The animated stories of Garfield the cat, Odie the dog, their owner Jon and the trouble they get into. And also Orson the Pig and his adventures on a farm with his fellow farm animals.
May 29, 1993
1993 min15 vues
The title characters of the series are a family of machine-enhanced human beings possessing unique powers after being augmented with bionic technology, much like The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman. Each family member is given specific bionic powers, and thus they form a superhero team named Bionic Six.
Mar 08, 1985
1985 min31 vues
Lorsqu'une poignée de céréales est trouvée dans la poche d'un homme d'affaires assassiné, Mlle Marple cherche un meurtrier avec un penchant pour les comptines.