Ion Carangea

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Les 7 vies du docteur Laux
Sophie Laux travaille pour Urgences Médecins. Un jour, elle reçoit un appel anonyme. A l'adresse indiquée ne se trouve qu'un téléphone portable. Il sonne et au bout du fil, une voix lui annonce qu'elle va assister à un meurtre. En effet, presque simultanément, une femme meurt des suites de l'explosion d'une cabine téléphonique. Six autres personnes risquent de mourir aussi, sauf si Sophie parvient à les sauver. Avant chaque assassinat, le psychopathe lui donne un coup de fil avec le nom et l'adresse de la victime. Il lui faut alors arriver à temps. Prise de panique, elle tente de prévenir la police mais son interlocuteur réussit à l'en empêcher.
Pumpkinhead - Les sacrifiés
Ricky et Jodie sont amoureux mais leur union est impossible à cause de leurs familles respectives qui se détestent. Après la mort de sa petite soeur Ricky va faire appel à Pumpkinhead, afin que celui-ci venge sa soeur et se débarasse de la famille de sa bien-aimée, afin de pouvoir vivre son amour au grand jour.


Sep 10, 2004


Nov 29, 2002
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.
Corps et âmes

Corps et âmes

Aug 20, 2003
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.
7 Secondes

7 Secondes

Jun 28, 2005
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.
The Detonator

The Detonator

Apr 25, 2006
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.
La Voie de Laura

La Voie de Laura

Nov 21, 2005
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.
Le Royaume des voleurs
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.
Ultime Menace

Ultime Menace

May 02, 2006
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.
Pumpkinhead - Les sacrifiés
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.