Paula Vesala

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Known as one of Finland’s most prominent rock institutions, Tavastia club celebrated half a century of being in the business, whilst withstanding the challenges of a global pandemic. In this rockumentary, director Antti Kuivalainen takes us through the history of Tavastia, as the club which brought rock ‘n’ roll to Finland.
70 on vain numero

70 on vain numero

Dec 29, 2021
Seija Kuula is a superstar singer and an ageless goddess with a career spanning decades and decades. Problems start to arise when Seija falls in love with a younger guy and everybody around her seem to suffer from a bad case of baby fever. Seija orchestrates a masterplan to make everyone happy only to realize that one can not play with love. 70 Is Just a Number is a warm and humorous coming-of-age story – at 70.
PMMP - Tässä elämä on
Directed by Arto Tuohimaa, the film closely follows one of the most popular Finnish bands of the 2000's, covering their last two years on tour, in the studio, and at practice. The intimate moments right before heading out onto the stage as well as the feelings after a euphoric show clearly depict the band members as a family of sorts. Right from the beginning, PMMP's line-up has remained the same as well as their self motivated way of creating and performing music; refreshing alternative in a conservative world of pop music. All band members are interviewed in the film along with the lead singers Paula and Mira, who usually stand in the spotlight.


Oct 06, 2023
No Love Lost rocketed to fame and made its members stars. Guitarist Tony has drunk himself to poverty when a message reaches him: after years of sobriety, singer Katarina has relapsed and is in dire straits. Tony gets a visit from Katarina's distant daughter Ellie. She's looking for answers to questions about her family - in exchange for the key to the band's comeback. Wanting to reclaim their fame and money, Tony and bassist Pete set out on an adventure - determined to bring No Love Lost back.
Unknown Soldier

Unknown Soldier

Oct 27, 2017
En 1941, après la guerre d'Hiver contre les Soviétiques, la Finlande s'engage en allié à l'Allemagne, dans la guerre de Continuation afin de récupérer ses terres perdues contre l'Union Sovietique. Au front, le jeune lieutenant Kariluoto, bourgeois et idéaliste, est troublé par les qualités stratégiques du caporal vétéran Rokka, paysan, père de famille, qui défie sa hiérarchie mais fait preuve d'un rare courage.
Tyttö nimeltä Varpu

Tyttö nimeltä Varpu

Sep 23, 2016
Little Wing tells the story of 12-year-old Varpu, who's quickly growing to adulthood, and about her mother, who doesn't want to grow up. Varpu lives with her mother and has never met her father. One night Varpu has enough of her riding buddies and her mother. She steals a car and drives up north in search of her father, of whom she only knows the name. But her father is not exactly what she had expected. Meeting him trigger something in Varpu and mother's life, making them realize their role in each other's lives, and in the world.
Love and Fury

Love and Fury

Oct 14, 2016
Dans le Helsinki des années 80, la liaison d'un couple d'auteurs menace de basculer dans la folie à cause de leurs démons personnels et de leur rivalité professionnelle.
Le Cristal Magique du Père Noël
Un cristal magique permet au Père Noël de multiplier ses efforts et distribuer les cadeaux aux enfants du monde entier, comblant ainsi toutes les familles. Cependant, l'assistant du Père Noël, Basil, mal intentionné, entend dérober ce cristal et utiliser son pouvoir à d'autres fins. Il cherche à contrôler l'esprit des enfants pour les asservir. Grâce au courage d'un jeune humain, Yotan, les assistants du Père Noël vont parvenir à récupérer le fameux cristal. Cette quête leur fera vivre de nombreuses aventures et situations critiques. Le Père Noël fera de Yotan le leader des Red Caps, la troupe d'élite de distribution des cadeaux, un honneur pour un jeune garçon !


Feb 03, 2012
Vuosaari, banlieue triste d'Helsinki, est un alignement de tours à proximité d'un port de marchandise. C'est dans cette cité-dortoir que les destins de plusieurs personnes s'entrecroisent, comme celui de Milla, 17 ans, qui rêve de devenir une vedette, et celui de Make, petit délinquant endetté jusqu'au cou...


Jun 25, 2020
Group of old friends gather in a summer villa to celebrate a surprise birthday party for Mitzi, who is the dramatic focal point of the group. The weekend starts ominously when Mitzi does not respond well to the surprise party. It turns out that Mitzi has just filed for divorce and has been looking forward to a peaceful weekend. The tense situation takes a new turn when Mitzi's best friend brings her new boyfriend for a visit, who happens to be a Swedish film star. Familiar surroundings and the old rituals get to the core of the group and make them forget their adulthood. Revelations, not meant to harm the balance, make them reassess their past as well as their present.


Sep 10, 2010
Princesse s’inspire d’une histoire vraie, celle d’Anna Lappalainen (1896-1988), qui a passé plus de cinquante ans à l’hôpital psychiatrique de Kellokoski. Atteinte de schizophrénie, Anna se prend pour Princesse, membre de la famille royale d’Angleterre. Même si Princesse compte elle-même parmi les patients de l’hôpital, elle consacre sa vie à aider ses proches et gagne le respect des autres patients, mais aussi du personnel soignant.
3 Simoa

3 Simoa

Sep 14, 2012
A caper comedy about two friends, Simo and Lasse, who try to earn their living as burglars. But now there's also Baby Simo.


Jan 04, 2023
A poor wild-life writer named Hamsteri, who is obsessed with natural disasters, lives in a wooden cottage in the countryside with his only friend, Minnie the mouse. In the village he is considered a bit odd and he is indeed special! When a lottery-winning family moves in next door, Hamsteri gets the hoarding opportunity of his dreams and in the process changes the course of the lives of Rurik, a bookkeeper who has lost his will to live, his wife Tellu and their children. Thus begins hoarding for what Hamsteri imagines will be "the cruellest winter ever".
Tyttö nimeltä Varpu

Tyttö nimeltä Varpu

Sep 23, 2016
Little Wing tells the story of 12-year-old Varpu, who's quickly growing to adulthood, and about her mother, who doesn't want to grow up. Varpu lives with her mother and has never met her father. One night Varpu has enough of her riding buddies and her mother. She steals a car and drives up north in search of her father, of whom she only knows the name. But her father is not exactly what she had expected. Meeting him trigger something in Varpu and mother's life, making them realize their role in each other's lives, and in the world.
À cœurs perdus

À cœurs perdus

Oct 26, 2018
Little Wing tells the story of 12-year-old Varpu, who's quickly growing to adulthood, and about her mother, who doesn't want to grow up. Varpu lives with her mother and has never met her father. One night Varpu has enough of her riding buddies and her mother. She steals a car and drives up north in search of her father, of whom she only knows the name. But her father is not exactly what she had expected. Meeting him trigger something in Varpu and mother's life, making them realize their role in each other's lives, and in the world.
Tuntematon sotilas

Tuntematon sotilas

Dec 30, 2018
The Unknown Soldier miniseries expands the story of the 2017 film of the same name. The World War II series based on Väinö Linna's classic novel closely follows a machine gun company of the Finnish Army on the Karelian front during the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union, from mobilization in 1941 to the Moscow Armistice in 1944. It's a story about how camaraderie, humor, and a desire to survive connect men on their journey. War upends the lives of both the individual soldiers and those left on the home front, and leaves its mark on the entire nation.
Vain elämää

Vain elämää

Dec 15, 2023
Finnish version of The Best Singers series. Each week, one artist is chosen and the remaining artists perform covers of their songs and are judged by that artist.
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (abbreviated UMK) is an annual music contest organised by the Finnish public broadcaster Yle. UMK began in 2012 as a new concept for the Finnish selection for the Eurovision Song Contest, replacing the original Finnish Eurovision Song Contest qualifying event (Suomen euroviisukarsinta) which had been held since 1961.