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Que Viva Eisenstein !

Que Viva Eisenstein !

Feb 11, 2015
En 1931, fraîchement éconduit par Hollywood et sommé de rentrer en URSS, le cinéaste Sergueï Eisenstein se rend à Guanajuato, au Mexique, pour y tourner son nouveau lm, Que Viva Mexico ! . Chaperonné par son guide Palomino Cañedo, il se brûle au contact d’Éros et de Thanatos. Son génie créatif s’en trouve exacerbé et son intimité fortement troublée. Confronté aux désirs et aux peurs inhérents à l’amour, au sexe et à la mort, Eisenstein vit à Guanajuato dix jours passionnés qui vont contribuer à façonner le reste de sa carrière.
Eisenstein in Hollywood
From Moscow to Mexico City, Eisenstein was privileged enough to met the cultural heroes of the era and embrace them as compatriots, with a handshake. Such was his reputation as the wunderkind of the new art of cinema, everybody wanted to meet him; there were writers, painters, critics, theorists and philosophers, as well as composers, architects, and artists from all branches of the cultural life that was shaping minds and civilizations. Our project would follow Eisenstein's journey and note the significant characters he encountered on his travels, with a focus on Switzerland.
En kväll på krogen

En kväll på krogen

Apr 20, 2011
A story about an evening in a restaurant. Six tables, seven stories, a tragicomedy about the fantasies and realities of love.