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Boogie Nights

Boogie Nights

Apr 28, 2022
Un film fantastique dans lequel le monde touche à sa fin à cause de l'annonce soudaine d'une explosion nucléaire par la Corée du Nord, et un employé de bureau ordinaire rencontre cinq femmes alors qu'il envisage de vivre son dernier jour sans regret, et retrouve sa vie alors qu'il est rattrapé. dans une situation extrême inattendue.
Défense d'atterrir

Défense d'atterrir

Aug 03, 2022
Une attaque terroriste menée en plein vol. Des passagers touchés l’un après l’autre. Un flic chargé de l’enquête, dont l’épouse est dans l’avion. Une compagnie aérienne dépassée. Une seule consigne adressée aux pilotes : Défense d’atterrir.


Apr 24, 2014
Kang Ho-chan is studying and preparing for his dream job as a TV station producer. Barely scraping by since his father's retirement, his family has high hopes for him. However, he fails time and time again to get into the station and eventually ends up getting a part-time job at a government office to support his family. One day, one full-time employee resigns and Ho-chan's boss offers him a permanent position. Ho-chan hesitates between his long-time dream of becoming a producer and a steady job.
The Tunnel

The Tunnel

Aug 20, 2014
Un groupe d'amis se rend sur invitation à l'inauguration d'un hôtel de luxe. La fête est perturbée par l'apparition d'un homme étrange qui leur annonce leur mort prochaine en mettant ça sur le compte d'une malédiction. Le temps passe et l'homme ne semble pas vouloir quitter les quatre amis si bien qu'ils finissent par le tuer accidentellement. Afin de se débarrasser du corps, ils se rendent dans une mine de charbon avoisinante. Cependant, ils vont y rester coincés et devoir faire face aux horreurs enterrées sous terre...


Apr 03, 2014
Park Jung-gu sends out homemade bombs to people he finds online who are likely to use them, yet these devices are unused. One day, Jung-gu meets Lee Hyo-min, a delinquent student at his university and sends him a package. Soon an explosion in a delivery truck hits the news. Before long, Hyo-min discovers who is sending him the packages and the two form a tenuous relationship. However, Hyo-min's unpredictable behavior becomes dangerous and Jung-gu finds himself caught in a situation that he can no longer handle.


Jul 24, 2019
Jung-ho, the former South Korean undercover hid in North for 20 years. When he finally flees back to South, his dead wife starts to appear and haunts his memory. Tracing back his faint memory he looks for his old colleagues who are supposed to return to South but they’re all missing or dead. 20 years ago Jung-ho got a mission to help North Korean officer and his family to exile to South. However the operation failed and this made him have an irrevocable decision. The secret past that Jung-ho never wants to reveal is about to come out 20 years later in the South.
Okay! Madam

Okay! Madam

Aug 12, 2020
Une famille ouvrière gagne des vacances gratuites à Hawaï. Mais lorsque leur avion prend son envol, il est détourné par des terroristes. Pour sauver sa famille et les autres passagers, la femme doit révéler son passé secret et se défendre.
Dites-moi ce que vous avez vu
L'excentrique Oh Hyun Jae était un profiler criminel hors pair jusqu'à ce qu'une bombe posée par un tueur en série prenne la vie de sa jeune fiancée, le faisant devenir un reclus. Lorsqu'un tueur en série longtemps cru mort revient terroriser la ville, l'étoile montante de la police, Hwang Hwa Young, décide de déjouer le tueur. Pour ce faire, elle fait équipe avec Oh et le remarquable flic recrue Cha Soo Young, dont la mémoire photographique peut s'avérer être une puissante arme contre le crime.
À l'épreuve du diable
Dans ce jeu de survie à énigmes présenté par "le diable", les participants mettent leur ingéniosité à l'épreuve pendant une semaine pour espérer remporter le gros lot.


Jan 01, 2016
Due to his ex-wife’s debt, Joon-Man (Lee Kwang-Soo) had no choice but to work for a gang boss. Even though he has a warm personality, he works as a loan shark. To get debt from an ice hockey coach, Joon-Man joins the ice hockey team.
God's Gift - 14 days

God's Gift - 14 days

Apr 22, 2014
Kim Soo Hyun est une mère dont la fille a été kidnappé et assassiné. Suite à un miracle, elle aura la chance de retourner deux semaines dans le passé pour tenter de changer le cours du destin. Sera-t-elle dans la mesure de changer la destinée de sa fille ou celle-ci la rattrapera-t-elle de façon impitoyable ?
달려라 장미

달려라 장미

Jun 05, 2015
Jang Mi is a woman with a warm personality which makes her kind to everyone. She is 26-years-old and a graduate student majoring in culinary arts. She was brought up in a wealthy family, but loses everything one day when her father passes away. Jang Mi's life changes completely after her father's death. While Jang-Mi struggles to make a living, she meets a man who is the grandson of a food company president and they become involved romantically.
닥터 프로스트

닥터 프로스트

Feb 01, 2015
Baek Nam Bong (Song Chang Ui) is known as Dr. Frost. He became a professor in psychology at early age. He is extremely bright, but he has difficulties sympathizing with others due to an injury to his frontal lobe as a child. During the day, he now works as a counselor at the campus counseling center and at night he works as a bartender. He then begins to work with a teaching assistant, Yoon Sung Ah (Jung Eun Chae) at the counseling center. Yoon Sung Ah is enthusiastic with the clients needing counseling. They work together to solve problems who go there for help.
Who Are You - School 2015
Lee Eun-Bi et Ko Eun-Byeol sont de vraies jumelles séparées à la naissance et aux vies diamétralement opposées. Un jour, Eun-Byeol disparaît mystérieusement lors d'un voyage scolaire ; au même moment, Eun-Bi fait une tentative de suicide après avoir été injustement renvoyée du lycée. Dès lors, Eun-Bi prend involontairement la place de sa sœur.
미세스 캅

미세스 캅

May 08, 2016
After long and grueling hours immersed in brutal crime investigations, lead detective Choi Young Jin must face the particular horrors of singlehandedly raising her daughter Ha Eun. Any way you look at it, Young Jin's got her work cut out for her, but it's only a matter of time before her professional and personal worlds collide in new and disastrous ways.
아름다운 당신

아름다운 당신

May 06, 2016
This is the story of various characters who learn about love, courage, healing and savior in the name of ‘family’ who stand by your side in times of hardships. This drama is a beautiful love story which will comfort your exhausted soul.
내 사위의 여자

내 사위의 여자

Feb 05, 2016
Jin-sook used to hate her son-in-law Hyun-tae when her daughter died, but now Hyun-tae is like a real son to her. One day, Hyun-tae falls in love with a woman named Soo-kyung, and Jin-sook, who was unhappy with Soo-kyung, finds out that Soo-kyung is her real daughter.


Feb 24, 2016
Cheon Nara, whose name literally means ‘heaven’, is a normal lady working a normal office job who suddenly starts seeing glimpses of a man in suits smirking at her. She lives alone and of course, freaks out when she feels that there is someone following her on her way home and makes the decision to buy a taser. It turns out that the man is no ordinary man; he is a devil who appears before her, black wings and all, to offer her three wishes. Nara’s response to his revelation is something Mr. Devil has not prepared for: she completely ignores him and his offer, doubting her vision. He tries to prove his identity, only to lead her into believing that she has a disease and has started having hallucinations.


Jan 14, 2024
A highly accomplished conductor decides to leave her life in New York behind to take up the challenge of reviving a struggling orchestra.


Jun 14, 2018
Dans un prestigieux cabinet, un avocat renommé mise sur l'aide d'un jeune homme à la mémoire photographique incroyable, mais sans diplôme, pour des affaires importantes.


Sep 15, 2022
Les frères jumeaux Woosin et Suhyeon on perdu leur père dans une affaire de meurtre il y a 22 ans. Devenu auteur de romans policiers, Woosin découvre que l'arme du crime est une flèche en diamant appelée "Adamas". Afin de la retrouver, il s'introduit dans le manoir de Jaegyu pour écrire ses mémoires à sa place. Suhyeon, désormais procureur, rouvre l'affaire après avoir rencontré un journaliste qui cherche à révéler la vérité sur l'incident.
Memories of the Alhambra
Alors qu'il recherche le créateur mystérieux d'un jeu de réalité augmentée génial, le parton d'une boîte d'investissement tombe sur la gérante d'une auberge en Espagne.
Action & Adventure
I Wanna Hear Your Song
I Wanna Hear Your Song suit l'histoire d'amour mystérieuse de la timbalière, Hong Yi Yeong et d'un pianiste dans un orchestre, Jang Yun. Cette dernière a été témoin d'un meurtre dont elle n'arrive pas à s'en rappeler et souffre d'insomnie depuis. Afin de l'aider à soigner son insomnie, Jang Yun l'appelle tous les soirs. Ensemble, ils vont essayer de découvrir la vérité sur ce meurtre.


Dec 20, 2014
Jang Geu-Rae s'est entraîné toute son enfance pour devenir joueur professionnel de go mais n'est pas parvenu à réaliser ce rêve. Aujourd'hui adulte, il n'a ni diplômes ni qualifications dignes d'être mentionnés et accumule les petits boulots. Sur recommandation d'une connaissance, il intègre la société One International comme stagiaire et est placé sous la tutelle de Oh Sang-Sik. Mais les premiers pas de Geu-Rae dans le monde du travail sont difficiles.


Jan 30, 2022
Joon Hyeok is an unpopular musician whose life has hit rock bottom. He had already broken off his relationship with his older sister, Joon Hee, when her son appeared before him. His nephew developed Obsessive–compulsive disorder after his mother divorced his stepfather. Joon Hyeok takes his nephew in and looks after him. Joon Hee divorced her physically abusive husband after 12 years of marriage. She moved into an inexpensive apartment and now faces losing custody of her son to her ex-husband and his mother.