Alojz Kramár

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Zenovo vedomie

Zenovo vedomie

Nov 29, 1976
Television adaptation of the novel by the Italian writer Italo Svevo. His hero is Zeno Cosini, the son of a merchant in Trieste. He is a type of useless person, defeated by life and incapable of action. The ironic insight with which the author draws a picture of the townspeople of Trieste at the turn of the century sounds like an accurate diagnosis of a social class that is doomed with its entire lifestyle and morality.


Aug 24, 1962
A bricklayer, Jozef Haviar, decides to live with his family on the small farm of his father through the difficult years of the economic crisis. But on his return to his father's house he gets into a conflict with his brother. The life-and-death conflict between the two brothers documents the difficult situation of Slovak country life in the 1930s, the time of economic depression.


Nov 14, 1963
A story of two old friends, who after ten years - one as the deputy director and the other as the chairman of the party organization - meet on a large construction site.
Bačova žena

Bačova žena

Dec 25, 1972
Television film based on the classic Slovak drama by Ivan Stodola. The theme of the play is the return of a supposedly dead man. The Ondrej-Eva-Mišo relationship triangle will only be solved by the death of one of them.


Nov 27, 1970


A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer). He understands his illness as a form of punishment for his cruel deeds in the 1950s. In the face of reality and his efforts to cleanse himself he hits a barrier of indifference, lack of interest, and individual and collective selfishness. He has to find his own reconciliation with his illness and his past and present life.
Naši pred bránami

Naši pred bránami

Sep 25, 1970
A tragicomedy about people who are able to make use of the war situation for their own benefit. The Gavora family of four leave their secure village home blinded by the vision of a big career and easy earning of money in the capital city.
Si j'avais un Fusil

Si j'avais un Fusil

Nov 12, 1971
Durant la seconde guerre mondiale, Vlado, un adolescent de 13 ans, vit dans la misère avec toute sa famille. Malgré une vie difficile, le quotidien s’éclaire des jeux avec les copains, des rêves et des découvertes, juste avant l’adolescence. Mais la guerre se fait pressante : la menace permanente de la violence nazie, les actions des partisans, les soldats errants… Viktor, son meilleur ami, s’engage dans la résistance et doit partir...
Čert nespí

Čert nespí

May 17, 1957
Episodic film consisting of three satirical shorts ('Smutný káder', 'Typický prípad' and 'Vel'korysá kampaň') comically exposing the shortcomings of society. In the interval between each short, a committee recognising themselves in the characters on screen, voice their approval or disapproval of each film.


Jun 02, 1975
Le Miroir aux alouettes
Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans une petite ville slovaque, le menuisier Brtko est obligé, presque contre son gré, de s'approprier la boutique d'une vieille dame juive. Quand l'ordre est donné d'évacuer les juifs, Brtko décide de sauver la vieille dame. Oscar du meilleur film étranger à Hollywood.
Vlčie diery

Vlčie diery

Dec 25, 1948
This drama from the times of Slovak National Uprising is situated in a small Slovak village. It is the tragical story of a widow and her four sons who fight alongside the partisans against the German occupants.


Feb 17, 1956
Lekár umierajúceho času
Series about the life of Renaissance anatomist, scholar and politic Johannes Jessenius. Already legendary series today, was produced by Czechoslovak Television Bratislava, directed by Slovak director Miroslav Luther in the first half of 80's in Barrandov Studios in Prague. The story and screenplay of the series wrote Czech writer Vladimír Körner. Five-episodes epic historical narration is a biographical story of distinguished Renaissance scholar, anatomist and politic of Slovak origin, Johannes Jessenius (Ján Jesenský, 1566–1621). It displays his life from the first studies and successes. In 1594 he became professor of surgery and anatomy on Wittenberg University, which he had attended years before. From that moment, his life went through social and personal wins and losses, to the sad end on the Prague Old Town Square gallows, among 27 noblemen, knights and burgenses, after lose Bohemian Revolt in 1621. His destiny was coupled with key events of Czech history in the break of 16th and 17th century, when Renaissance and European humanism slowly fade out.