Michael Cedar

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Kiss Daddy Goodbye

Kiss Daddy Goodbye

Jan 01, 1981
Deux enfants possédant des pouvoirs surnaturels décident de venger la mort de leur père, tué par un gang de motards...
Murder in Mind

Murder in Mind

Aug 01, 1997
The L.A. police find two bodies in a fancy house and suspect the wife of one victim. Dr. Ellis, a hypnotherapist, takes her back in time; with the police listening, a pattern of spousal abuse emerges. When each trance ends, however, the woman, Carolyn Walker, wonders if those repressed memories are true. Dr. Ellis guides her through her trial, testifies himself, and continues treatment after the verdict is in. Carolyn's memory and well-being get worse after the trial, not better. She misses some therapy sessions, and Dr. Ellis comes to see her at home. Snatches of memory come and go. Can he help her remember what really happened? Are the cops satisfied justice has been done?
Douce nuit, sanglante nuit 5 - Les jouets de la mort
The L.A. police find two bodies in a fancy house and suspect the wife of one victim. Dr. Ellis, a hypnotherapist, takes her back in time; with the police listening, a pattern of spousal abuse emerges. When each trance ends, however, the woman, Carolyn Walker, wonders if those repressed memories are true. Dr. Ellis guides her through her trial, testifies himself, and continues treatment after the verdict is in. Carolyn's memory and well-being get worse after the trial, not better. She misses some therapy sessions, and Dr. Ellis comes to see her at home. Snatches of memory come and go. Can he help her remember what really happened? Are the cops satisfied justice has been done?
American Yakuza

American Yakuza

Dec 22, 1993
The L.A. police find two bodies in a fancy house and suspect the wife of one victim. Dr. Ellis, a hypnotherapist, takes her back in time; with the police listening, a pattern of spousal abuse emerges. When each trance ends, however, the woman, Carolyn Walker, wonders if those repressed memories are true. Dr. Ellis guides her through her trial, testifies himself, and continues treatment after the verdict is in. Carolyn's memory and well-being get worse after the trial, not better. She misses some therapy sessions, and Dr. Ellis comes to see her at home. Snatches of memory come and go. Can he help her remember what really happened? Are the cops satisfied justice has been done?


Dec 11, 1998
The L.A. police find two bodies in a fancy house and suspect the wife of one victim. Dr. Ellis, a hypnotherapist, takes her back in time; with the police listening, a pattern of spousal abuse emerges. When each trance ends, however, the woman, Carolyn Walker, wonders if those repressed memories are true. Dr. Ellis guides her through her trial, testifies himself, and continues treatment after the verdict is in. Carolyn's memory and well-being get worse after the trial, not better. She misses some therapy sessions, and Dr. Ellis comes to see her at home. Snatches of memory come and go. Can he help her remember what really happened? Are the cops satisfied justice has been done?
Blue Tiger

Blue Tiger

Apr 03, 1994
The L.A. police find two bodies in a fancy house and suspect the wife of one victim. Dr. Ellis, a hypnotherapist, takes her back in time; with the police listening, a pattern of spousal abuse emerges. When each trance ends, however, the woman, Carolyn Walker, wonders if those repressed memories are true. Dr. Ellis guides her through her trial, testifies himself, and continues treatment after the verdict is in. Carolyn's memory and well-being get worse after the trial, not better. She misses some therapy sessions, and Dr. Ellis comes to see her at home. Snatches of memory come and go. Can he help her remember what really happened? Are the cops satisfied justice has been done?
MacShayne: Winner Takes All
MacShayne is a gambler and small time con-man. After serving a short stretch in jail, he goes to Las Vegas to see his son, but when he gets there, his ex-wife is no longer where she use to live and work and left no forwarding address. Leggett, a recently retired cop, approaches him and tells him that he will help him find his son, if he does something for him. It seems that he is planning to rob a hotel casino and he needs three guys to pull it off. Now two of the guys he recruited has agreed to it but the third is uncertain, so he sets up a poker game wherein MacShayne is suppose to clean him out thus giving Leggett some leverage on him. After doing that he discovers that Leggett is duplicitous and is going stab everybody in the back. So he decides to turn the tables on him.
MacShayne: Final Roll of the Dice
Reformed con man Jack MacShayne is back, this time as the head of security at the Las Vegas hotel he stayed at in MacShayne: Winner Takes All. As part of his new job, he's charged with protecting a variety of distinguished guests, from the kleptomaniac grandson of the hotel's CEO to the lounge singer whose ex-husband shows up dead. Meanwhile, a senatorial candidate is relying on MacShayne to keep him safe from a deadly hit man.
Point Last Seen

Point Last Seen

Nov 24, 1998
Fact-based story about a tracker who searches for a little girl who was lost in the desert, but suffers internally because her own children were kidnapped by her ex-husband.


Feb 16, 1997
Fact-based story about a tracker who searches for a little girl who was lost in the desert, but suffers internally because her own children were kidnapped by her ex-husband.
Histoires de l'autre monde
Une série d'anthologie d'horreur où le spectateur est pris à travers des histoires de fantômes, des aventures de science-fiction et, événements inexpliqués rampants.
Histoires de l'autre monde
Les Américains ont perdu la Seconde Guerre mondiale et l'Amérique est désormais partagée entre l'Empire du Japon et l'Allemagne Nazi. En 1962, un groupe de résistants cherche à envoyer de précieux vieux films dans la zone neutre, mais les transporter coûte la vie de beaucoup de monde. Après près de deux décennies de cohabitation entre les deux grandes puissances, les rumeurs persistantes rapportant la santé déclinante du Führer laissent présager l'arrivée d'une période de troubles...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Histoires de l'autre monde
Les amours d'un groupe d'amies d'une trentaine d'années, qui se sont connues à l'université mais dont les vies ont pris peu à peu des chemins différents. Impliquées dans des histoires complexes, parfois secrètes et souvent scandaleuses, elles bravent les tempêtes ensemble...
Histoires de l'autre monde
Les aventures de Kara Zor-El, la cousine de Superman. À 24 ans, après seulement quatre années passées sur Terre, la jeune femme se sent impuissante face à ses pouvoirs extraordinaires qu'on lui a appris à ne pas utiliser. Mais un désastre inattendu va la forcer à les révéler et c'est ainsi qu'elle commence à aider les habitants de sa ville, qui ne tardent pas à la surnommer Supergirl...
Histoires de l'autre monde
Zoey, dont le père Mitch est atteint d'une maladie neurologique, passe un IRM, craignant de développer elle-même des symptômes. Un tremblement de terre survient pendant l'examen. Zoey se met alors à "entendre" les pensées des gens sous forme de chansons. Cette nouvelle aptitude lui permet d'approcher Simon, un collègue de travail dont elle est amoureuse et de communiquer avec son père. Mais elle découvre également que Max, son meilleur ami, est secrètement amoureux d'elle. Elle gagne la course à la promotion organisée par sa patronne, Joan, en trouvant l'origine du bug qui empêchait la sortie de la nouvelle appli de son entreprise.