Nell Mooney

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Eichmann Show

Eichmann Show

Jan 20, 2015
Comment Milton Fruchtman et Leo Hurwitz ont créé l'un des premiers événements télévisés mondiaux en retransmettant le procès Eichmann dans 37 pays et pendant 4 mois en 1961.


Jan 01, 1983
Drama based on the case history of a Liverpool boy, Graham Gaskin, who spent most of his youth in care.
11’09”01—September 11: India
It is September 11, 2001, and a young man goes missing in New York. Because of his eastern name and his Islamic religion, he is suspected of being involved in the World Trade Center attack. The FBI inquire about him. The neighbors of his family show their disapproval. His family hold out hope that he will be found and exonerated. (Originally appeared as a segment of the omnibus film 11’09”01—September 11, but later presented as a separate short film.)
Mad Hot Ballroom

Mad Hot Ballroom

May 13, 2005
Eleven-year-old New York City public school kids journey into the world of ballroom dancing and reveal pieces of themselves and their world along the way. Told from their candid, sometimes humorous perspectives, these kids are transformed, from reluctant participants to determined competitors, from typical urban kids to "ladies and gentlemen," on their way to try to compete in the final citywide competition.
Il était une fois

Il était une fois

Nov 20, 2007
La vie de Giselle, future princesse, est un conte de fées... Jusqu'à ce qu'une méchante reine la bannisse du pays animé d'Andalasia pour la faire apparaître dans le on-ne-peut-pas-moins magique Manhattan d'aujourd'hui. Quand un cynique avocat en droit du divorce la prend sous son aile, il est loin de se douter que cette joyeuse innocente va lui faire partager sa féérie.