieux moulin à café de grand-mère. Alors qu'ils se lancent à sa recherche et essayent de lui tendre un piège dans la forêt, les deux garçons se font capturer par le brigand qui les livre bientôt au grand méchant magicien.
Notes of Berlin

Notes of Berlin

Sep 09, 2021
A film inspired by one of Germany's most visited blogs. The author of the site, Joab Nist, posts pictures of real announcements, notes, information that people leave in the streets of Berlin. The film follows 15 genuine notes and protagonists. The result is 15 funny, tragic, fascinating episodes about people and the city they live in. Twenty-four hours from the life of the city. The story begins with a note attached to a street lamp, with the message “For one minute please just stand here in silence, look at the sky and contemplate how amazing life is”. Is it possible that only a very drunk young man notices the text and looks upwards? An extraordinary mood picture of present-day Berlin and a declaration of love for the city.
Un mariage sans fin

Un mariage sans fin

Sep 17, 2020
Zazie est invitée au mariage de son meilleur ami. Elle décide de tout faire pour empêcher ce qui est à ses yeux l’erreur de sa vie. Mais quand elle se retrouve piégée dans l’espace-temps du mariage, tout se complique.
Les six compagnons qui viennent à bout de tout
Gaspard est musicien à la cour du Roi Wilbur. La princesse Ella et lui s'aiment et veulent se marier, mais le roi ne l'accepte pas. Il piège Gaspard dans un cachot et fait croire à sa fille qu'il est parti parcourir le monde. En prison, Gaspard rencontre Lucas, qui est plus fort que 10 hommes, et Flora, qui commande aux plantes. Grâce à Lucas, ils s'échappent de prison, et sur leur chemin, ils rencontrent trois autres personnes aux dons très rares : Marcus, qui porte une enclume dans son sac pour s'empêcher de courir plus vite que le vent; Benjamin, qui a une vue qui porte plus loin que celle d'un aigle; et Lisa, qui a un souffle de glace.


Jun 25, 2016
The end of a summer, a sleepy fishing port on the Baltic Sea and the beginning of a great feeling that must not be: Shortly before the start of the new school year, the 18-year-old Christian falls in love with his new English teacher Stella Petersen. In a moment of unexpected lightness and freedom, in the dunes and seascape far away from the small town, Stella and Christian discover a shared longing and an attraction to each other, the intensity of which both overwhelmed. But soon after class has begun again, the secret relationship between the young teacher and her pupil threatens the scandal ...


Nov 21, 2015
A tale of being different and growing up.


Feb 07, 2012
The story is set some time in the past, or maybe some time in the future. Given a time-frame, we would say somewhere between the American moonwalk, and Coca- Cola's serious ambition to turn the moon into an advertising logo. Our central character, the young lift operator, is formed by experience into cynicism, detachment, and apathy. The story builds to its crescendo: of public outrage and state crackdown; the banality of commercial interest and the monumental rape of nature. Set in a large newspaper office, the Lift is a place of relative safety. But floor by floor, with each passenger in his or her tableau, the atmosphere of mayhem seeps in. Finally our young character leaves the situation, far-gone in hopelessness and disinterest.


Jun 21, 2019
A man tries to keep pace in front of the hand of a clock, turning ever faster, until he's overtaken by time itself. PACE is an animated short film exploring our modern relationship with time and today's constant feeling of not having enough of it.
Boys On Film 16: Possession
Golden boys, teen lust, self-conscious dolls, chance encounters, a vengeful creature, holiday romance, hidden sexuality — Boys On Film celebrates it's (not so) sweet sixteen with an astonishing selection of the latest international gay short films. Volume 16: Possession features ten complete films: Kai Stänicke's "Golden" with Christian Tesch and Maximilian Gehrlinger; Christopher Manning's "Jamie" starring Sebastian Christophers and Raphael Verrion; Kai Stänicke's "B." starring Susanne Bormann and Andreas Jähnert; Blake Mawson's "PYOTR495" starring Alex Ozerov; Charlie Francis's "When A Man Loves A Woman" starring Tommy Jay Brennan, Jemima Spence, and Diane Brooks Webster; Anthony Schatteman's "Follow Me" starring Ezra Fieremans and Maarten Ketels; Jake Graf's "Chance" starring 'ABS' and Clifford Hume; Andrew Keenan-Bolger's "Sign" starring John McGinty and Preston Sadleir; Oliver Mason's "Away With Me" starring Chris Polick and Lee Knight; and "We Could Be Parents" by Björn Elgerd.
Une équipe de choc

Une équipe de choc

Jan 04, 2025
Après la réunification de l'Allemagne, Verena Berthold travaillant à la police criminelle de Berlin doit faire équipe avec Otto Garber, un policier de l'ex-Allemagne de l'Est. Ces deux flics, mal assortis résolvent avec doigté toutes les affaires. Ils sont secondés par Georg Scholz et Yücsel, un collègue de descendance turque. Humour et action sont au rendez-vous de la série.