Jukka Puotila

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Sep 24, 2021
An old couple doesn’t talk to each other anymore. They express their hatred through dance.
Levottomat 3

Levottomat 3

Jan 16, 2004
30-something Jonna, successful executive with cozy architect husband Niklas and two children, leads a double life. She is constantly on the lookout for quick casual sex. When she starts seeing handsome and rich young yacht owner Aleksi, things start going awry in her life. While her sister Sanna provides her with suitable alibis,sex therapist Nora tries to help her come to terms with her addiction
Une autre mère

Une autre mère

Sep 30, 2005
Ce film évoque l'évacuation de 80 000 enfants finlandais vers d'autres pays nordiques en 1939-1940 (et notamment la Suède, pays neutre qui en accueillit 70 000 entre 1939 et 1945), à travers les souffrances d'Eero, un enfant de neuf ans pris dans la tourmente de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Kummeli Kultakuume

Kummeli Kultakuume

Dec 05, 1997
Psychiatric patient Elmeri knows about the existence of a gold treasure in Finnish Lapland, hidden there by his late father who somehow managed to capture it from withdrawing German troops on the last days of WW2. His openly gay nurse helps him escape from the mental institution, and the two men slowly find their way up north to reach the gold. On their way, the odd couple meets a cavalcade of even odder characters.
Tali-Ihantala 1944

Tali-Ihantala 1944

Dec 07, 2007
Tali-Ihantala est dédié à l'une des batailles majeures de la guerre finno-russe de 1944. Au cours de celle-ci, les force soviétiques lancèrent une large offensive avec des troupes bien supérieures en nombre et réussirent à percer les lignes finlandaises. Forcées de se replier, les troupes finnoises durent contre toute attente mener un combat acharné afin de préserver l'indépendance de leur pays face aux velléités d'annexion de leur voisin communiste.
Likainen pommi

Likainen pommi

Sep 23, 2011
Mirccu has a dream job as the PR coordinator of a record company. When her boss, the music mogul Martin threatens to fire her, she is forced to find her own way to success. Together with her football-playing boyfriend Roba who is recovering from an ankle injury she has to reflect whether the good times are really over, and to what lengths they are willing to go to survive. She is given one last chance to prove herself by successfully launching the career of an obnoxious fifteen-year-old teenage star-to-be with the code name Dirty Bomb.


Feb 10, 2006
Screenwriter Ilona falls in love with Kalle, the main star of the series, and mixes fact and fiction when she starts writing a romance between herself and the star. Jealous producer Raakel does everything she can to destroy Ilona's plans.
Häät ennen hautajaisia
Wedding planner Joanna needs to find herself a fake boyfriend to cheer up her depressed father. As if on demand, an eccentric undertaker enters Joanna's life with her own motives for looking for a girlfriend. At the same time, Joanna receives some earth-shattering news and nothing can ever go back to the way it was.
Kummeli esittää: Kontio & Parmas
Senior officer Otso Kontio has finally hung up his gun and badge and is spending his peaceful retiment days at his cabin. The peace is broken when his old partner Auni Parmas brings news about the destruction threatening the municipality of Valkeakoski.
Vares – Sheriffi

Vares – Sheriffi

Jan 07, 2015
Jussi Vares find two bodies of Turku outskirts of women, which has been shot in the head, and the man whose body is full of runes similar to the cuts, which suggest that the murder would have been part of the dark ritual. A year later, Vares is hired to investigate these homicides. Cable Wires take Varesta towards Turku underworld dominant invisible godfather, sheriff. Sheriff is the man whom nobody knows and we do not discuss. Vares drifts dangerously close to the "jury", the secret underworld lord clubs, the members of the human spirit is a cheap commodity. Rummaging through the case Vares get too close to the truth.
Uuno Turhapuron poika

Uuno Turhapuron poika

Aug 13, 1993
Gangsters try to steal Uuno Turhapuro's father-in-law's money by infiltrating into the family through Uuno, by pretending he has a long-lost son.
L'ombre du loup

L'ombre du loup

Feb 02, 2007
Brillante étudiante en littérature, Sari est en apparence une jeune femme déterminée et sûre d’elle. Peu de gens autour d’elle savent qu’elle souffre d’épilepsie, ce qui l’handicape dans sa vie sociale. Elle reconnaît le même sentiment de solitude et d’étrangeté chez Mikko Groman, professeur à l’université traversant une période difficile dans sa vie personnelle. Leur relation met leurs proches sur leurs gardes : pour eux, Sari et Mikko sont deux êtres incompatibles et leur amour est impossible.
Kaikki pelissä

Kaikki pelissä

Apr 15, 1994
A film group is making movie in the little town. Writer Pentti Töysä interrupts film group's press conference and claims that script is written by him and it is based on true story. Töysä also says that he has written a new ending to the movie and that it reveals an old murder. Not everyone is happy about the new twist.
Kekkonen tulee!

Kekkonen tulee!

Aug 16, 2013
Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, the long-time president of the Republic of Finland, is scheduled to visit Alli’s Bar on his way to northern Finland. He is blindly worshiped and the nearer the visit draws, the more envy, competition and dirty tricks come to bear in this small town setting. No one is spared the brutality!


Oct 30, 1981
Drama set in Stockholm and Helsinki and a village whose existence is threatened by a power plant. A group of young people return to their roots and are disappointed by what they find.
Tango Kabaree

Tango Kabaree

Jan 26, 2001
A fictitious biography of Aira Samulin, the goddess of dance and importer of all the international dance crazes to Finland for some fifty years. The life story of this extravagant ever-teen, well beyond the usual retirement age, is told inside a fictitious plot about a Master of Ceremonies trying to persuade Aira to stage a show at his cabaret restaurant. Besides Aira Samulin, many other Finnish celebrities appear among the eccentric lineup auditioning for the show, playing more or less their fictionalised selves.
Armi elää!

Armi elää!

Mar 20, 2015
Armi Ratia is the woman behind the legendary design company Marimekko and a worldwide celebrity. A theatre company has taken on the task of trying to portray the life and work of this complex person. The sets mainly consist of the well-known patterns that we all have grown to love. Armi is a brave, risk-taking businesswoman and her passion for her company repeatedly takes its toll on her employees, finances and family. The company grows while Armi's personal life is shaken by suicide attempts and turbulence. In Armi Alive!, Oscar-nominated film producer and director Jörn Donner portrays a fascinating woman with fervent ideas about the new Finnish man, her company, fabrics and clothes.
Isänmaallinen mies

Isänmaallinen mies

Dec 04, 2013
Every nation gets the heroes it deserves. A man with a special blood type is used as a device for human doping athletes skiing national team.


Mar 11, 2023
Finnish sketch comedy television show.


Apr 19, 2024
Like good soldiers in a war-zone, hospital staff are expected to respect the chain of command when dealing with life and death situations. But what happens when smug doctors, arrogant surgeons, and out-of-touch administrators make that easier said than done? Nurses deals with the professional and personal lives of four female colleagues who cope in different ways with the challenges of life on the trauma ward. With determination, strength, and a dark sense of humor, they achieve the demanding and inspiring task of saving lives in a system that sometimes seems designed to do the opposite.


May 15, 2022
La journaliste, Johann, enquête sur l'origine d'une micropuce trouvée dans des aliments pour bébés. Son investigation la conduit à travers l'Europe.


Sep 06, 2018
A Russian oligarch's spying on the Finnish government and power battle with Kremlin push Finland to the brink of war with Russia. It is up to Finnish Secret Police detective Arto Ratamo to expose the oligarch's ruthless manoeuvres before Russia invades Finland.
Pysäyttäkää Nyqvist
A satirical spy comedy. Aleksis Nyqvist, an intern at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is pushed to the head of Finland's newly founded secret service, when a suitable dummy is needed for the position. However, Nyqvist identifies with his role too well and accidentally causes a security political crisis - and soon Helsinki is swarming with secret agents. How is Nyqvist doing?
Fakta homma

Fakta homma

Jan 27, 1998
Fakta homma is a Finnish comedy television series. It first aired on Finnish TV in 1986 and last aired in 1998.
Fakta homma

Fakta homma

Jan 27, 1998
Fakta homma is a Finnish comedy television series. It first aired on Finnish TV in 1986 and last aired in 1998.


Sep 01, 2024
Two murders shake the Finnish community of Fuengirola, a group that made this tiny corner of Málaga their own little Finnish paradise on the shores of the Mediterranean. Hilkka Mäntymäki, a veteran crime detective aged 60, is travelling from Helsinki to help the local police on a case that will soon claim new victims. Because escaping the cold and the dark is much easier than leaving your own past behind.