Les Perkins

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Down and Out with Donald Duck
This "duckumentary," done in the style of "60 Minutes," traces the life of Donald Duck. As Donald's fame grows, so does his ego. While hosting a variety show one night, Donald snaps and fires a gun at the audience for misbehaving. This leads to a series of problems that eventually cause Donald to seek psychiatric help from Ludwig Von Drake, who uses an insult machine as part of Donald's therapy. Then, after a long night of bizarre dreams, Donald learns the error of his ways and vows to reform.
Qui veut la peau de Roger Rabbit ?
En 1947, à Hollywood, les grandes vedettes du cinéma partagent l'affiche avec les Toons, personnages animés. Roger Rabbit est amoureux transi de sa sublime femme Jessica, et son amour l'empêche de travailler correctement. Le producteur R.K. Maroon, le patron des Studios, tente de le ramener sur le droit chemin et engage Eddie Valiant, un détective privé humain et alcoolique, pour prouver à Roger Rabbit l'infidélité de Jessica. Des photos compromettantes sont prises et le présumé amant est retrouvé assassiné. Roger Rabbit est accusé du meurtre et recherché par l'ignoble juge Demort qui voue une haine féroce aux Toons.
Mac Daddy & the Lovers
A unique romantic comedy regarded as the male version of SEX AND THE CITY with a bit of SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER mixed in. This award-winning film (Golden Reel Award at the 2013 Nevada International Film Festival) is being called “A laugh-filled comedy with a very important and powerful message!” The film is written and directed by Mac Jay, who also stars in the film.