Salva Reina

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Todos lo hacen

Todos lo hacen

Dec 28, 2022
The story follows several couples who return to the hotel where they celebrated their wedding years ago at the invitation of the owner of the accommodation. Some live happily married, others on the contrary are on the verge of divorce. They all have something in common, an enemy. And it is that the owner of the hotel is on the verge of ruin and is willing to get out of that situation no matter what.


Nov 22, 2019
Séville, Espagne. Juan Santos, un petit délinquant condamné, est libéré de prison pour une journée afin de célébrer avec Triana, sa femme, la première communion de leur fille Estrella.
¿Quién es quién?

¿Quién es quién?

Dec 05, 2024
The Fuentes are not the best family in the world. But what family is it? Work, school and routine have plunged them into a spiral of disconnection that seems impossible to stop. However, everything changes when the youngest of the group, Valentina, makes a wish for her ninth birthday. The next day, all the members of the family wake up with their bodies swapped: The father is in his wife's body, the girl is trapped in the grandmother's body, the teenage twins are not themselves... Chaos takes over. the family and, desperate, they ask themselves: Who is who? While the family faces crazy situations and hilarious circumstances, the Fuentes must learn to get under each other's skin and trust each other to turn the situation around. Will they be able to return to their original bodies and get their lives back?
Tu madre o la mía: Guerra de suegras
Paco and Regina are going to get married, but they don't know that this will unleash a fight between their mothers to see who decides every detail of the wedding. Carmen, Paco's mother, is an expert in sentimental blackmail to get what she wants. While Catalina, Regina's mother, is an expert in using her contacts to pressure and extort people until her slightest whim is fulfilled. Their struggle unleashes a battle of epic proportions, where nothing will be left standing.
Cuánto me queda

Cuánto me queda

Dec 20, 2023
Two doctors, leading a stable life, are shocked to learn from new technology that one of them has less than a month to live. Seized by the urgency of their dwindling time together, they strive to savor every precious moment while fearlessly confronting their deepest desires and fears.
La isla mínima

La isla mínima

Sep 25, 2014
Deux flics que tout oppose, dans l'Espagne post-franquiste des années 1980, sont envoyés dans une petite ville d'Andalousie pour enquêter sur l'assassinat sauvage de deux adolescentes pendant les fêtes locales. Au coeur des marécages de cette région encore ancrée dans le passé, parfois jusqu'à l'absurde et où règne la loi du silence, ils vont devoir surmonter leurs différences pour démasquer le tueur.
¿Es el enemigo? La película de Gila
Madrid, 1936. Miguel Gila lives peacefully and happily with his grandparents in a humble attic. But the outbreak of the Civil War forces Miguel, along with his friend Pedro, to go to fight. There Gila survives misery, battles, firing squad and jail thanks to his humor. Because of this unique way of interpreting the world around him, Gila will become one of the most popular comedians in Spain and Latin America.
Villaviciosa de al lado
Villaviciosa de al Lado is a peaceful town stuck in time, living exclusively of the fame of a 200 years-old spa. Therefore, city hall's debts threatens to close the spa and ruin all town. Their salvation becomes when suddenly mayor Anselmo and the rest of members of city hall realize that they won the Christmas Lottery. But their happiness turns in horror after to discover that the prize belongs to a serial number distributed by the town's brothel, causing the suspicion of the wives and fear of the husbands after a TV interview where Mari, brothel's owner, claims that the almost men of the town will have prize from the lottery. Wanting a way to charge the prize to save the town without having to suffer the anger of their respective women, Anselmo, Ricardo, César, Juandi and Paco plots a plan in order to steal the money from the brothel, meanwhile Mari tries reconcile her stranded life and restore the memory of her deceased father, a former mayor.
Bla Bla Bla

Bla Bla Bla

Mar 26, 2015
Sharing car is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
Señor, dame paciencia
Gregorio est un banquier très conservateur, fan du Real de Madrid et très grincheux. Lorsque sa femme meurt subitement, il doit respecter son dernier souhait : répandre ses cendres dans le fleuve Guadalquivir. Pour mener à bien cette tâche, Gregorio doit passer un week-end à Sanlucar de Barrameda avec ses enfants, deux filles et un garçon. Le problème est qu'ils seront tous les trois accompagnés de leurs partenaires qui ne le supportent pas.
El intercambio

El intercambio

Dec 31, 2017
They are on their way and Eva is still insecure. Her deep love and devotion for Jaime has led her to accept a special offer: swinging in order to arouse their marriage after fifteen years. Jaime seems doubly confident: a curvy 19-year-old Brazilian is waiting for him, while Eva has to resign herself to an uninspiring and unattractive partner. What looked like a night of playing, liberation and revitalization for this husband and wife becomes a mess inside four walls when Jaime discovers that their partners for the evening are not who they said they were.
Antes de la quema

Antes de la quema

Jun 07, 2019
Quique, artiste compositeur de chirigotas du carnaval de Cadix, commence à travailler dans le plus grand dépôt de drogues d'Andalousie. El Tuti, un trafiquant de drogue local et un de ses grands admirateurs, projette de voler la marchandise saisie avant qu'elle ne soit incinérée. Pour cela, il embauche des voleurs professionnels. Mais le succès du plan dépend de Quique car le groupe veut agir dans le local de l’incinérateur.
La lista de los deseos
Eva and Carmen are two women who meet in the worst place: the doctor’s office, waiting to hear the results of their cancer screenings. So Carmen has an idea: why don’t she and Eva rent an RV with her best pal, Mar, make a list of things they’ve always wanted to do… and do them.
Con quién viajas

Con quién viajas

Sep 10, 2021
Quatre voyageurs se rencontrent dans le centre-ville de Madrid via une application de covoiturage. Quatre individus qui n'auraient jamais pu imaginer le voyage qu'ils s'apprêtent à entreprendre, alors qu'ils échangent peu à peu secrets, émotions et méfiance, pour finalement arriver à une destination très différente de celle qu'ils avaient prévue. En cours de route, ils en apprendront beaucoup sur les personnes avec qui ils voyagent... et sur eux-mêmes.
El universo de Óliver
The year is 1985. Oliver, a boy with an overflowing imagination, moves with his family to the southernmost corner of Europe, just as Halley's Comet is about to pass by. These events will mark a before and after in the emotional life of Óliver, who will look to the stars for the solution to his problems in the new school, in the neighborhood and at home. To make matters worse, his grandfather, nicknamed "el majara" is encouraged to help him interpret the comet's message and take a step forward in his new Universe.


Oct 26, 2022
MG, a policewoman who has been expelled from the Corps due to the problems with alcohol and drugs that she has had since the loss of her son, receives a call from a man asking her to look for Macarena Gómez, a popular TV actress.
El 47

El 47

Sep 06, 2024
Inspired on the true story of Manolo Vital, a bus driver who helped create the modern Barcelona during the 1970s city's boom.
Muertos S.L.

Muertos S.L.

Apr 25, 2024
When Gonzalo Torregrosa, owner and founder of Torregrosa Funeral Home, passes away, Dámaso Carrillo, his right-hand man in the company, doesn’t hesitate that the best for the business is taking the reins himself. However, against all odds, Nieves, the septuagenarian widow, decides to take the lead in the family business, with the assistance of her inept yet enthusiastic son-in-law, Chemi, a Marketing expert, and in defiance of her daughters’ plans to close the Funeral Home and start a gym. While Dámaso conspires and manipulates his colleagues against the new management, the company will face competition from Transitus Funeral Services and their expansion plans, as well as a #MeToo case that threatens Gonzalo Torregosa’s legacy.


Oct 02, 2018
Max is a Jack Russell dog genetically modified for criminal purposes so he is able to talk. Running away from the criminals he's working for, he is wounded, then saved by detective-wannabe Alberto, who is fire and house-hunting. They end up staying with Alberto's sister-in-law Marta and her two children. Thanks to them all, Alberto finally manages to be a detective, and he and Max establish their detective agency: Sabuesos.
Action & Adventure
D'une main de fer

D'une main de fer

Mar 15, 2024
Depuis le port de Barcelone, Joaquín Manchado dirige son empire de la drogue avec une poigne de fer jusqu'à ce qu'une nouvelle cargaison vienne tout faire déraper.
Si j'avais su

Si j'avais su

Oct 28, 2022
Emma a 30 ans. Elle partage sa vie avec Nando depuis 10 ans mais elle n'est plus satisfaite de son quotidien. Lorsqu'une erreur temporelle la renvoie dix ans en arrière, elle se retrouve piégée dans le corps d'une jeune femme de 20 ans.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Impares premium

Impares premium

Jan 02, 2011
Impares premium is a Spanish series about comedy and love and stars a multitude of actors.