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Jul 06, 2002
A reworking of MPD Psycho by the author of the original manga Eiji Otsuka edited from the TV show and newly-filmed scenes.


Sep 04, 2009
Un groupe de touristes embarque sur un bateau d'observation et part pour ce qui devait être une balade tranquille afin de découvrir la vie sauvage islandaise... Mais le bateau tombe en panne et le groupe est secouru par les marins d'un autre navire, qui se révèle être un baleinier. La pêche à la baleine n'étant plus autorisée, le petit groupe va vite devenir la cible d'une chasse à l'homme dans les eaux glacées d'Islande.
北の国か '92巣立ち 前編
There is a man who divorced his wife. He moved to rural Hokkaido from Tokyo where he lived with his family without running water or electricity. He has his son and daughter in tow and works hard for them. The folk in the area try to help. A couple of years pass and the older son moves back to Tokyo, attends school and works part-time. The daughter commutes to the city to attend school. She wants to become a nurse. To become a registered nurse she needs to study a further three years. This takes money.
Dr. Akagi

Dr. Akagi

May 17, 1998
À la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, le docteur Akagi cherche un remède à l’hépatite dans un camp pour prisonniers de guerre.
Inland Empire

Inland Empire

Dec 06, 2006
Nous voici plongés dans une histoire de mystère, l'énigme d'un monde au coeur des mondes, le secret d'une femme en proie à l'amour et aux tourments...


Nov 06, 1993
A cantankerous but loveable high school teacher teaches a night school in a poor neighborhood for adult students on the fringes of Japanese society.
Ultraman the next : le film
Le premier lieutenant Shun'ichi Maki de la Japan Air Self-Defense Force est un prestigieux pilote de jet F-15 Eagle. Passionné de vol depuis son plus jeune âge, être pilote est son rêve ultime. Malheureusement, ses fonctions l'éloignent de sa femme, Yoko, qui finit toujours par être négligée, et de son fils, Tsugumu, qui souffre d'une maladie du sang congénitale et risque fort de mourir à un jeune âge. Maki décide de quitter l'armée de l'air. de consacrer plus de temps à sa famille et de consacrer tout ce qui lui reste à son fils. Il prend un travail à temps partiel en tant que guide touristique commercial dirigé par un groupe de personnes bienveillantes qui lui laissent le temps de travailler et de s'occuper de sa famille.
Fish on Land

Fish on Land

Feb 18, 2012
Un jeune homme, diplômé de l'université, a déjà trouvé un emploi. Alors que ses jours libres diminuent rapidement, il choisit de mettre à profit son temps disponible en faisant du vélo à travers le Japon. Le voyage est interrompu lorsqu'il embouti sa bicyclette dans un camion. Il est emmené dans un établissement du coin pour la réparation. Raconté à partir de la mémoire d'un homme plus âgé, le voyage rappelle la rencontre, les habitants, leurs relations et leur environnement
Lettres d'Iwo Jima

Lettres d'Iwo Jima

Dec 09, 2006
En 1945, les armées américaine et japonaise s'affrontèrent sur l'île d'Iwo Jima. Quelques décennies plus tard, des centaines de lettres furent extraites de cette terre aride, permettant enfin de donner un nom, un visage, une voix à ces hommes ainsi qu'à leur extraordinaire commandant. Les soldats japonais qu'on envoyait à Iwo Jima savaient que leurs chances de survie étaient quasi nulles. Animé d'une volonté implacable, leur chef, le général Kuribayashi, exploita ingénieusement la nature du terrain, transformant ainsi la défaite éclair annoncée en 40 jours d'héroïques combats. De nombreux soldats américains et japonais ont perdu la vie à Iwo Jima. Leur sang s'est depuis longtemps perdu dans les profondeurs du sable noir, mais leurs sacrifices, leur courage et leur compassion ont survécu dans ces Lettres.


Nov 14, 1998
Kounosuke Mibu and Tae Horikawa are unable to forget each other, even though they met and fell in love 20 years ago. They had promised each other that they would build a retreat in Shiguretei, but Ushio was hospitalized after a stroke a few days later, and when his wife, Takako, rushed to the hospital, she discovered their love affair, which in reality had not gone beyond kissing. Now, 20 years later, against the advice of her ikebana mentor, Tae rushes to meet Ushio at Shiguretei, only to see him clutching his chest in pain. Eventually, the design and plans for the dream retreat are seen by Tae, but she has to visit Kyoto alone... or maybe she's heading for somewhere else.


Apr 28, 1990
Kaoruko, the daughter of a doctor and attending a prestigious high school in Fukuoka, was vaguely anxious about the future. She's even more scared when her friend Natsumi invites her to membership-based prostitution club.


Jun 25, 1993
Harada Kusuko is a high school girl with a secret crush on the class playboy, Mishima Takeshi.


Dec 08, 2001
This documentary-style film recreates the infamous Asama Sanso Incident of 1972 wherein an extreme faction of the Students Allied Red Army holed themselves up in a mountainous cabin in the dead of winter. By the time the police finally caught up with them, it was discovered that they had murderously turned upon themselves in a bizarre extension of their radical philosophy. This event virtually marked the end of the Student Revolution.


Dec 18, 2004
Four people are discovered brutally murdered in an up-scale high-rise apartment. All the victims appear to be family, but as the investigation deepens it is discovered that one of the victims isn't related to the family.


Jul 14, 2001
Yuichi Kosaka is a salaried businessman in Ueda city. His achievements have not been improved recently, and he is betrayed by the manager of takada. Takada, who is related to the company's executives, is very strict with him. Every night late, Yuichi is often dissatisfied with his wife, Kazue, and his daughter Sanae.On the other day Yuichi ran the car aiming at his home village. However, it is lost in the mountain road which should know well. An old public telephone keeps in sight, and yuichiro stops the car before it. It was Yuichi who had been able to find the name of the old high school classmate, Tai in the old telephone book, and dial, and was surprised to hear the voice of the big. It was because the voice was as it was 30 years ago. The telephone was connected to the past.


Mar 13, 2018
When Keisuke Nakamura was a high school student, his mother was accused of killing a girl and then his mother committed suicide. 12 years later, Keisuke Nakamura tries to find the girl's real killer and also take revenge upon those responsible for his mother's suicide. He targets people from the media who covered the case and he crosses paths with sisters who hold a key to what happened. Keisuke Nakamura falls in love with one of the sisters.
Inspired by American TV movies like "Hitchcock Theater" and "The Twilight Zone," the show features multiple works with Tamori as the storyteller and actors as the main characters. While horror and supernatural themes are predominant, a variety of genres like comedy and drama are also produced. Most episodes, however, have a bad ending.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

Sep 03, 2017
Un meurtre a été commis à Twin Peaks, une petite bourgade de l'État de Washington en apparence tranquille. La jeune Laura Palmer est retrouvée morte nue au bord d'un lac, enveloppée dans du plastique. L'agent spécial du FBI, Dale Cooper, envoyé sur place pour démasquer le coupable, mène l'enquête avec le soutien du shérif local, Harry Truman. Ces investigations les amènent à révéler au grand jour les sombres secrets des uns et des autres. Pendant ce temps, d'inquiétants phénomènes se produisent...
MPD Psycho

MPD Psycho

May 07, 2000
La vie de l'inspecteur profileur Yosuke Kobayashi bascule le jour où il reçoit un étrange colis sur son lieu de travail. Abasourdi, il découvre dans une glacière le corps démembré et maintenu en vie de sa petite amie. Kobayashi traque le meurtrier et le tue de sang froid. Il prend alors une nouvelle identité et se fait appeler Kazuhiko Amamiya...


Jan 05, 2001
It's the glittering 80s, and Japan's bubble economy is in full swing. There is a fortune to be made for those who have the brains, determination and pure luck. Tetsuya and Tomoyo are two ordinary, but ambitious people in their prime who have chosen to take part in the money game. They hook up with self-made billionaire Okitsu, who guides them through the "Bubble." A master of the game, Okitsu plays for revenge, not money. He conspires to destroy Kurihara, a ruthless financier whose sole weakness is his only daughter. The plot twists amid a complex web mired in greed, desire and dreams. Spinning with intrigue, the ultimate game of wits has begun for stakes too deadly to imagine.