Une travailleuse du sexe devenue entrepreneuse s'installe dans une petite ville et décide de lancer son propre commerce de lingerie, ce qui lui vaut l'ire de la femme d'un pasteur.
Alors que le Nigéria s’apprête a accéder à indépendance, un détective se lance dans une course contre la montre pour retrouver le tueur en série qui a massacré plusieurs jeunes femmes.
A warlord finds himself in a fairytale romance. He acquired every beautiful things of the world, He became a small Hof and they all bowed to his rules . He want more than he had. And He’s in dilemma of obeying to a particular instruction, Did He obey? And what more can he acquire?
Lorsqu'un homme commence à utiliser ses pouvoirs pour des activités criminelles, menaçant la vie des citoyens, sa chute devient imminente lorsqu'il kidnappe la fille d'un homme qui l'a volé.
À l'apogée de l'empire Oyo, le féroce Bashorun Ga'a est devenu encore plus puissant que les rois qu'il a couronnés... avant d'être trahi par les siens.
Centered around the story of a fictional female monarch, ‘Olola Aginju’ follows the story of Adewumi, the monarch whose quest for power is motivated by predestination. In the movie, she discovers that a wilderness in her kingdom has been transformed into an advanced nation. She desires to take over this nation and bring it back under her kingdom, but the head of the wilderness called ‘Ọlọ́lá-Aginjù’ is a powerful warrior that she must defeat.
Le récit légendaire de la rébellion d'un héros populaire contre un empire tyrannique. En luttant pour sa liberté, ce fermier a changé à jamais le cours de l'histoire yoruba.
Une joint-venture est un accord commercial entre deux magnats ayant pour tâche spécifique de développer leur empire, mais la trahison a été la ruine de cette entreprise prometteuse qui a conduit à des prévisions inimaginables et à des contre-actions.
The historical movie tells the untold story from his childhood, the accusations against him of helping the rebel leader in the breakaway, the role he played in June 12 election, his arrest, his freedom and how he tried to steal one of our lost treasures from art collector's private museum outside Nigeria.
Akin, un jeune homme cultivé, a vécu une terrible expérience de vie en une journée pour une raison inconnue. Un homme sage a fait un sombre pronostic sur la façon dont la vie d'Akin pourrait se terminer. L'expérience pourrait être considérée comme une opportunité d'apprentissage ou une stratégie pour une autre tentative de réussite dans la vie.
Osoronga, a new movie from Ibrahim Chatta...featuring Funmi Amosun and others
He ran because he had no other choice. He feared what would happen if he dared to stop. There was no time to think. There was hardly any time for him to breathe. On his broken ankle, he ran. With his bruised arms, he ran. With his bleeding sides, he ran because he knew today was the day he was meant to die.
Osoronga, a new movie from Ibrahim Chatta...featuring Funmi Amosun and others
He ran because he had no other choice. He feared what would happen if he dared to stop. There was no time to think. There was hardly any time for him to breathe. On his broken ankle, he ran. With his bruised arms, he ran. With his bleeding sides, he ran because he knew today was the day he was meant to die.
Osoronga, a new movie from Ibrahim Chatta...featuring Funmi Amosun and others
He ran because he had no other choice. He feared what would happen if he dared to stop. There was no time to think. There was hardly any time for him to breathe. On his broken ankle, he ran. With his bruised arms, he ran. With his bleeding sides, he ran because he knew today was the day he was meant to die.