Lindsey Whitney Barry

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Retour vers le futur II
En 1985, Marty McFly a retrouvé sa famille et sa petite amie après un voyage mouvementé dans le passé. Surgit alors Doc Brown, au volant de sa machine à explorer le temps. Il lui enjoint de le suivre dans le futur, en l'an 2015, pour secourir son fils tombé sous la coupe du sinistre Biff Tannen.
Tales from the Crypt: The Robert Zemeckis Collection
In "All Through the Night," perhaps the single most famous story from the original comic book series, a psychotic killer dressed as Santa escapes Christmas Eve and terrorizes a middle-class home where murder has already made a holiday appearance: a homicidal wife plunges a fireplace poker into her husband's skull. (It was also adapted in the 1972 British anthology movie Tales from the Crypt). Kirk Douglas stars as a blood-and-thunder World War I general who discovers his son is a coward in the grim "Yellow," the most dramatically acute of the trio. Digital magic morphs Humphrey Bogart into "You, Murderer," a high-concept, rather gimmicky tale of murder, double crosses, and poetic justice as seen through a dead man's eyes. Isabella Rossellini (daughter of Bogie's Casablanca costar Ingrid Bergman) and John Lithgow costar as plotting lovers.
Les Contes de la crypte
Cette comédie horrifique est basée sur les comics des années 50 de Williams M. Gaines. Chaque épisode est une histoire indépendante, avec de prestigieuses guest-stars régulièrement devant ou derrière la caméra.