Lili Eneva

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Селянинът с колелото
Born in a small village, Yordan has to live and work in the nearby town. Only on the weekends can he return to his native village. He travels by a bike and observes the nature and the animals around him with overt sadness. In the village arrives a young pharmacist and she rents his house. Soon both of them fall in love. In order to be near her, Yordan tries to persuade his colleagues to move one of the workshops from the plant to the village. But they are all used to living in the town now and decline his offer. Yordan realizes that he cannot demand impossible things.
Не си отивай!
The charming young man Ran is a director in a school in his hometown. His classmate Mariana is his wife. At the first glance, things are like, as they ought to be. In the world of untold words and timid gestures something important is missing - the understanding. He cannot succumb to the routine, hypocrisy and egoism. Ran sees every moment of his everyday life as a part of everlasting human strive for beauty and perfection, which brings him many troubles and causes conflicts with his colleagues and his friends. The intrigues and betrayal of a part of his colleagues during the visitation of a school inspector make him lose his patience. On a public place, he slaps the inspector who destroys the human dignity of the others. There is a court against Ran. He must leave the school. He leaves his wife Mariana who does not understand him. These misfortunes do not stop his search for real values, real work, real love, in another place, another town, another school.
Бедната улица
The students Yoshkata and Petar share rooms and wartime privations in a poor man's street. Over a glass of vine, Yoshkata often talks about the stage life of genuine beauty. The student is unaware of the passion with which Vaska, the barmaid at the local pub, burns for him. Petar is a member of an antifascist combat unit. The pupil Katya loves him. Petar carries out a sabotage action and comes home wounded. Yoshkata manages to deceive the Germans who rush into their flat that they have been drinking and playing cards throughout the evening. He saves his friend. However, the secret agent notices the doctor's visits. When the police arrive to arrest Petar, Yoshkata tries to resist them and the agent shoots him dead. Petar goes underground. On the day of the liberation, all the residents of the poor man's street celebrate, and Katya and Petar happily reunited. Vaska is there, too, a baby in her arms, the fruit of her love with Yoshkata...
Оркестър без име
Velko, Filip, Pavel and Gosho have different professions but are connected by the love they have for music. They rehearse all year to make it big on the sea resorts in the summer. The head of the cultural center where they play is willing to give them the musical equipment if they replace their singer Maria (Filip's girlfriend) with the attractive but untalented Reni. This is the first, but not the last compromise they have to make on the way to the dream.
Момчето си отива
The action centers on Ran and his schoolmates who are in the last year of school. They are only a few days away from the day when they will have to make a decisive choice: what are they going to be, and what is more important, how are they going to live? In the whirlpool of meetings with different people and mainly with three women, the filmmakers are trying to see the future of their main character. His schoolmate Mariana wants to lead him into family life. The pop singer Neli is the very incarnation of adventurism. However, he is most deeply touched by the salesgirl in the near-by coffee shop Tintyava. This is a wordless affair in which each glance exchanged betrays the piercing excitement of impossible love.