Cecil Kellogg

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The Lone Ranger Rides Again
Homesteaders are moving into the valley settled many years ago by rancher Craig Dolan. He wants to keep them out by legal means but his nephew Bart brings in outlaws to drive them out. The Lone Ranger is on hand to help the homesteaders battle Bart's men as he overcomes traps, ambushes, burning buildings and other obstacles in his attempt to bring peace to the valley.
Le banni

Le banni

Feb 05, 1943
Pat Garrett et Doc Holliday sont de vieux amis. Leur amitié va être mise à mal lorsque Billy the Kid vole le cheval de Doc. S'ensuit un jeu du chat et de la souris entre les trois hommes et une relation « je t'aime - je te hais » entre le Kid et Doc. Relation beaucoup plus sulfureuse que la poitrine de Jane Russell ! Tous les protagonistes sont sous le charme de Billy tout en tentant à plusieurs reprises de le tuer... lui-même semblant indifférent à tous et à tout... sauf à "Red", le cheval volé à Doc.
La Légion Des Damnés
Deux anciens hors-la-loi malchanceux se portent volontaires pour être des Texas Rangers, et doivent capturer un vieil ami devenu un célèbre bandit.
Gordon of Ghost City

Gordon of Ghost City

Aug 13, 1933
A cowboy is hired to track down a gang of rustlers, but gets involved with a beautiful girl trying to run her grandfather's gold mine and other outlaws who are trying to stop her.
Chip of the Flying U

Chip of the Flying U

Nov 29, 1939
Chip of the Flying U was Johnny Mack Brown's first western entry for 1940. Brown essays the title role of Chip Bennett, foreman of the Flying U ranch. Before the second reel has tumbled over the spools, Chip finds himself falsely accused of robbery and murder. The actual miscreants are in the employ of a band of foreign gunrunners, who speak in heavily Teutonic accents. Rest assured that Chip makes short work of these bush-league Storm Troopers before the sun sets in the West. Musical interludes are provided by a group calling themselves the Texas Rangers, even though they actually hailed from Kansas City.


Nov 26, 1939
L'effort de l'armée pour capturer le chef Apache Geronimo, qui dirige une bande de guerriers sur un saccage de raids et de meurtres, est entravée par une querelle entre deux officiers - qui sont père et fils.
Mistaken Orders

Mistaken Orders

Jun 29, 1925
Vincent Barton, the son of the vice-president of a railroad company, takes a job as the depot agent at Bynes. He fires one of Tony Sharkey's henchmen, scheming against the railroad, and, as a result, a fight takes place and a switching order is overlooked which nearly results in a major wreck. Realizing the situation at Hynes, Helen Barton, Vincent's sister, dashes to Hynes in her roadster and puts together a severed telegraph wire to put the station back in communications with headquarters. Meanwhile, Helen's sweetheart, Tom Lawson, is fighting with Sharkey in a run-away engine and it is headed for an open bridge over a river.
Les Pionniers de la Western Union
Vance Shaw cherche à échapper à son passé de hors-la-loi et se fait embaucher par la Western Union qui construit la ligne de télégraphe devant relier les villes d'Omaha et Salt Lake City. Cette construction n'ira pas sans mal et il est inéluctablement rattrapé par son passé sous la forme de renégats de l'armée sudiste qu'il connait bien et qui cherchent à rançonner la compagnie.