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Red Sandra

Red Sandra

Sep 17, 2021
William et Olga sont confrontés à un diagnostic inattendu. Leur fille unique Sandra (6 ans) souffre de Leucodystrophie métachromatique, une maladie musculaire rare. Il lui reste environ un an à vivre. Le monde de la famille s'écroule. Le père refuse de perdre espoir et se jette corps et âme dans un combat contre l'industrie pharmaceutique.
Plop wordt Kabouterkoning
Because of a misunderstanding, Plop turns into the new king! Klus, Kwebbel and Lui move to the palace, while Plop is trained to become royalty, but what happened to the real heir of the throne?
Team Spirit II

Team Spirit II

Dec 10, 2003
Time is not standing still for the teammates of soccer team 'Eendracht Vooruit'. Erik (Tom Van Landuyt), the team captain, tries to keep them together since a lot of the player getting children. In particular, Jean-Marc who's having triplets but has difficulties to handle them and Franky Leemans who can't have children and tries to adopt one.
K3: De Kattenprins

K3: De Kattenprins

Dec 19, 2007
One night the girls of K3 find a mysterious storybook in their bedroom. When they read it, the face of a handsome prince appears. The prince is cursed by the evil Cat Queen and must kiss his true love before midnight. If not, he turns into... a cat. Fortunately, the prince has help from the fairy Fiorella, who helps him in his difficult quest. Fiorella picks up the K3 girls in her carriage and takes them to Fairytale Land, high above the clouds. Could one of the K3 girls be the true love of the handsome prince? Can they break the Cat Queen's curse before the clock strikes twelve?
Danni Lowinski

Danni Lowinski

May 23, 2013
A former hairdresser graduates from law school and starts working as a cheap legal consultant. Her ambition, her spontaneous and unique way to investigate cases, her big heart and her first successes as a lawyer soon deliver her many clients.
Diamants bruts

Diamants bruts

Apr 21, 2023
Le combat d’une famille juive ultra-orthodoxe, les Wolfson, bien implantée dans l’industrie diamantaire de renommée mondiale d’Anvers. Lorsque leur plus jeune fils se suicide, son frère Noah revient à Anvers et découvre que l’entreprise familiale est au bord de la faillite et sous la coupe de la mafia locale. Lui qui avait tourné le dos à sa religion et avait démarré une nouvelle vie dans le milieu du crime organisé à Londres, tente désespérément de sauver l’entreprise des Wolfson et de protéger l’héritage et l’honneur de la famille. Mais pour ce faire, il doit d’abord régler ses conflits avec ses frères et sœurs.
Code 37 : Affaires de mœurs
Hannah Maes est nommée capitaine au sein de la brigade des mœurs de Gand où elle dirige avec tempérament et finesse sa nouvelle équipe exclusivement masculine : Charles adepte des méthodes traditionnelles de la vieille école, Bob le macho et le jeune Kevin, spécialiste des nouvelles technologies. Malgré leur scepticisme, les enquêteurs découvrent peu à peu cette trentenaire d’un genre nouveau. On comprend rapidement que l’arrivée de Hannah n’est pas un hasard. Elle est revenue pour résoudre une affaire personnelle…
Zone Stad

Zone Stad

May 27, 2013
Zone Stad is a Flemish-Belgian TV series about a police-department located in Antwerp. In the series, police officers solve various crimes, which are shown as realistically as possible.


Apr 19, 2009
Flikken was a popular Flemish-Belgian TV series about a police-department located in Ghent. The show started in 1999 and ended recently on 19 April 2009. In the series, a team of six police officers solved various crimes, petty crimes as well as organised crime. The series always aimed at showing the policework in a realistic way - though a little personal drama was never far off. Of all the actors that came along during the ten seasons, only Mark Tijsmans and Ludo Hellinx appeared throughout the entire series. Flikken was produced by the VRT and broadcast on Belgian public channel Eén and TROS in the Netherlands. Flikken is very popular in Belgium and the Netherlands. The show has had very high ratings of up to 1.8 million viewers during the last season. Every year the VRT organises the Flikkendag, a family day where the public can meet the actors of the show. There are many games, demonstrations of the real police and other safety organisations and performances of singers. On 18 April 2009, a special farewell party was organised in Ghent, in which the actors and crew said goodbye to their fans - thousands had assembled to watch the show on stage.


Jan 06, 2019


Jun 30, 2011


Dec 29, 2023
L’inspectrice Chantal Vantomme commence une nouvelle vie avec sa fille Emma dans une petite ville rurale. Dans ce "Far West" belge où les habitants ont l’habitude de régler leurs différends eux-mêmes, le calme n’est qu’apparent. Pour couronner le tout, Chantal doit faire face aux remarques sexistes de ses collègues et de ses voisins…
Zie Mij Graag

Zie Mij Graag

Mar 31, 2020
After being disappointed by her husband, Anna decides to put an end to their marriage and tries to get her life back on track. But how should she continue with her life and her children, Lou and Vic, through which she'll be connected with her ex forever?


Feb 28, 2025
'Familie' is the longest running Belgian soap opera. The Van den Bossches originally had an electronics company, later a holding company that included a clothing chain and a sandwich shop. In the meantime, we closely follow the personal lives of the Van den Bossches and their entourage. Grandma Anna and all her children and grandchildren have been through a lot over time and it doesn't look like their lives will become calmer any time soon.
Sense of tumour

Sense of tumour

May 06, 2018
Fan de rugby et dragueur invétéré, tout sourit à Tristan Devriendt, brillant étudiant en médecine, jusqu’aux infirmières qui l’aident à paver son chemin de succès. Mais alors qu’il apprend le b.a.-ba du contact avec les patients, un scanner révèle que lui-même pourrait souffrir d’une forme rare de cancer. Plus qu’une déflagration dans son ciel jusqu’ici sans nuage, la nouvelle provoque une profonde remise en question de tout ce qu’il pensait maîtriser jusque-là : la clinique, les sorties, les filles, le rugby. Plutôt irrésistible, Tristan ne pensait pas découvrir la faiblesse en pleine célébration de sa jeunesse.
Hawa & Adam

Hawa & Adam

Apr 03, 2024
Adam wakes up from a coma after three years and has to stay in the hospital to recover. He discovers that information is being kept from him and tries to do everything he can to find out the truth. Hawa starts at a new school and makes up one lie after another, getting herself into trouble. Hawa and Adam communicate with each other through a mysterious diary and discover that something serious is going on with all sixteen-year-olds. Can Hawa and Adam solve the problems? And will they ever really meet?
Urgence disparitions

Urgence disparitions

Apr 07, 2016
Chaque épisode de la série raconte un suivi de dossier d'une personne disparue par la Cellule des personnes disparues de la Police fédérale belge , qui s'occupe des disparitions, de l'identification de personnes et de restes humains.
Urgence disparitions

Urgence disparitions

Apr 07, 2016
Chaque épisode de la série raconte un suivi de dossier d'une personne disparue par la Cellule des personnes disparues de la Police fédérale belge , qui s'occupe des disparitions, de l'identification de personnes et de restes humains.