Sonny Barger

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Gimme Shelter

Gimme Shelter

Dec 13, 1970
Une chronique détaillée de la célèbre tournée de 1969 du groupe de rock britannique The Rolling Stones aux États-Unis, qui a culminé avec le concert désastreux et tragique donné le 6 décembre au festival gratuit Altamont Speedway, un événement d'importance historique, car il a marqué la fin d'une époque : la génération de la paix et de l'amour est soudainement devenue la génération de la désillusion.
Hell's Angels '69

Hell's Angels '69

Sep 10, 1969
Two brothers have a plan on how to rob the Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas. They join a motorcycle gang and while the others are drinking and partying outside of town, they change their clothes and head off to rob the casino. Of course, the police do not look for two well dressed criminals among the Hell's Angels.
Hells Angels Forever

Hells Angels Forever

Oct 09, 1983
What starts off as a squadron of American daredevil bombers in World War II, branded by society as renegades, turns into a revealing ride into the world of honor, violence, and undying passion for motorcycles on the road.
I Ride

I Ride

May 12, 2011
Since “The Wild One” in the 1950s the world has been fascinated with the mythic culture of the American biker. Who are these people with the loud motorcycles, leather jackets, tattoos, and long beards? Where are they going as they roar through town in large packs? And what do they do when they arrive wherever they’re going? I RIDE is the film that finally tells the true-to-life story of the biker community in America. Through the eyes and music of The Fryed Brothers Band, I RIDE will take you on an illuminating road trip through the biker world: bare knuckle fights you actually sign up for, wild bar-b-ques and camp outs, and partying raw and rowdy at some of the biggest hard core biker festivals. This trip will wind up at Sturgis, South Dakota for a Fryed Brother Band performance to end all performances.
Le retour des anges de l'enfer
Dans une banlieue de San Fransisco, un jeune pompiste est mis à la porte, et est admis au sein de la bande des Anges de l'enfer. Plus tard, il est attaqué par deux marins. Ses nouveaux amis les retrouvent, et le chef tue l'un d'eux. Lorsque le sherif vient les interroger, ils fournissent tous un alibi à leur chef...
Gonzo : Une Histoire de L'Amérique des Années 70
L'écrivain, journaliste américain Hunter S. Thompson, génial fauteur de troubles, précieux témoin d'une époque unique, sorte de poète, voire de prophète halluciné, amoureux désespéré d'une Amérique qui n'a cessé de le tromper, appartient à cette race de phénomènes typiquement «sixties» dont on ne retient généralement que les frasques. Ayant très jeune pris conscience que son appartenance à la classe moyenne inférieure le privait de privilèges accordés à ses amis mieux nantis, le jeune homme a développé un goût extrême pour la provocation. Celle-ci est devenue le carburant principal de son métier de journaliste. Chacune de ses investigations ont été plutôt des immersions, donnant naissance à des enquêtes bourrées d'anecdotes, d'expériences souvent à la limite de la légalité...
Harley-Davidson: The Spirit of America
Hop on a Harley for this tour of the nation's highways and byways with other motorcycle enthusiasts by your side. This documentary examines the cult of Harley-Davidson and its followers, who traverse America free and unencumbered on their beloved "hogs." Viewers will make a side trip to South Dakota for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally; celebrate Harley's 100th anniversary in Wisconsin; join the 9/11 Patriot Ride and the Love Ride; and more.
Off The Boulevard

Off The Boulevard

Jan 01, 2011
Off The Boulevard is a story of art and heart; and the struggle it takes to believe in your dreams. It is an entertaining and informative Documentary Feature about seven artists: two Musicians, two Filmmakers, two Actors, and one Comedian, whose friendships are created by struggle and perseverance. Their journey will inspire and educate all those who follow their own path.
Dead in 5 Heartbeats

Dead in 5 Heartbeats

Jun 02, 2013
Adapted from the successful novel, Dead in 5 Heartbeats, by Ralph "Sonny" Barger with Keith and Kent Zimmerman. The story follows the Infidelz MC's former President, Patch Kinkade, who has left his personal demons behind for the calm of desert life. When war erupts between his brothers he left behind and the rival Hooligans, Patch rides back into town to either make peace or do battle.
Angels from Hell

Angels from Hell

Jun 05, 1968
Mike, a biker, returns to California after serving in Vietnam. He uses his war-hero experience to organize a new, united super outlaw gang. When one member is shot by police because he killed a girl at a pot orgy, an all-out cop vs. biker war results.
Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy

Dec 09, 2014
L'histoire se déroule à Charming, ville fictive du comté de San Joaquin en Californie. Une lutte de territoires entre dealers et trafiquants d'armes vient perturber les affaires d'un club de bikers (Motorcycle Club, ou MC en anglais). Ce club, nommé , Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original couramment abrégé en SAMCRO, fait régner l'ordre dans Charming. Clay Morrow, président de SAMCRO et patron du garage Teller-Morrow, ainsi que Jax Teller, vice-président, mènent le club. Les Sons of Anarchy sont à la fois craints par la population mais également très respectés et admirés pour leur code d’honneur et leur capacité à maintenir l’ordre et rendre justice dans les situations délicates.
Secrets of the Hells Angels
A deep dive into the international motorcycle club the Hells Angels, with access to former chapter presidents, undercover agents who risked their lives to infiltrate the group and others who witnessed the criminal activities to reveal that the Hells Angels were a much more violent, devious, and highly organized group than anyone realized.