Three curious students go to a rough neighborhood to buy drugs, a surprise police raid forces them to escape with the vendors through a labyrinth of houses and streets in order to avoid getting jailed.
Le stoïque Victor est confronté à "Selfie", membre d'un gang de jeunes. Bientôt les chiens de Victor sont tués. Il part à la recherche de vengeance, mais découvre que son rival a maintenant disparu sans laisser de traces. Le voyage est difficile, car Victor passe par Sinaloa, l'extension d'un territoire qu'un cartel criminel sans scrupule a transformé en terrain sanglant.
Rafa is a guy who dreams a lot and sleeps very little. He’s no longer a teenager and he’s one step ahead to become an adult, this would become more difficult than he ever thought. Love, drugs and uncertain future, are the thing that go with him through his journey to find out who he is as a person.