Rudy Rosenfeld

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Sep 12, 2006
Exposé à une radiation dans la centrale nucléaire où il travaille, Timofey part à Moscou avec sa famille. Essayant de vendre du plutonium sur le marché noir, il s'acoquine avec un gangster.
The Midas Touch

The Midas Touch

Dec 30, 1997
Drama about a 12-year-old boy who fantasises about having enough money to be able to cure his grandmother's serious heart condition. When he finds himself in a haunted house, the mysterious owner 'grants' him one wish - the Midas touch. The boy soon learns that it is more of a curse than a blessing when everything he touches turns into gold.
Les Percutés

Les Percutés

Jul 31, 2002
Alors que sa carte de crédit vient d'être avalée par un distributeur, Bruno Lussac, dit Débé, inspecteur de son état, franchit les limites de la déontologie maison quand il apprend qu'il vient d'être interdit bancaire. Déguisé en sudiste pour une soirée costumée où il était supposé arrêter des trafiquants de drogue, il entraîne ses collègues dans le braquage d'une banque, provoque un bain de sang mais ressort victorieux de ce casse. Pour ses complices, l'indic et la jolie gardienne de la paix Cécile Barko, dite Cyborg, c'est le début d'une folle cavale.
Detașamentul Orb

Detașamentul Orb

May 14, 2014
Matthew is a 23 years old young man who likes to spend his time doing nothing else than sleeping. He has no purpose in life, being a complete ignorant to everything around him. He lives with his mother, who tries her best to persuade him to get a job and make something of his life. After one fight, he finally decides to take the interview at the military unit his mother has arranged for him.


Feb 02, 2010
Oxygen is a free re-enactment of a real case: a man who tried to cross the Danube illegally using an oxygen cylinder, to escape the communist Romania.


Nov 16, 2013


Une avocate tente d'obtenir l'acquittement d'un homme accusé d'avoir assassiné une famille américaine. Malgré son comportement doux, elle découvre que la nuit, il n'est plus lui-même.
Un saltimbanc la Polul Nord
In the sequel to Saltimbancii (1981), Fram the polar bear and the performing Marcellonis weather plotting competetors, bumbling kidnappers and family tragedy in this entertaining family film.
Nea Mărin miliardar

Nea Mărin miliardar

Feb 05, 1979
At a swanky hotel in a Black Sea resort, Gogu, one of the hotel employees, meets his uncle Marin, an Oltenian peasant who has come to visit. Gogu says he can sneak Marin into the hotel, as one of the rooms is empty awaiting the arrival of an American billionaire, Mr. Juvett. Marin is amazed by the revealing clothing worn by women at the resort, while the hotel guests are fascinated by his quaint peasant costume. In the hotel room, Marin is perplexed by the various gadgets. Meanwhile, the gangsters learn that Juvett has arrived at the hotel. Juvett is the father of the kidnapped girl, and is coming to pass over a million dollar ransom. A rival gang, who know about the kidnapping, plan to take the ransom for themselves. They follow Marin, believing him to be Juvett.
Pumpkinhead - Les sacrifiés
Ricky et Jodie sont amoureux mais leur union est impossible à cause de leurs familles respectives qui se détestent. Après la mort de sa petite soeur Ricky va faire appel à Pumpkinhead, afin que celui-ci venge sa soeur et se débarasse de la famille de sa bien-aimée, afin de pouvoir vivre son amour au grand jour.


Nov 01, 2009
When the villagers killed Constantin Tirescu, they thought it was justice. Vlad Cozma thinks it was murder. Now, Constantin thinks pickles might go nice with blood.
Secretul lui Bachus

Secretul lui Bachus

Mar 05, 1984
Victor, an incisive journalist, discovers a series of irregularities in a State farming enterprise. His investigations will unmask the fraud committed by the person in charge of the wine section, called Bachus. Although aided by an impressive number of cronies, Bachus will not be able to hide forever infamous secret.


Jan 01, 1985
Problems ensue once a girl finds about her biological father which tries to be a part of her life.
Bătălia din umbră

Bătălia din umbră

Sep 22, 1986
In WWI a group of Romanian soldiers from Transylvania desert the german army and consitute a resistance commando group.
Zâmbet de soare

Zâmbet de soare

Jan 01, 1987
Several students spend their last days of high school in a cheerful and musical atmosphere. Petrica and 'Sunny Smile', who has become a fairy tale princess in the meantime, find their way back to each other, from the real world to the dream one and the other way around, in order to meet their love halfway between the two realms.
Nu sunt faimos, dar sunt aromân
Toni Caramusat, a famous film director, is fascinated by the idea of finding the 13th fundamental truth about the Aromanians. According to a myth, this truth is held by Armanamea, the last descendant of this people. Toni goes on dates with young women from all over the world, in hope of finding both the truth and his soul mate. Will he ever find them and, if so, at what cost?
Prea mic pentru un război atât de mare
A young boy becomes callous to the deaths and battles that rage on during World War II. He and his friends follow a peasant soldier of a Rumanian troop as they march to join the Russians in fighting the Nazis. He watches as one of his friends dies after destroying a German machine gun nest. He is slapped by a Rumanian soldier who is livid over the boy's nonchalance of his friend's death. He becomes a mascot of the advancing unit as they proceed to a castle in Czechoslovakia. When the men dress in armor for a group picture, they are killed by the Nazis. The boy returns to find the men have been wiped out and he is taken prisoner by a German soldier. The Nazi falls victim to marauding peasants seeking revenge. They rescue the young warrior and escort him back to his home in Rumania.


Feb 27, 2002
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en Allemagne. Kurt Gerstein, médecin en poste à l'institut d'hygiène de la Waffen SS, devient le superviseur de l'approvisionnement en gaz Zyklon B des camps de la mort nazis. De passage à Auschwitz, il découvre, horrifié, la terrible réalité des chambres à gaz. Chrétien convaincu, il décide de porter témoignage, de se faire « espion de Dieu » pour alerter la communauté diplomatique internationale. Aidé par un jeune prêtre italien, il tente surtout de prévenir le Vatican, certain alors de pouvoir stopper ces trains qui alimentent chaque jour les camps en milliers de vies humaines. Inlassablement, jour après jour, sans se décourager, au péril de sa vie, Gerstein poursuit son entreprise de dénonciation, accumulant les documents et les preuves matérielles, s'enfonçant dans le double jeu et le désespoir…
Ochi de urs

Ochi de urs

Feb 14, 1983
After the death of his wife a lonely forester meets a witch, who puts a spell on him.
L'Homme sans âge

L'Homme sans âge

Oct 26, 2007
1938, en Roumanie. Dominic Matei, un vieux professeur de linguistique, est frappé par la foudre et rajeunit miraculeusement. Ses facultés mentales décuplées, il s'attelle enfin à l’œuvre de sa vie : une recherche sur les origines du langage. Mais son cas attire les espions de tout bord : nazis en quête d'expériences scientifiques, agents américains qui cherchent à recruter de nouveaux cerveaux. Dominic Matei n'a d'autre choix que de fuir, de pays en pays, d'identité en identité. Au cours de son périple, il va retrouver son amour de toujours, ou peut-être une femme qui lui ressemble étrangement... Elle pourrait être la clé même de ses recherches. À moins qu'il soit obligé de la perdre une seconde fois.
Toate pînzele sus

Toate pînzele sus

May 17, 1977
Full Sail is a TV series aired on Romanian National Television (TVR), based on the eponymous novel by Radu Tudoran. The series follow the adventures of two friends, the Romanian Anton Lupan and the French Pierre Vaillant. Anton Lupan tries to find the L'Esperance schooner, which belonged to them, wiyhout knowing that it was a victim of a pirate attack. But he hopes in particular to find Pierre, so they can start on a trip to an uncharted land, which they attempted several times to explore unsuccessfully. He found the ship, but his friend was nowhere to be found. Anton was forced to leave on a trip across Atlantic, to Tierra del Fuego.
Action & Adventure