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Un moment d'humiliation
Les garçons se faufiler pour une nuit sur la ville, ignorant que la femme de Stan a changé ses coupons d'épicerie pour cachette secrète de Stan d'argent fou. Les garçons courent un énorme onglet traitement d'un couple de jeunes filles à dîner dans une boîte de nuit élégant et beaucoup de peine s'ensuit.
Le Chant du coucou

Le Chant du coucou

Oct 15, 1927
M. et Mme Gimplewart habitent avec leur fils une splendide maison dont ils cherchent à se débarrasser car elle jouxte l’asile psychiatrique. À cet effet M. Gimplewart a passé une annonce mais il est bien difficile lors de la visite des futurs acquéreurs de leur cacher les indésirables voisins. Après une tentative infructueuse, un nouveau pigeon se présente et leur propose de leur échanger leur maison contre la sienne dont il présente une photo : cela ressemble à une splendide demeure. L’occasion est trop belle, et la famille y saute dessus. Mais la contrepartie de l’échange, construite à la hâte, va s’avérer pire que leur ancienne maison
Oui, Oui, Nanette

Oui, Oui, Nanette

Jul 19, 1925
Nanette envoie une lettre à sa famille parlant de son nouveau mari, Hillory. Lorsque Hillory arrive pour rencontrer la famille, il se fait insulter par chaque membre, y compris le chien, et perd sa perruque. Après avoir dîné avec la famille, les anciens retours amant de Nanette et Hillory doivent l'affronter.
Small Talk

Small Talk

May 18, 1929
The gang are all orphans, hoping to be adopted by nice families where "spinach is not on the menu". Wheezer, the youngest child, gets adopted by a wealthy couple, while his older sister Mary Ann does not. The gang all comes to visit Wheezer in his new home, setting off an alarm that causes the police and the fire department to come over. At that time, Wheezer's new mother and father decide to adopt Mary Ann as well. The couple's friends all each adopt a child as well; even Farina is adopted by the maid at Wheezer's new home.
Baby Brother

Baby Brother

Jun 26, 1927
Joe Cobb is a wealthy child who longs for a baby brother. His nursemaid takes him to the other side where he meets some kids his age (the rest of Our Gang) where Joe offers three dollars for a baby. Farina finds a fellow African-American neighbor woman who lets him mind her infant which he then paints white and sells to Joe. The rest of the gang has set an assembly-line system that washes, dries, rocks, and feeds male and female babies.
The Spanking Age

The Spanking Age

Dec 15, 1928
Mary Ann Jackson and Bobby "Wheezer" Hutchins are the children of a widowed inventor who are forced to endure the cruelties of their stepmother and stepsister. The kids get even by rigging a few clever contraptions of their own. In the end the father sells a patent worth millions. Before that, the Our Gang kids bring out out the old "alum" gag, along with several other tried-and-true comedy bits.
Little Mother

Little Mother

Jun 01, 1929
Little Mother is a 1929 Our Gang short silent comedy film directed by Robert F. McGowan. Produced by Hal Roach and released to theaters by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Little Mother was the 87th Our Gang short to be released. A silent film, it followed Our Gang's first sound film, Small Talk, on the release schedule.
Bouncing Babies

Bouncing Babies

Oct 11, 1929
With Wheezer's new baby brother getting all the attention, he tries to send the baby back.
Rainy Days

Rainy Days

Feb 12, 1928
Jay and Wheezer are left alone on a rainy afternoon when Mom goes out to run errands. But when their friends drop by and trash the place, the boys must struggle to clean up before Mom returns.
Movie Night

Movie Night

May 11, 1929
A family goes on its weekly outing to the movies. Complications ensue...
Men Are Such Fools

Men Are Such Fools

Nov 18, 1932
An immigrant and his wife arrive in America hoping to make it big in the world of music. Shortly thereafter, though, the husband finds out his wife is having an affair with a local lowlife; when he turns up dead, the husband is jailed for his murder, even though he protests his innocence.
Red Noses

Red Noses

Mar 18, 1932
Thelma and Zasu go to a Turkish bath to try to get rid of a cold.
Laurel et Hardy - En dessous de zéro
En plein hiver, des musiciens de rue Stanley et Oliver ne reçoivent pas beaucoup d'affaires dans un quartier délabré, puis leurs instruments sont brisées dans une altercation avec une femme formidable. Leur chance semble tourner quand ils trouvent un portefeuille plein d'argent, mais sont sur le point de perdre à un voleur quand un policier en passant chasse le voyou off. Les garçons traitent l'officier à un repas, mais quand Stanley sort le porte-monnaie pour payer, le flic reconnaît comme son propre. Plutôt que de les exécuter en tant pickpockets, il paie son propre onglet et laisse Stanley et Oliver à la merci de l'headwaiter bourrue.
The Boy Friend

The Boy Friend

Nov 10, 1928
The pretty daughter of a bank clerk meets a handsome college student who attempts to romance her. Due to the comical nature of the two kids meeting, the father suspects the student to be of ill repute and he and his wife conspire to scare him away by acting crazy.
His Wooden Wedding

His Wooden Wedding

Dec 19, 1925
A few moments before Charley is going to marry, a friend, gives him an anonymous note, stating that the bride has a wooden leg.
Should Men Walk Home?

Should Men Walk Home?

Jan 29, 1927
Une voleuse peu douée est prise en stop par un inconnu qu'elle tente de braquer sous la menace de son révolver. Pour se tirer d’affaire, le conducteur commet un excès de vitesse pour être interpellé par la police. Mais loin de dénoncer sa passagère, il lui offre un chèque... qu'il signe “Santa Claus”. Le farceur et la jeune femme se sont bien trouvés et décident de monter un “coup” ensemble : voler, lors d’une réception, un précieux médaillon. Mais le propriétaire a engagé son détective pour le surveiller...
Dogs Is Dogs

Dogs Is Dogs

Nov 21, 1931
Wheezer and Dorothy are forced to live with her evil stepmother and her brat son.


May 23, 1925
Vermuda, a saleswoman in a department store, is very late for work. She relies on a ruse to fool the floorwalker, and when that doesn't work, she relies on her friendship with the store manager. But she is soon disillusioned as to where she really stands with the manager.
Shivering Shakespeare

Shivering Shakespeare

Jan 25, 1930
The gang is participating in a program sponsored by the Golden Age Dramatic League. They present their own fractured version of Quo Vadis. Things go from bad to worse when the neighborhood tough kids disrupt the show. The pie fight is given a new twist by use of some slow motion sequences.
Bigger and Better

Bigger and Better

Oct 24, 1930
On the train trip home from school, all the kids except Dave talk about taking a vacation trip to Lake Arrowhead; Dave wants a summer job. Alabam suggests that his uncle might hire Dave at a department store. The uncle likes Dave's attitude and tells Alabam and Mickey they should work there too. Reluctantly, Alabam takes a sales assignment in ladies' accessories, where he's charming but clueless. Mickey, lazy and on the take, sees the store detective helping himself to a chocolate bar, so he wants that job. Dave learns the hard way that the customer is always right, Mickey puts the cuffs on the wrong customer, and Lake Arrowhead looks very far away.
Laurel et Hardy - Une partie de golf
Lorsque Laurel visite Hardy à la maison, salut-jinx se produisent et les commandes Mme sortir. Ils vont à un terrain de golf où ils essaient d'impressionner deux jeunes femmes et se retrouvent dans un combat de boue élingage avec d'autres golfeurs.
La Bataille du siècle
Stan est un boxeur sans " punch " ; Ollie, son manager, lui fait contracter une assurance, puis tente de le faire tomber avec une peau de banane, pour qu'il se casse une jambe et que, lui, puisse toucher la prime ; mais il provoque par mégarde la chute d'un garçon pâtissier ; cet incident sera le point de départ de la célèbre bagarre générale de tartes à la crème, qui demeure la plus gigantesque de toute l'histoire du cinéma.
Outdoor Pajamas

Outdoor Pajamas

Sep 13, 1924
This funny Hal Roach comedy has Jimmy Jump (Charley Chase) waking up late for his wedding so in the mad rush he ends up leaving his house only dressed in his pajamas. As he makes his way to the church he finds one disaster after another.
The Knockout

The Knockout

Mar 05, 1932
When Mickey accidentally knocks out a local boxing champ, he is forced to take the fighter's place in a bout.
At First Sight

At First Sight

Jan 12, 1924
A man falls in love with a woman he thinks is a rich lady when in fact she is her maid.
Fou comme un renard

Fou comme un renard

Aug 26, 1926
Deux riches capitalistes veulent marier leurs enfants, mais ils ne l'aiment l'idée du tout. Elle essaie de fuir, et le rencontre à la gare. Ils tombent amoureux, à l'insu de leur véritable identité, et de décider chacun de leur qu'ils doivent détruire leur plan de parents. Il demande à son valet de chambre, de mettre un petit post-scriptum de sa lettre d'introduction, en déclarant qu'il est fou et a parfois (au moins six fois par jour) sorts fous. Pour essayer cela, il utilise une victime innocente, qui promptement téléphones l'asile d'aliénés, que l'un de leurs patients est sur le lâche. A ses futurs beaux-parents le droit de la maison, il agit fou, jusqu'au moment où il découvre, qui la fiancée est vraiment. Son père complètement choqué demande au médecin de famille sur la façon de se comporter avec un fou et reçoit les conseils d'agir fou elle-même, suit, et est rapidement transporté à l'asile d'aliénés.
You're Telling Me

You're Telling Me

Apr 16, 1932
In this The Boy Friends series short, college students Mickey and Alabam stay at a city friend's place for what they tell him will be one night - though it stretches into several months.
No Father to Guide Him
Charley's battle-axe mother-in-law breaks up his marriage and tries to separate him from his son. Charlie abducts the boy for a father-son outing to the beach. The mother-in-law pursues and comedy ensues.
Publicity Pays

Publicity Pays

May 04, 1924
Jimmy Jump's young wife goes in strongly for amateur theatricals. After one of her performances a theater manager signs her up. He opens a publicity campaign by having her appear in public in spectacular costumes, with a monkey for a pet. The monkey gets away and Jimmy is elected to capture it. When peace once more descends upon them, the young wife decides to give up her career and devote her time to Jimmy.
Spooky Hooky

Spooky Hooky

Dec 24, 1936
The gang puts a phony absent note on their teacher's desk so they can go to the circus, then have to get it back when they find out that the class was going on a field trip to the circus anyway.