Tara Deshpande

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Bada Din

Bada Din

Jun 11, 1998
It is Christmas Day in Calcutta and David Dawson is off to celebrate it with his sweetheart, Nandini Shom. The meeting does not go well as Nandini wants him to start working so that they can get married and start a family, while David wants a career as a musician. She tells him that she will never see him again. Despondent, he returns to his rented apartment and is chided by his landlady, Lillian, who threatens to have him evicted as he has been delinquent in paying his rent for over a year...


Sep 20, 2002
Nandini, jeune Indienne expatriée au Canada, tombe amoureuse de Shekhar avec qui elle a un fils. Face aux menaces qui pèsent sur ses parents, Shekhar décide de rentrer en Inde. Il emmène femme et enfant et rejoint sa famille dans un coin reculé du Rajasthan. Nandini découvre un monde primitif dominé par la peur et soumis à des règles dont elle n'avait aucune idée. Narsimha, le beau-père de Nandini, est un homme chauvin, violent et réactionnaire : il l'effraie, car il incarne une Inde qu'elle croyait disparue. Shekhar, lui aussi, veut repartir, mais sa mère le persuade de rester. Au cours d'un déplacement dans la région, il est assassiné. Nandini décide après les funérailles de quitter définitivement l'Inde, mais Narsimha lui refuse le droit d'emmener son petit-fils. Nandini va tout mettre en oeuvre pour ne pas quitter le Rajasthan sans son fils.
Encounter: The Killing
Inspector Sam Bharucha (Naseeruddin Shah) is an honest and diligent Police Inspector. He frequently comes across youth gangs, calling themselves "bhai". He also has marital problems with his son himself calling himself a "bhai", and associating with criminal elements. One day during one of this patrols, there is a shoot-out between a youth gang and his police party. A number of youth are killed.